View Full Version : Three Toes Surviving ..

01-11-2007, 11:32 PM
another story from me.. :rolleyes: dear lord, it has been so surreal and, A LONG day!! stinging goosebumps and tingling burn still...

there's a long spooky road in/by foggy woods on way home from school - I pulled over because I wasn't feeling too well .. a really good idea! well, nobody would want to puke in their car .. and I thought I had took the keys with me and shut the door to run over the shoulder. not. :eek: :(

a few minutes after, I realized I'm locked out!! standing in two feet of snow, I only was wearing leisure pants, a tank under running jacket and sandals! "mommy.. what are you doing outside??" asked tilted-head crayola. LUCKILY I somehow (unusually) had my pager in my jacket pocket - I emailed/phoned everyone as I could and left my pager on top of my car with an opening email for someone to see in case they are looking for me then took off to run.. jog.. that did not keep my toes warm!

I came back to the car a couple of times checking for my responses ..NONE for about three hours! I wasn't really comfortable leaving crayola alone in the car .. you know. I swear I was thinking all about david kim's recent death (oregon family's father died looking for help, anyone heard that news?) - it was totally dead-drop freezing out there!! ..now I can imagine. I couldn't feel any half of my feet and toes were numbing up and I started to fall, losing balance, even standing. you don't have feet or any structures!! I couldn't believe my eyes how PALE my toes were, totally white, totally...it even made some crinkling crinkles. :o scary. then I suddenly recalled somewhere off internet or magazine .. gather barks/moss/twigs to keep yourself warm. for my toes, were too late, I put them in between of large barks I peeled off anyway, I think it prevented going more colder and kept my waists warmer.

finally someone drove by - thank god - driver saw me waving, stopped and told me he knew where to get jack slim (sp?) then drove away. JUST about when he left, my friend who I am staying with responded!! he rushed over and found me sitting on my thunder's warm hood. he carried me into his jeep, turned on hiiigh heat. all me sitting there chattering, trembling and curled up like an armando while he called for road assistance. I feel so bad looking at crayola in another car waiting! :(

about ten minutes later, the guy came back! had the key hand to me, we thanked and left as soon as we could. I tried my best to drive without a "foot"! all I know I was pushing the gas. I had about 40 minutes warm bath when I got back here, until I see white toes going red through purple.. and now it has been over three hours I came back from snowy woods - still getting chills, wheezing (icy saliva/tissue in process of melting I guess) and even too cold to touch myself..thighs, fingers and chest. I pulled out a blanket out of dryer thrice and drank good ol'chai latte twice. wearing two layers of socks as well, ribs, lungs and especially three toes are still sore, bruised up.

any suggestions?? I should be okay, right?? I hope I don't have to go to hospital!

no, bubblewraps wouldn't work for this one.. :D

01-12-2007, 12:32 AM
Make sure everything you are wearing is dry. Another warm bath wouldn't hurt, then curl up with your fur-covered heating pads (a.k.a. and Ark of kitties, and even Crayola). Can you wiggle all your toes?

Tomorrow invest in covered shoes! Sandals + snow = not good!

01-12-2007, 01:27 AM
what color are your toes now? long as they are normal now it should be okay. The hospital could give you a warm IV to speed things up. Take your temp if it's low it's still exposure or shock but shouldn't be shock. If it's up your just sick, and considering puking got you into this that's likely it but makes bouncing back harder.

01-12-2007, 08:31 AM

If you truly have frostbite, your toes would be black and you would have no feeling in them whatsoever. It could very well be that your feet are just VERY COLD from wearing sandals in winter. It's always something, isn't it??

01-12-2007, 08:54 AM
please never ever get into a car in winter without real boots on your feet, a real coat and gloves, even if you're only going to the store down the block, it's winter and this is too dangerous a risk. ((HUGS)) also, since i've locked myself out ( :eek: ) a duplicate cardoorkey in my wallet cost $3 and joining AAA cost $60 is worth it.

01-12-2007, 09:09 AM

If you truly have frostbite, your toes would be black and you would have no feeling in them whatsoever. It could very well be that your feet are just VERY COLD from wearing sandals in winter. It's always something, isn't it??

Very true=)

01-12-2007, 10:44 AM
And, next time? Consider breaking the window on the passenger's side to get in.....3 hours is a little bit of a long time to wait in such conditions. ;)

01-12-2007, 10:59 AM
I agree. Whenever driving in winter, ALWAYS make sure to bundle up - even if the car you are driving has a powerful heater. You never know when you're going to break down and be stranded.

A couple in Saskatchewan who hit a ditch and were stranded tried walking home. They were found, frozen to death, 200 metres from their house.

01-12-2007, 10:59 AM
:confused: I didn't think I'd get frostbites, my toes are good now! my feet are USED to the cold, (it doesn't feel cold either unless I'm outside walking for more than 30 minutes,) I've grew up right by the coast for years and years, it occassionally sunshines. that's why my body didn't react cold until a couple hours later.

hey, I only was on my way home .. I know this was a kind of risk.. okay, here's my excuse - my car's so unorganized and full since I'm moving around, so yup, I'm not prepare for road emergencies stuff yet. :p I've been meaning to duplicate my key but the home depot here doesn't have the copy of my key!

I know cataholic!! we got stuck in woods, only email/text system would work, not phone >_<, road assistance take phone calls and my friend was working until 6PM, I waited because I thought he'd respond sooner. I had nothing to break my window with and they (the sides) are not made full of glass. owhell, it happens! it won't stop me from wearing sandals, I just love the cold breeze feeling. :)

01-12-2007, 11:06 AM
Glad everything turned out ok, but if nobody was answering, why not call 911?!

Also.... if I may ask, where in PA are you? There's no snow here nor anywhere near here for a loooong time! I'm jealous! :D :p

01-12-2007, 11:24 AM
catnapper, you wouldn't believe this - relay cannot dial 911 for us! :(

I left PA (allentown, about 40 minutes from you!) about a week ago, I'm back in new york. it finally snowed here in upstate two days ago too! :D :D but for only one day.. :rolleyes: ..