View Full Version : Are you into Photography?

01-11-2007, 08:16 PM
I was just woundering if many of us on here do photography,

Like I'm going to be joining some pro classes to get better at what I do then for my birthday I'm going to get a realy good camera to start using for real --- Like in competitions and such, this will hopefuly lead me into somthing profesional for my life ... same goes with art and such.

I honestly find taking pictures makes me feel realy good about my self because I know it's somthing I'm actualy good at, like when I look at some realy good photo's around in galleries and such it's so awsome, how almost every moment in those photo's taken can be seen with our own eyes --- Like we where actualy there at the time this photo was taken.

I have also been told by many people there amazed at some photo's I take, sorry I don't post them on here :o, I usualy post all my work on my photo sites to get them judged lol, I have a bunch of photo's I have taken threw this year so hopefuly when I get the time I'll get my best shots n post em with out the frames lol.

Do you do photography and what does it mean to you? :)

01-11-2007, 08:55 PM
Starting out and getting better. Only 2 years of experience with digital cameras and I wish I could learn the logistics of it, like aperature and all that technical stuff. Heck, I barely understand the grid-box thing :p I'd love to take a photography class, but, right now, I'm more focused on learning more languages in my spare time.

01-11-2007, 08:58 PM
I really enjoy photography. I have taken one photography class (mostly about learning to use my digi SLR camera in manual mode) and hope to take more when time and money allow. :)

01-11-2007, 09:32 PM
Photography is amazing.
I especially love how it can link us to the past so well. I'm a very visual person, so seeing a picture really helps me to understand something.
When I find time, I love playing around with cameras and such. I'm not great, by all means, and my camera is worthless, but I work with what I've got.

I'm not too hooked on photography at the moment, as I've been concentrating on other things (have been dirtbiking & playing music more recently than anything else).

I'll be shadowing under a pro photographer in the summer, though. =]

01-11-2007, 10:22 PM
I think photography is such a creative way to express ourselves. We can tell what we love or what we are interested in through photography. Once you get good enough, you can have your own unique style of taking photos. Whether you just take pictures of a part of something, or focus in on something that most people don't look at right away.

I am just starting out, but getting better. I hope to get really good and go into photography as a career.

Anita Cholaine
01-12-2007, 08:19 AM
I've been doing photography for about a year now. I never took classes, but I'm hoping to do it this year. I've been using my digi cam by now, but my dad also got me a film SRL. I know the basics about it, but I really want to learn more.

For me, photography is the best way I have for expressing myself. I love showing people things they don't normally see. It makes me feel good about myself, when I take a picture and I love the way turned out, no matter what other people think about it.
I've also found out that it's great to escape from everyday problems, you know, it's just you and your camera, nothing else matters.

I'd love to see everybody's photos, maybe we could post some in this thread ;)

01-12-2007, 09:12 AM
I voted other.

I love to take pictures and to get my degree actually had to take a Photography class. We were not allowed to use digital or automatic cameras though. Had to be standard film where you physically had to set the f-stops. It made me regret never getting into Yearbook or Photography in High School.

And I wish I could remember all I learned about f-stops and such, but alas, I can't.

I'm just a point and shoot kind of person. I don't really take the time to find an artsy shot.

I envy Kay and Kass for their talent of capturing something so simple and turning it into a gorgeous piece of photographic art.

I have no idea how to train my eye to do that. :o

01-12-2007, 10:01 AM
I chose starting out because I'm just starting to get right into photography and take more pics, the only thing I hate is that my camera isn't as good as I wish I could afford. But someday I will get a better camera. I love pictures so much specially those perfect moment ones :D

01-12-2007, 11:59 AM
I LOVE photography. But that doesn't mean I'm good at it. :p

Miss Z
01-12-2007, 12:08 PM
I've tried a little bit, mostly with flowers. I can't say I'm that great at it but I think that now I have a better eye for a good photograph than I used to.

My friend Katherine, whom I doubt will see this thread due to the ailing health of her computer :p , is an amazing photographer. Just yesterday she showed me some pictures she took whilst on holiday in Majorca. Those photographs I'm sure would be displayed in travel agents windows, they are pictures I would never get in a million years! *bows down to Katherine* :D

01-12-2007, 01:06 PM
I chose yes. I've been doing photography for at least 15 years. I've had a college course on it. I would love to take a digital photography course. But, don't want to do that until I get the camera I want.

I also carry my camera everywhere. I almost never miss out on a wanted photo.

01-12-2007, 01:31 PM
I think most of the people on PT are into photography! I definitely am. I've been "attempting" it since I was 10, LOL. :rolleyes:

01-12-2007, 02:13 PM
not just yes.. definitely YES!!

all these years at thanksgiving and christmas dinnertable, I was always left out, bored while they blab off about everything - I'd find something to do, especially sneaking to someone's camera and play with it... then I became expert (skilled) at it! :D only one more thing I need to be a real photographer.. a right (but expensive) camera!! not that I don't love my camera I have now, I would like a more complicated one.

a week ago when I realized (thought) my camera was gone, you wouldn't believe how crazy I went!! and sooo relieved when I heard it was found. :o :o I even took pictures of my to-be frostbites. :p

even you don't post them here, argranade, I certainly can see you're a great photographer anyway! there are many good photographers out there, I see that especially in animal/wildlife lovers!

anita cholaine, neat idea! why don't we post one picture that it means a lot to you, why is it your favorite one, etc.?? I will if I remember/see one..I have zilliony zillions..

01-12-2007, 02:35 PM
Definetly, I hope to make a career out of it :)

01-12-2007, 02:49 PM
I am just starting out and I love it.So far I have only taken pictures of my fur and fin kids.I love to take pictures and plan to get alot of outdoor pictures when I move to New Mexico.
My favorite picture I have taken are these 2:

Anita Cholaine
01-12-2007, 03:09 PM
anita cholaine, neat idea! why don't we post one picture that it means a lot to you, why is it your favorite one, etc.?? I will if I remember/see one..I have zilliony zillions..

That sounds great! I'll post mine as soon as I decide which one is my favourite (It's gonna be hard, I'm sure :p)

01-12-2007, 06:14 PM
I agree, we should post our favorite picture that we've taken.

Well, with my new camera I like this one... if it was a little lighter it would've turned out nice. Not sure why I like this one.

I really love this one of my dogs I took with my old camera. It's my favorite of them. (One of the very few I get them together) Even though it's a bit blurry, I like it.

01-12-2007, 08:37 PM
I LOVE photography, have ever since mom first let me use her polaroid when I was a kid, upgraded to the 126mm, to a disk camera, then to the 110mm, then finally in '92 upgraded to my first SLR (got a second one a year later), and in 2002 finally managed to upgrade to a digital (I'm on my second one now, thinking of a third). lol

I've done several photography classes to get a few more pointers and learn to develop/print film. I tried to go pro with it doing art shows, however it's hard to compete with Wally's World selling a photocopied print in a cheap frame for $4, and crafts seem to dominate most of the shows anyways. Tons of people kept telling me how 'beautiful the pix were and I should make a lot sellinig them' however they hardly bought any and after most weekends I'd barely make back my booth fees. So I eventually gave it up and stick with it being a very rewarding but expensive hobby. lol

I've got TONS and TONS of pix around the house, of just about everything you can take pix of, although my talent seems to lie in: landscape, nature, animals, architecture, and some abstract. I've been asked many times to do people's weddings/graduations, but have turned them down as I don't feel my people shots are worth enough for something as special and one time as those events.


finn's mom
01-12-2007, 09:05 PM
Photography's been a love of mine since 1993. :) I've got some actual paying jobs lined up, I'm pretty excited.

01-13-2007, 06:13 AM
"Into" photography is an understatement.

I'm in the process of setting up a portfolio.

Recently I took pictures of my friend's sons for her Christmas cards, soon I am taking photos for a friend's album cover, and I'll possibly have a job doing a wedding. :D

I'd like to do this as my career or atleast a little side job. I always have one of my cameras with me wherever I go!

01-13-2007, 06:47 AM
since september i have been taking a photography class last thing at school on a monday and wensday afternoon. i really enjoy it and feel i am getting better at it! :)

01-13-2007, 08:19 AM
I absolutely love photography. I am just starting out now, but I will get better, in fact, I think I am already. I hope to have a career in photography.

01-13-2007, 10:29 AM
I love photography!! :D I have always had some interest in it. At parties I would always be the one with a camera(film then),but I always liked taking pictures. I'm getting way better,later i'll post some recent pictures that I have taken and some of Rusty.

Next year in high school I'm going to try to take a class on photography and computer graphics. My brother has it now he likes it, and he really isn't really too much into photography or computer graphics so i'm sure i'm love it! :) I hope to have a career in photography :)

Some of my favorites: *I'm going to post some marco pictures later in general*
Flower,love the perspective- (I have another picture,but photobucket will not let it upload)

Praying Mantis,from around Halloween I love the details on it.

01-13-2007, 03:57 PM
Photography is my life. It's one of the very reasons I get up in the morning! I'd REALLY REALLY like to become a pro someday!

01-13-2007, 10:54 PM
I am pretty much obsessed lol ;). And have been for a good 10 years if not more. I am hoping to upgrade to an SLR at some stage this year when i can. I too have done a few freelancing 'jobs' for friends with their dogs/ kids etc and realy love doing it.