View Full Version : Baby Dale hurt his leg. *ALL BETTER*

01-11-2007, 07:39 PM
I am worried about litle Dale. :( He did not come racing for his canned food tonight. That is when I saw him just laying in a blankie by the heater. When I picked him up, he yelped. His front leg seems hurt. He cries when I try to touch is and he isn't walking on it.

So now the question is............. Is this a normal over-exertion hurt that kittens are prone to? Or is it more serious? He was sivering a bit (which made me totally panic!!) but after watching him further, he seems awake, aware and bright-eyed and his breathing is normal, not labored, so I decided to cage him (to pervent him from running and jumping), and watch him to make sure he doesn't seem in too much distress.

The emergency vet, if needed, is less than 2 minutes drive from here.

PRAY!!!!!!!!! That he only over exerted and did no serious damage. :( My poor baby, I hate when they hurt, especially when they are so small.

01-11-2007, 07:44 PM
Is There Any Swelling That You Can See Jen?
It Could Be That Its A Bruise Picked Up As He Was Racing Around, Or Maybe He Stepped On Something Sharp.
I Would Look At His Paw Pad.
We Hope Its Nothing Serious.
That Happened Once In A While To The Kitten Trio In Thier Chases Too.

01-11-2007, 08:22 PM
Oh poor baby hope he gets better :confused: So was he jumping around a lot??? I imagine being young and having a sibling the same age isn't easy :eek: They can be a handful at this age. I will say a little prayer for you tonight. I hope he gets better soon.... I know how hard it is on the human. So keep a close eye on that little boy and keep us updated

01-11-2007, 08:26 PM
Hopefully just a sprain. For some reason, Tabitha does that frequently. She really gave us a scare last week, she wouldn't even put her paw down. Next day it was back to normal. ;)

01-11-2007, 08:29 PM
Oh no that's terrible, I hate seeing any little animal like that hurt. I hope its nothing serious and that little Dale will be okay. If I were I would just keep a close watch on his leg for any swelling. It's very good that there is a vet so close to you. I hope Dale is okay, keep us updated.

01-11-2007, 09:36 PM
Awe, I hope he's going to be ok. He probably just hurt it jumping around. Furbee sleeps by the heater all the time too, and definitely yelps when I pick her up... but then that's Furbee, lol. I often wonder if she hates being picked up because she's heavy and her tummy hurts... :confused:

01-11-2007, 10:24 PM
Aww, poor little guy. It's so hard to seem them hurt, especially when they are so little. I hope it's nothing serious and he's back to his active kitten self tomorrow.

01-11-2007, 10:41 PM
I would just watch for swelling as well. My kittens do that sorta thing all the time. Suzie did it twice since I have had her. The next day she is always back to playing around. It is usually just a bruise and heals within a day or two. I hope he is ok, please keep us updated! Katie and kitties

01-11-2007, 11:50 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this.:( I hope it's nothing serious and that he'll be back to normal soon.

01-12-2007, 05:59 AM
Dale seems sort of OK today. The part that worries me now is that he doesn't want to eat, not even his canned food (that they normall KILL for). He is willing to walk around, but of course, he isn't putting weight on the leg. No swelling that I can tell, and nothing in the paw pad. So hopefully he will eat (and rest) today and feel better by the time I get home from work.

I am sure he misses Chip. :( But I don't want the rough-housing together.

01-12-2007, 09:21 AM
Oh poor boy Dale- but I wonder whether missing a brother keeps a healthy kitten from eating.

Sending good vibes over. :)

01-12-2007, 09:33 AM
Jen, I will pray that he is going to be just fine!!! Keep us posted.


01-12-2007, 09:35 AM
Jen, please keep up posted. I hope it is just a mild strain and nothing more than that.

01-12-2007, 09:57 AM
Dale seems sort of OK today. The part that worries me now is that he doesn't want to eat, not even his canned food (that they normall KILL for). He is willing to walk around, but of course, he isn't putting weight on the leg. No swelling that I can tell, and nothing in the paw pad. So hopefully he will eat (and rest) today and feel better by the time I get home from work.

I am sure he misses Chip. :( But I don't want the rough-housing together.

If you need to, I can take him in to Dr. Hess on Monday when I go there... if he's not better by then. Honeybun has an appt. at noon.

01-12-2007, 06:05 PM
How is Dale?
We are praying that hes better and reunited with Chip.

01-12-2007, 07:13 PM
When I brought Dale his canned food dinner tonight, I allowed Chip to come and share it (like always). Dale DID eat. Maybe not as much as I would like to see, but I am sure he had enough.

Dale does try to walk....... actually, I should say he tries to RUN..... which he cannot do. :( but when I coax him to slow down he has begun to put a bit of pressure on the leg.

He still acts so pitiful. I am sure he is hurting. :( But his "bed rest" seems to be helping. It still hurts me to watch him, though. :(

01-12-2007, 11:48 PM
How is Dale doing???

01-13-2007, 06:03 AM
Dale is on the mend. He wanted OUT this morning. Ate better. But stil obviously still hurting, so I will keep him confined at least one more day.

Big SIGH of relief. You can't imagine how scared I was when I first saw him.

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-13-2007, 07:27 AM
Dale might have hurt his leg while jumping from something! This happens all the time with my Inka, who has CH. Everytime this happens she is much calmer for a few days, napping a lot. But she always back to normal after a while :)
Give Dale a gentle hug from me!!

01-13-2007, 07:55 AM
I really really really hope he's getting better...

Glad he's eating OK.

01-13-2007, 03:49 PM
Just got home from work. Checked on Dale and he is ready to have a little exercise. (No stairs, though). He seems so much better. Now I just hope he doesn't go and try to OVER DO IT! :rolleyes:

01-13-2007, 04:43 PM
Jen I have to apologize for not posting before. I have been a bad girl lately and not posting much at all. I am sorry.

I am glad to hear that Dale is on the mend and I know that being the great meowmie you are you will keep a close eye on him to make sure he is not over doing it.

keep it a little calm ok Dale. Make sure you footsie and leggie is all better before you go wild again.

01-13-2007, 05:26 PM
One of the outdoor cats that I fed and eventually found a home for, Old Tom, occasionally would limp and hold up his front paw. Though not a kitten, I think it was from running around a lot. I could never see any swelling or visible cuts, etc. Hope this helps. And glad to hear that he's doing better.


01-13-2007, 05:53 PM
Glad he's feeling better... hope he'll be back to his spunky self soon!!

01-13-2007, 08:14 PM
I'm so glad that he's much better. Now hopefully he'll stay that way.:)

01-13-2007, 10:33 PM
I'm glad to read that Dale is doing much better. :)

Now take it easy there little fella.

01-14-2007, 08:22 AM
He's better! What more can I say? He seems as normal as ever today. Such a relief. Thanks for caring about the baby.

01-14-2007, 11:43 AM
It's funny how they spring right back, ey?

~Aki :D

i am glad you're baby is all better!

01-14-2007, 02:56 PM
So glad to hear this! Keep well, baby Dale!

Pat, Priscilla, Poppy, Peony, Elmer, and Sydney

01-16-2007, 07:35 PM
The Found Cats are jumping up and down now that thier Little Friend Dale is better and will be back chasing Chip around again.
It shows what Love and TLC will do.

01-17-2007, 03:32 PM
Glad to hear that baby Dale is all better again! ;)