View Full Version : should have known better

06-21-2002, 06:23 AM
This is one of those common sense things that shouldn't have happened but I'm sending this as a wake up just in case anyone else misplaces their common sense. Wednesday morning I was playing with our 10 month old kitten, Zingo, with a piece of fabric ribbon. My husband and I left for work and really didn't think about the ribbon until I got home and found only about half of it on the floor with obvious signs of chewing. Zingo had eaten about 8 inches of it. DIdn't eat,drink, or use the litter box Wednesday night. He did throw up a few times which made the emergency vet appointment a very definite choice. They kept him last night and were probably going to be doing surgery unless the laxative worked and the ribbon appeared. Before we left the vet I suggested very strongly to the Zing monster that he work with the laxative....so just an FYI to keep anyone else from suffering the horrible guilt I have right now (and to save the cat the "discomfort") NO RIBBONS!

06-21-2002, 06:30 AM
A Big Welcome Trinity - even though it's quite a worrying time for you. Hope Zingo has parted with the ribbon! Don't blame yourself - you know what cats are - they eat anything unpalatable and then turn their noses up at Tuna (well mine do!!)
Let us know how the furbaby goes on.


06-21-2002, 08:34 AM
I hope your kitty is doing better!

Don't blame yourself for Zingo's digestive mishap. Pets are like kids, no matter how much you baby proof and try to keep them safe, they will find a way to get into trouble. If it wasn't a ribbon, it would have been something else. This sort of thing happens to everyone. I though I had puppy-proofed my place, but everytime, I moved something or put it away, another tempting "morsel" would be found. One of my pups even ate a few peices of metal off my window blinds.:eek: . Despite the little bumps alog the road, he survived puppy-hood intack.

Let us know how your kitty is doing!:)

06-21-2002, 03:25 PM

Do not blame yourself. I had that happen to me a while ago, only it was with thread. I had been sewing kitty beds from an old comforter to donate to the local shelter. After I had put everything away, I noticed one of my cats was rubbing her butt on the carpet (something she NEVER does). When I looked, she had about 6" of thread sticking out. I cut it down so it wouldn't get caught on anything and rushed her to the vet (this was on a Sunday). He got it out and Marina was fine.

That was an expensive lesson ($65.) It can be very dangerous with thread or ribbon as it can get tangled around their intestines. And people who don't know any better will pull at it and cause it to tear the intestines which can be fatal.

So now I keep everything I think they can swallow away from them. It's better to be safe than sorry. Cats are like babies. They put EVERYTHING in their mouths.

I'm glad your kitty is okay. Welcome to a great site!!


06-21-2002, 07:22 PM
oh!!!! i hope he's alright! oh and welcome!!! :)

06-22-2002, 01:57 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk Trinity. I sure hope that your kitty is going to be okay. My cat Storm has eaten ribbon before but has been able to throw it back up. I have to be sure to keep ribbons, rubberbands, and twist ties hidden away from them. They are like kids and will eat what they're not supposed to. Please don't blame yourself and keep us posted with your kitty's progress.

06-22-2002, 05:00 AM
Trinity , is your kitten better ???? Do not take the blame on you ; if it would not have been that ribbon , it would have been something else !! That's how kittens are like . They experiment !!

please post how it's doing now !

06-24-2002, 06:09 AM
Thank you everyone for your responses. The ribbon appeared Saturday afternoon with a little bit of help. Zingo is home and back to his cute little self. This was definitely an expensive lesson ($500) but not one I will soon forget....as soon as I find a way to do so I will post pictures of the Zing monster and his big brother and sister, Kunan and Bouncer.

Thanks again! :)

06-24-2002, 06:20 AM
Thanks goodness all worked out fine !!!
Guess that ribbon didn't have the same colour as it appeared from the rear end of kitty-cat .........

06-24-2002, 11:43 PM
I'm so glad that Zingo is fine. You just need to remember that cats like to play and sometimes chew on almost anything. You almost need to baby proof your house. http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/baby.gifI can't wait to see the pics of all of your cats.http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/colours.gif

07-03-2002, 08:22 PM
Well, welcome, Trinity & Zing! Glad everything came out OK :) I guess the vet bill is how we sooth our feelings of guilt - I know I have.
Years ago (many!) my loverly calico Chloe developed a sensitivity in her jaw which a vet said was an abcess that we were to compress. Needless to say, that didn't work, and the poor thing seemed to be suffering so much, back she went, this time for X-rays.
Cats will be cats, and she had goten hold of a piece of thread that happened to still have the needle on the end. Yep, it was embedded in her jaw and neck. Back then the $70.00 vet bill was about like a $500.00 vet bill today! And the guilt?!?! Oh, God, did I feel like a creep.
I have learned to be more careful over the years, but Grasshopper is as curious as any of her kind, and a lot of her near misses have been plain dumb luck.
All our purry best to you - you are going to love this page, Trinity - the people are the best!! Can't wait to see some pics. I think someone started a thread in Cat General for posting pics. Check it out!

07-05-2002, 12:10 PM
So glad Zingo is all better....scarey situation... :(

Yes, post pics when you can...can't wait!! You can do it from your computer by uploading them....this feature is at the bottom of a "reply" or "new thread" screen.

Oh! And WELCOME to PetTalk!!! :)