View Full Version : Live Fish in a Toilet Tank ??

01-11-2007, 02:36 PM
I was searching on eBay for a purple toilet tank and seat cover set ... (BTW, if any of you have seen one, let me know! Can't find purple ANYwhere! :mad: )

And I happened across this auction listing. (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=020&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=300068485334&rd=1&rd=1)

What?!?! :eek:

Ok, maybe the fish aren't bothered by the motion of the water. I'm sure some fish live in quite rapidly moving water in the wild. However, what about the chlorine?! He says he's had fish live in this thing for two years now. I don't know ....

Seems a bit cruel to me! What do you think?

01-11-2007, 02:39 PM
How is the temperature regulated?? And what about the PH balances and all of that?? Is this really "for real" ????

01-11-2007, 02:40 PM
Have you seen this Twister?


As for the eBay auction.... I would never buy anything that big or expensive from across the pond anyway.

But irregardless of that, I think it's hokey and I can't imagine it's good for the fish.

01-11-2007, 02:47 PM
Have you seen this Twister?


As for the eBay auction.... I would never buy anything that big or expensive from across the pond anyway.

But irregardless of that, I think it's hokey and I can't imagine it's good for the fish.

Now that one isn't so bad, it's got a separate tank for the fish, and another for the water that actually is used to flush the toilet. Not that I think it's a good idea, mind you, but at least it's better than using the same water! :eek:

01-11-2007, 02:56 PM
Have you seen this Twister?


As for the eBay auction.... I would never buy anything that big or expensive from across the pond anyway.

But irregardless of that, I think it's hokey and I can't imagine it's good for the fish.

That's cool but I don't know if I'd buy one.
Twisterdog-has he been keeping the SAME fish in there for 2 years? Because I would think that would kill them with the chlorine and everything.

01-11-2007, 03:06 PM
by toilet covers you mean the thing that covers ( :rolleyes: ) the tank top and the seat nad a little rug for the floor??

I think I´ve seen purple.......just let me check......anyway if I did it was here

01-11-2007, 03:10 PM
That's gross. Why would anyone want fish there, anyways?

I found this.. It's more of a lilac than a purple.


01-11-2007, 03:28 PM
I just found these.......but they are pretty dark purple

yo can always get some fabric and sew some elastic around the edges and you get a unique one-of-a-kind-home-made set ;)

01-11-2007, 03:47 PM
Now HERE is two entirely different topics in one thread if I've ever seen it! LOL

I'm looking for the thing that goes around the tank of the toilet, and the thing that goes on the lid of the tank, and the thing that goes on the seat, all matching. Made out of the same material as a bath rug, but without the rubber non-slip backing. Did that make sense?

Husky_mom ... oooooh, no. I don't sew. I take things across town to my mommy so she can sew a button back on for me! ;) That Purple Store site is great! I LOVE purple ... but I guess it's not a "normal" color for home decorating, because I can never find anything. Of course, I live in the middle of the boonies, too.

I was thinking of sending this guy on ebay these questions and seeing what he says. I'll post the link if he answers. Hee hee hee

01-11-2007, 03:58 PM
Seems, uh...fishy to me. :p

Also, if you notice, this person has only been a member on eBay for 3 days, so I would be leery of this person. I don't see how something like that would be possible. It's probably a scam. The one Kim posted makes way more sense! *snicker*

Good luck in your search for purple toilet seat covers! ;)


01-11-2007, 04:29 PM
Can you imagine inviting someone into the bathroom to see your new fish? :)

01-11-2007, 04:34 PM
:) Hey now that is pretty cool.. Now I have a toilet seat that has garfield on it like he is clawing & states "Gaurded by a Attack Cat" the type is in purple that I got off E-Bay..

01-11-2007, 04:40 PM
Can you imagine inviting someone into the bathroom to see your new fish? :)

:o Welllll, I have to confess ... we have a snake in our bathroom. He likes the humidity and heat, so we put his house in the bathroom. It's acutally very pretty. He's a tree snake, and his house is all full of plants. It looks like a terrarium ... until you see him move. :o

01-11-2007, 06:18 PM
:o Welllll, I have to confess ... we have a snake in our bathroom. He likes the humidity and heat, so we put his house in the bathroom. It's acutally very pretty. He's a tree snake, and his house is all full of plants. It looks like a terrarium ... until you see him move. :o

Woah can you post pics of that!?

The most exciting thing in my bathroom is a tv... it was my dad's idea. :o

01-11-2007, 06:25 PM
The looks like a cheap plastic spinoff of a similar model I've seen. The tank only holds 3 gallons of unheated, untreated water so you really can't keep fish in it.

01-11-2007, 07:05 PM
Woah can you post pics of that!?

The most exciting thing in my bathroom is a tv... it was my dad's idea. :o

I can try ... the new digital camera and I have not exactly become friends yet. I'll start a new thread, though, this one is confusing enough without ANOTHER topic. LOL

Of COURSE it was your dad's idea ... he's a MAN! * ... must have TV everywhere ... must have TV everywhere .... * ;)

01-11-2007, 07:13 PM

Fish 'n Flush Toilet-Tank Aquarium Kit

This kit is a great starting point for nearly anyone. The Fish 'n Flush Toilet-Tank Aquarium Kit comes with only the highest quality components. Each part is carefully selected for it's performance, reputation, and ability to enhance the Fish 'n Flush Toilet-Tank Aquarium Kit that it accompanies. This kit is a great starting point for nearly any aquarist. All Fish 'n Flush Toilet-Tank Aquarium Kits are low voltage and safe to assemble and enjoy.

Just add gravel, water & fish!

The Fish 'n Flush Toilet-Tank Aquarium Kit Includes:

* Two-piece Aquarium Tank
* Dual-Filter System With Pump
* Two Nine-inch Artificial Plants
* Basic Aquarium Guide
* Flushing System
* Flush Valve
* Fill Valve

Home renovators looking to bring life to the smallest room in their home now have the chance -- with a toilet that doubles as an aquarium. The Fish 'n Flush is a clear two-piece toilet tank that replaces a standard toilet tank, with a see-through aquarium wrapping itself around a conventional toilet tank. (Handout/Reuters)

They are not in the toilet tank

01-11-2007, 08:08 PM
They are not in the toilet tank

No, the ones in the link you posted are not in the tank itself.

However, the ones in the link I posted ARE in the same tank as the water used to flush the toilet. :(

01-12-2007, 12:23 AM
ah okay. He replied to the question. They probably don't have chlorine in the water where he lives. Even in the US that varies. Wells some homes and when we lived in a certain small mountain town the city water was pure from a spring. We never filtered there. could do a full tank change and all fish were fine. It was sad when we moved to a real city and found out about chemicals in the water the hard way :(

01-12-2007, 09:04 AM
:o Welllll, I have to confess ... we have a snake in our bathroom. He likes the humidity and heat, so we put his house in the bathroom. It's acutally very pretty. He's a tree snake, and his house is all full of plants. It looks like a terrarium ... until you see him move. :o
That sounds so cool!! I'd love to see pictures too. :D

When my hubby was watching my baby gecko for me, he'd put her tank in the bathroom so she could enjoy the steam from his shower. :D

01-12-2007, 09:14 AM
Here is his reply to my question. Seems like a nice enough guy.

TamanduaGirl, that's exactly what I was getting ready to say ... probably no chlorine in the water there. And, actually, my friend has multiple 55 gallon tanks, and she has never de-chlorinated the water. Seriously. I freaked out one time when I was at her house and she was cleaning tanks. I'm screaming, "Karen! NO! Wait! You didn't dechlor yet!" She said she never does. :confused: Her fish are HUGE and very healthy.

I can certainly see goldfish being able to stand the cold water. I just can't see tropical making it. But who knows.

hello and good day
first of all i wan to calm you, i have the same 3 fish in the Taquarium and they are feeling great! (there was a forth fish that unfortunatly die a couple of weeks ago). when i designed the tanquarium my first concern was to the fish, the first mechanism was realy not suitable for fish, i dont know if you know it, but one can see how fish feel, when a fish is not feeling well it is acting wird... not swiming much, swim on the side, i dont realy know how to describe it but you can realy see when fish is not well. any way, when i tried the first Tanquarium i could see that it had bad effect on the fish after few minnets the fish were in it, when i saw it i took them out and put them in a regular aquarium, after tring it with many kinds of fish and discovring that it wasnt suitable for none of them, i transfered to plastic fish, by that time i had 6 big aquariums at home and some jars (big ones) with doesens of fish in them. Only after develoing the new Tanquarium mechanism i tried it again on living fish, this time it had no effect on the fish, not at all :)
the mechanism is build to reduce the presure when flushing, so the level of water goes down but the fish always have enoghe water to swim in and the are not vacumed to the drain hole. it been tested with many kinds of fish and the Tanquarium been found suitble for all the regular fish (zebra, siam, gold, koi, gupi ext.) but it never been tested on the more special kinds (like discuse for exp.) and i'm not sure they'll fit. my fish live in the Tanquarium for more than two year!!! that's mean it works, every one i asked who know something about growing fish told me it would never work... but no one told it to the fish yet, so they dont know it's not sepose to work ;)
you can also add air pamp to the Tanquarium (not needed because of the flushing ,it's mostly for beauty,) and termostat but as i said, i dont think it's needed...
everyone are welcome to come and see it works :)

01-12-2007, 03:19 PM
A 2 gallon aquarium is still way too small for most live fish, even if the water is changed constantly.

01-13-2007, 12:08 AM
most toilet tanks are 5-7 gallons it's the wrap around fish tanks that are 2