View Full Version : Ice Storm Warning - please pray for us! 2 pic added #54 & 59

01-12-2007, 10:46 AM
We are under warning for a major ice storm from now until midnight Sunday. It has been freezing drizzle all morning and supposed to get heavier this afternoon. They are saying at least an inch of ice which means lots of power outages. That would mean no heat for me! (and lots others)

Please keep us in your prayers. This looks like it could be a bad one. :(

01-12-2007, 10:52 AM
prayers on the way! keep safe and warm! It's -22 here right now. gawd, I hate winter. :(

01-12-2007, 11:04 AM
Oh, Connie, I saw this on the news earlier.

Please keep checking in with us so that we know you are alright!

xxoo Gini

01-12-2007, 11:06 AM
I'll pray everyone shall be safe and sound,

I feel sorry for people with exotic pets like reptiles, with the power out how shall they keep there little critters warm?

Same goes with tropical fish tanks, I don't think many people are prepared for these kinds of things.

01-12-2007, 11:07 AM
Prayers- and get things ready- the wood for a fire- and back up to eat. We use out gas grill so make sure the tanks are full to cook... Pull water incase the power goes out ( we have a well which needs power) and lock down the house-
the same storm is heading out way so I will be watching.. Keep us updated if you can..

01-12-2007, 11:10 AM
:) Yes Kansas & Oklahoma is to get the worst.. They even have us in the ice storm.. Just like we need another one of those :rolleyes: .. As if Mother Nature even asked us for permission.. Prayers to all from my household..

01-12-2007, 11:17 AM
They just said this may be the worst one we've had ever!!! :eek: I just checked the weather channel's site. They are saying it's going to be a crippling ice storm. :(

I remember a really bad one about 10 years ago. I sat there in the dark listening to what sounded like gun shots. It was tree branches breaking. I had an old furnace then but it was gas and stayed on so at least I was warm. One of the neighbor's car was crushed by a fallen tree branch.

I hate winter too!!!! :(

01-12-2007, 11:21 AM
Yikes! Ice storms are the WORST! Keep safe, warm and dry.

01-12-2007, 12:03 PM
My In-laws are in Lenexa, and Mom said it is all over the news that it is supposed to be awful! Our prayers are with all you! Stay safe and make sure you are equipped with extra blankets,candles ,canned food ,batteries, pet foods, jugs of water etc. Please keep us posted.

01-12-2007, 12:05 PM
Oh no, I hope you stay safe and warm! This has really been a bad year for Colorado/Kansas. I hope spring comes early.

01-12-2007, 12:05 PM
I just had a look at a sattelite image of USA - good grief! It's one big grey cloud, except for Florida and California. MOFF, I hope you'll be safe and warm! Get your candles burning, put the wollen socks on and make yourself a hot drink! :)

01-12-2007, 12:07 PM
Run a few gallons of water into bottle or even pans for now, so if the power goes out, you'll have that. Get out your matchs, test batteries in flashlights, and locate candles while it's still daylight, put 'em on the kitchen table - or some other obvious place. Is your stove electric or gas? If it's gas, maybe make some dough to stick in the refridgerator that you can bake in the gas stove even after the power has gone out.

If you make all these preparations, maybe the power will stay on!

You can help keep the lines to your own house safe by going out every hour or so and shaking/knocking the ice off the lines, and off any branches that hang over them.

Stay warm and safe, and we'll be thinking of you!

01-12-2007, 12:19 PM
:) Thank you Karen.. Yes I have learned all of those cautions & preperations.. I start getting bedding thick for the outside dogs.. I keep them in warm food & water.. Then I make sure to get the indoors all set up with plenty of all kinds of food for the girls & me.. Yes I am lucky I have a gas oven & range..
Run a few gallons of water into bottle or even pans for now, so if the power goes out, you'll have that. Get out your matchs, test batteries in flashlights, and locate candles while it's still daylight, put 'em on the kitchen table - or some other obvious place. Is your stove electric or gas? If it's gas, maybe make some dough to stick in the refridgerator that you can bake in the gas stove even after the power has gone out.

If you make all these preparations, maybe the power will stay on!

You can help keep the lines to your own house safe by going out every hour or so and shaking/knocking the ice off the lines, and off any branches that hang over them.

Stay warm and safe, and we'll be thinking of you!

01-12-2007, 12:20 PM
I'll keep you guys in my prayers. Hope everyone stays safe and warm.

We're supposed to get some nasty weather this weekend, but thankfully no ice. I hope! :o

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-12-2007, 12:24 PM

I'll be praying for you guys!! and you guy's powerlines to hold strong.. you will be just fine as long as your power stays on!

We had an ice storm 2 years ago the power was out for most of one day.. i'm not sure how much ice we got but it made for some pretty pictures.!


i put some birdseed out and these little bitty birds were *EVERYWHERE!!!*
(and a Tinky and Jupiter in the window watching them!!!!!!)




:o sorry to post so many pictures.. but i thought they turned out pretty... and it isn't everyday that you get to take pictures like that... :o

01-12-2007, 01:16 PM
MoFF, prayers being said. Be safe and warm. The weather forecast in Chicago is for every form of precipitation possible between now and Monday morning - rain changing to freezing rain, sleet and then to snow on Sunday with as much as ten and a half inches possible. If I ever earn or win a gazillion dollars I'm moving somewhere that it doesn't snow like this.

01-12-2007, 01:24 PM
Oh man! I hope this is one of those Y2K things where they freak out for thing, but as everyone said, be prepared anyway.

Make sure your cellphone stays charged, too so you can stay in communication with whomever you need to.

The power just went out on us Wednesday night for a few hours. Very scary.

Good luck!

01-12-2007, 01:55 PM
{{Thinking of you as always!}}

01-12-2007, 02:22 PM
Connie....please keep posting so we know you are OK.

{{{more hugs}}}
slick xoxoxo

01-12-2007, 02:26 PM
Ooh, and one more thing - make yourself a great big kettle of your favorite soup/stew - if you have a crock-pot or slow-cooker, even better. If you don't have a crockpot, put it simmering on the stove in the heaviest pan you've got - that'll help keep it warm longer if the power and/or gas go out, and it'll perfume the air with a warm cozy smell.

01-12-2007, 02:58 PM
Thanks everyone!

I did make some cornbread and had some with chili over it for lunch. I like cornbread with chili or beans; hot or cold! :D

I think my cook stove will still work even with the power off. It's gas but has no pilot lights; just little igniter things. I think it will still light using a match though.

We have been having sleet for several hours now. They say that's the best thing to have in this situation because it doesn't stick to the power lines. Yea for sleet???? :eek: ;)

01-12-2007, 03:29 PM
My thoughts are with you!
My sister and her family are in South West Missouri. They are getting/are going to be getting hit hard also.

01-12-2007, 03:44 PM
My thoughts are with you!
My sister and her family are in South West Missouri. They are getting/are going to be getting hit hard also.
Sounds like they are in the same corner I'm in. I'm in South East Kansas. We are real close to the Missouri/Kansas line.
I'll keep them in my thoughts and prayers too!

01-12-2007, 04:08 PM
:) MMmm oh yes nothing like the arouma & tummy full of Home Made Stew & Pot of Red Beans & or Chilie.. Now that will get you thru a storm..
Ooh, and one more thing - make yourself a great big kettle of your favorite soup/stew - if you have a crock-pot or slow-cooker, even better. If you don't have a crockpot, put it simmering on the stove in the heaviest pan you've got - that'll help keep it warm longer if the power and/or gas go out, and it'll perfume the air with a warm cozy smell.

01-12-2007, 04:17 PM
I think my cook stove will still work even with the power off. It's gas but has no pilot lights; just little igniter things. I think it will still light using a match though.

Ours is a gas stove with an electric ignite too. It did light up once we put a match to it, but you might want to test before the power goes out just to be safe.

01-12-2007, 04:25 PM
Is this the storm that has moved on, and become much more vicious, we had in Washington state starting on Wednesday afternoon? The hail, sleet, and snow has stopped falling but we are now frozen. Even with blue skies and sunshine, there is very little thaw.

Good luck with coping with this storm and I sincerely hope you don't lose power. Being forced to live with candlelight for more than a day becomes very dreary. We don't get ice storms here that cause cracking of branches, that noise comes when we have very high winds. It's almost impossible to sleep at night with that noise going on around you.

01-12-2007, 05:08 PM
It's not the living by candlelight that bothers me. It's the living with no heat in 5 degree weather that does. :eek:

01-12-2007, 05:11 PM
Weather Bug just let us know we are in for it too Moff, I made split pea and cornbread! will let ya know if we get it and if it heads our way first!

01-12-2007, 05:22 PM
the power here in my neighborhood in columbus went off on 12/23 at 6:03am. i know the time, i had just turned the coffee pot on and opened the door to let alex the wonder out for "morning duties". i saw the transformer across the block blow out, brillantly white blue as an ice encased branch broke onto it. we had no power here for a week. the temp in the house got as low as 42. we turned the gas stove on with matches, hung blankets over the kitchen doors to keep heat in, played board games by candle light, and slept, all of us, 1 canine,2 felines and 2 humans under 6 blankets in a queen size bed, cozy for all. true love is when someone will 'warm up' a toilet seat for you. check to make sure you know how to turn off your water, in case the pipes freeze as sustained low temps can make them burst,. mine didn't, but we were lucky. good luck, and may the storm be brief and easy for all

01-12-2007, 05:52 PM
Prayers from Indiana too Moff. We are supposed to get the ice too, but
only the northern part of the state. I really think the ice storms are sooo
much worst than plain snow.

01-12-2007, 08:06 PM
Sending some warming prayers your way MOFF. If you can, stay in close touch with us - we will all worry!

01-12-2007, 08:56 PM
Warm prayers coming your way!

01-13-2007, 10:56 AM
Here I am! I made it through the first storm. Now only two more to go. The one tomorrow is supposed to be the worst one of the lot. :(

We had lots of sleet which helped keep us in fairly good shape. The power lines around the house look good but it's really slippery out.
Most of the heavy ice went to Missouri! :( Oklahoma is really getting pounded too.

Please keep all the prayers coming for all of us. I'm sure they are helping. I hate to think what a mess we'd be in without them.
I'll keep all of you in my prayers too.

01-13-2007, 11:01 AM
Moff, I came on Pet Talk this morning just to check on you and I am relieved to see your post. I am really glad that you made it through this storm - now we just need to get you through the next ones as well.

Stay warm!

01-13-2007, 11:31 AM
Thanks gini!

Storm two has started!!! :(

01-13-2007, 12:06 PM
Good luck. We had a small icing last night and today we've got snow.

01-13-2007, 06:08 PM
Good to hear from you Moff. Prayers that all still goes well for you
and the furkids. :)

01-13-2007, 06:08 PM
Moff, I came on Pet Talk this morning just to check on you and I am relieved to see your post. I am really glad that you made it through this storm - now we just need to get you through the next ones as well.

Stay warm!

MoFF I am just checking on you too... be warm and safe tonight and beyond.

01-14-2007, 09:09 AM
MOFF- how are you all??? The news looks awful!

01-14-2007, 10:06 AM
moff? hope you're just sleeping late. ((hugs))

01-14-2007, 10:07 AM
If Moff hasn't posted yet today, it must mean she is without power.

Let's all pray that she is alright!

01-14-2007, 12:07 PM
Here I am! Sorry to worry you!!!
I got tied up just doing stuff. I put some bread crumbs and dry cat food out for the birds. (the silly things love Meow Mix)

It's slicker than snot on a glass door knob out there and we don't have near the stuff Oklahoma and Missouri have! :eek:

Storm 3 is just now starting to move into our area. Looks like we will get a mix of freezing rain and sleet. That's supposed to continue until around midnight.

More prayers, please?
(((HUGS))) to you all! and THANKS
This would really be awful if I had to go through it by myself with out you all! :)

01-14-2007, 12:09 PM
Prayers on the way- and stay indoors..

01-14-2007, 12:21 PM
I hope your okay. Gosh, how scarry!!
Prayers going out to you and yours.
And a big warm hug, too.

01-14-2007, 01:07 PM
Connie, I'm glad you're ok. I'm in shorts and a t-shirt today. The colder, rainy weather is coming, though.

Hang in there!


01-14-2007, 01:29 PM
MOFF, I hope the storm takes a detour around your area.

We had a storm here today, a roof blew off a house, two bridges were closed and branches of trees broke off. I think it's over now. :)

Stay safe and warm!!

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-15-2007, 07:38 AM
Glad to see you are making it through the storms! :)

01-15-2007, 08:06 AM
Prayers and warm thoughts winging their way to you all. Keep warm and toasty and hope all animals are safe and warm too. you know to take plenty of hot drinks even if it is only hot water and lemon..... take care thinking of you all

01-15-2007, 08:48 AM
:) Brrrr = Well Texas has survived.. I slid into work this morning with ice - freezing rain - sleet.. I think only 10 of us has made it to work so far.. However Tulsa & Oklahoma City got it so much worse.. :(

Pawsitive Thinking
01-15-2007, 08:58 AM
Glad that you are safe!

I saw my first daffodil today and its only January :eek:

01-15-2007, 10:29 AM
I spoke with Momo yesterday afternoon and she was fine. It was snowing as we spoke and she hadn't had a power outage.....yet.

I also got to hear Leonardo. First he purred, then later in our conversation I could hear him calling loudly for his Mommy. Seems he gets lost sometimes. :(

Stay warm Momo and keep those hugs wrapped around you.

01-15-2007, 11:03 AM
Here I am!!!
Made it through the scheduled storms but all morning it's been snowing like mad!!! :( Go figure!!!
I think it should be moving out soon. I hope anyway!!!

Thanks for all the prayers. I'm sure they helped move the storm away from us. Our temps are going to be way below freezing until Wednesday.
Please continue prayers for those in Missouri and Oklahoma who have no power. Hundreds of thousands are powerless right now. :(

Oh, and Leonardo has been "found". He is 16 + now and he gets confused in the new house sometimes! :D (gosh do I know that feeling)

01-15-2007, 12:09 PM
Glad to hear you're okay! Poor Leo. Give him some scritches for me.

I'll keep all of those affected by the snow and ice in my thoughts. It's starting to gear up here.

01-15-2007, 12:28 PM
The poor little birds have been having a tough time of it too. Here is a picture I took this morning. It was snowing at the time. That's why one of them has white spots. Two of them were so tired they just sat down in the snow to rest and eat. They were munching on Meow Mix. They love the stuff and my cats like to share!!! :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-15-2007, 12:57 PM
poor little birdies!!

how sweet of the kitty kats to share their kibble with them!! ;) (should we now call it chirp mix) :eek:

01-15-2007, 01:28 PM
I'm glad to hear you are safe with power. During bad weather I always feel so bad for animals stuck out in the weather! Those birds look hungry!

01-16-2007, 04:10 AM
Oh Lordy Moff~

I didn't know that birds would eat Meow Mix!!!( that's Crazy~ but Cool :cool: )

I've got so many Bird Friends~ Mourning Doves, Juncos, Naughty Blue Jays, Sparrows, Cardinals , Woodpeckers, Nut Hatches, etc, who insist that I maintain the offerings!!! And, of course, I deliver the goodies~ :D

We've received some freezing rain, and a few inches of snow to boot, so, all my Birds have been eager to see what I'll do about it!!! :eek

What a Great Picture!!!!! ( Do you supply after dinner mints as well?)

01-16-2007, 05:07 AM
Glad to hear you are ok on the news over here they are saying that hundreds lost their lives in the ice storms is this true if it is god bless their souls, and glad you and your animals can share with the wild animals in your area.

Warm thoughts still winging their way to you.

01-16-2007, 12:41 PM
So far 40 people have died that I've heard about. There very well could be more that they find after they get power back on.
There are hundreds of thousands without power and the temps are in the single didgets at night. The wind chill was way below zero all night too.

I'm so grateful I have power. Thanks again for all your prayers.
I'm sure that's why we didn't get hammered as bad as Missouri because the radars showed us right in the middle of the ice track yet somehow the worse stuff missed us.

Sorry, Dorothy39, no mints served to birdies here!!!! They need to go somewhere else for dessert! :D

Looky what I just found sampling the Meow Mix!!!
I've been trying to make friends with this big guy since I moved here. He will have nothing to do with me, however.
At least he's getting a snack! :D

01-16-2007, 01:03 PM
I am glad to hear all is well.
The news is bad on our end- I am glad to see you are safe and warm- I pray they get the power on for the rest soon!

01-16-2007, 01:13 PM
Glad to see some good news after the bad!
I'm sure they don't mind being out in the weather for the snacks you put out! :D

My sister is in South West Missouri and feel lucky she was only with out power for about a day and a half.

01-16-2007, 01:17 PM
I'm glad you're safe and have power. :) How of your cats to share with the wild birds, they are having a hard time finding food I bet. :(

What a gorgeous black boy you have there - how close is he? In a few days, he'll be even closer if you keep feeding him. Is he a stray, or does he belong to someone? By the look of his ear, it seems that at some point he has been in a fight with another kitty - Fister's look the same.

01-16-2007, 01:30 PM
I just got shivers up & down my spine when I read ice storm. The 1998 ice storm I went through was horrible. Missed school for about a month & many people had no power & no water for 6-8 weeks. Most of the trees were broken to bits, or bent over touching the ground.

Many pets lost due to no heat & owners not being able to get to them. I had to walk about 15km to & from my friends place to feed & water her dog & try to keep her little animals alive... Only the dog survived, as we locked him in a small room, so his body heat kept him warm. Once the car was able to get to the house, he was removed & put in the hotel in town.

Oddly only 1 person died & that was due to a HUGE tree falling onto their motor home & killing them. Thousands & thousands of people were effected aswell, but a good chunk of the area was forest & not city. I was in a small town & trapped in there. The town recovered quickly, but we were litterly prisoners in our own town.. all outside roads were closed with hundreds of trees on the HWYs.

Our weather was as cold as -50C, which is about -50F for WAY too long. But our homes are designed to -50, so it wasn't too big of an issue even with no power.

I wish your area the best & a speedy recovery

01-16-2007, 01:39 PM
I'm glad you're safe and have power. :) How of your cats to share with the wild birds, they are having a hard time finding food I bet. :(

What a gorgeous black boy you have there - how close is he? In a few days, he'll be even closer if you keep feeding him. Is he a stray, or does he belong to someone? By the look of his ear, it seems that at some point he has been in a fight with another kitty - Fister's look the same.
Randi, I think he's a stray. He runs away if I get too close to him. He is finding food somewhere though. When I first saw him he was a skinny little fellow. Now he would make two of Chester. :D

Thanks everyone. We are pretty much prisoners in our homes right now. All this sleet and rain has frozen solid and the sidewalks can't be cleared because it is so thick. The road out front of my house is clear but we can't get to it because of the thick ice between the houses and it. Well, at least I can't. I can't risk falling because I can't get up if I do.

At least it's sunny today!!! :)

01-16-2007, 01:52 PM
Thanks everyone. We are pretty much prisoners in our homes right now. All this sleet and rain has frozen solid and the sidewalks can't be cleared because it is so thick. The road out front of my house is clear but we can't get to it because of the thick ice between the houses and it. Well, at least I can't. I can't risk falling because I can't get up if I do.

At least it's sunny today!!! :)

Do you have a bag of salt? Start dumping it ontop of the ice right outside your door.. then try tossing some down the walk way.. once the ice is crunchy, you can beat it with a sludge hammer... that was my fav part of cleaning up the mess

01-16-2007, 02:05 PM
in my prayers, moff. I understand about being a prisoner! seen my general thread yet? we all got stuck inside the house yesterday -- that's one major good thing to have pets!! :D all those cuddles, huggles and snuggles ..cozy and cozy.

be careful, hope this will get over quickly too.

01-16-2007, 04:16 PM
Oh man, how scary. And people have lost thier lives due to the ice storm... :( :(

I have to say, although very frightening and sad, those are some beautiful pictures that have been posted.

01-16-2007, 09:36 PM
Oh MOFF - I was just coming to check on you ... #54 made me smile and #59 made me laugh out loud! Cassie leaves the little "bits" of dry food in the bottom of her dish - she only likes the whole pieces. So I throw those outside for the geese and squirrels to eat. I'm glad you are doing okay. We saw a reporter on the news last night who said his drive from Dallas to Oklahoma City, normally about 3 or 3 1/2 hours, took him 7 hours. Chicago dodged it once again - we got just a dusting of snow last night, but now the temperatures are dropping into single digits overnight. It's only mid-January and I am ready for warmer weather.

01-17-2007, 09:25 AM
:) UpDate in Texas is **** WE WOKE UP WITH SNOW FINALLY ALL OVER THE PLACE ** WOO HOO **** :D && nOW its trying to Sleet & of course all be Frozen all day.. I have pictures && now need time to post them all..

01-17-2007, 10:13 AM
Connie, I am so glad that you are alright and not without power. I loved your pictures - and your "new friend" is very handsome. But, just like Randi, I noticed that he has a few battle scars on his ear. Mr. Rascal has an ear that looks like that too - he just loves the good fight and hates being an indoor cat because of it.

I love the Birdie Buffet!

Stay warm and safe - and here's come hugs for you too.

01-17-2007, 11:27 AM
Connie, I am so glad that you are alright and not without power. I loved your pictures - and your "new friend" is very handsome. But, just like Randi, I noticed that he has a few battle scars on his ear. Mr. Rascal has an ear that looks like that too - he just loves the good fight and hates being an indoor cat because of it.

I love the Birdie Buffet!

Stay warm and safe - and here's come hugs for you too.

Some rescue groups who practice TNR ,notch the ear of the cat after it
is spayed/neutered so that they can tell them from the others they still need to catch. If he ever gets closer to you maybe you can check him out.

Take care Moff, just stay inside & stay warm. :) That ice has to melt sometime, right? :)

01-17-2007, 12:26 PM
Take care Moff, just stay inside & stay warm. :) That ice has to melt sometime, right? :)
I'm beginning to doubt it!!!

We are to have snow flurries this afternoon and snow this weekend!!! They haven't said how much yet but are just saying "several inches".

My sidewalk is still iced over from this storm. My neighbor kid couldn't get it off. Plus the city buried us in at the curb with about 2 feet of the stuff they scraped off the street. It's frozen too.

No mail has been delivered since Friday and, while I have plenty of food, I have visions of having to have an air drop of chocolate over my house like the poor cows out in Colorado had for food!!! :eek:

Good news is they think it will be above freezing tomorrow (by about 3 degrees). It won't have time to get off before the next round though.


01-17-2007, 03:32 PM
Connie, I have been wondering about you, but haven't checked in as I need to! :o

I'm glad you still have power and I do hope there is an end to this mess in sight!!!!

Hang in there!


01-17-2007, 04:34 PM

No mail has been delivered since Friday and, while I have plenty of food, I have visions of having to have an air drop of chocolate over my house like the poor cows out in Colorado had for food!!! :eek:

No Chocolate :eek:

I guess we could mail in a relief supply if the mail can get through. :D