View Full Version : Eep ..

01-10-2007, 11:02 PM
okay, this is totally unexpected.. well, probably am a bit exaggerating because I expected this kind of distraught..but not today! it was about to slip out of my mind.

anyway, just am curious what would you do..? remember the previous landlord, ron I lived with in october and november? on 10th of december, he asked me to leave on the last day of december instead of asking his daughter to not enter "our" house.. I left the very next day as I was afraid his daughter would do something to my pets or possessions. he was slightly upset I didn't leave on the date he wanted me to.

so .. today, when I was at the rehearsal with the casts, he called and left a message with an apology... and pleading us to move back in.. :eek: he meant permanent. I first had a mixed thoughts, well...umm..eh. I thought where's justice? what he have done - wasn't very fair to us, my furkids and I - putting unnecessary distresses, emotions and pain for pretty awhile. I just don't think I should trust him by moving back in. if he couldn't handle the situation at first then he wouldn't be likely in the future too, I believe.

right now, we're staying at my friend's (big enough) apartment and we still really need a home for ourselves.. I don't know what to think?? that home was just perfect.. would it do any harm? I mean, what would we lose if we decide for a go?

:confused: .. :rolleyes: should I harden my heart a bit?? make a (few) guaranteed deal(s)? I'm still in searching for a new home anyway. your opinion(s)?

01-10-2007, 11:10 PM
I'd move back to Ron's, as he was nice enough to apologize, the house was a nice place and you can always use the rest of the month to look for a new place if things get strange again.

01-10-2007, 11:12 PM
What guarantees do you have that his daughter won't mess things up again?

That would be my only fear for you, hon.

He likes you there - but needs to make sure you are safe.


01-10-2007, 11:25 PM
read my post again, permanent home. such a wasted idea, why give an extra move more while I have a place here..

yeah, thanks catty.

01-10-2007, 11:34 PM
Well, the only thing that would be absolutely permanent is you owning your own place, but I do understand that, especially as a college student, you aren't ready for that. Would there be a lease agreement to sign, and stuff? It does have the nice yard for Crayola and even the Ark to venture out to and everything ...

01-11-2007, 12:38 AM
Gosh Gina, I really don't know what to tell you! :confused: I guess you just have to weigh the pros and cons and see whether the chance of having to still deal with his daughter is worth the other benefits of living there? Good luck!


01-11-2007, 08:38 AM
Permament sounds great...and it WAS a nice home for you.

BTW - is Ron out of hospital? Glad he is still around and hopefully feeling better.

01-11-2007, 11:02 AM
I don't understand how it could be permanent unless he's offering you the deed or asking you to marry him. Whatever way it could be, make sure you get everything in writing first!

01-11-2007, 11:15 AM
Gina, your life is never without drama is it? You poor girl.

I'm afraid I'm not abreast of what led to him throwing you out, but I say get some things in writing and have both of you sign it if you want to go back. Maybe have a legal professor read it over to make sure there are no loopholes. The more eyes look at it the better.

Either way, good luck.

01-11-2007, 11:23 AM
y i k e s.. I realize "permanent" means different in hearing culture. :rolleyes: nooo, not getting married! :o

what it meant in our culture (how I say it in sign language) was permanent home until I leave the state.. that home would have settled us down for a long time as we need it, no lease. flexiblity, spacious and not too far from school.

I thought of a few deals, e.g. a couple of free rents, an addendum, a contract of lease, etc., and this thread will be closed once the decision is made.

I'll share an update, and thank you all.

01-11-2007, 11:39 AM
I thought of a few deals, e.g. a couple of free rents, an addendum, a contract of lease, etc., and this thread will be closed once the decision is made.
How about that he's not going to evict you for no reason again?

01-11-2007, 12:03 PM
yes, definitely, that's the part of lease contract I was thinking about.

catty, last I heard (know) from him, he was still having a pain in a leg. I suppose he's home now because he called me yesternight, asking us to move in.

01-11-2007, 12:10 PM
I would never go back into that situation again.But that's just me. Once
I lose trust in someone's promises, it's a done deal.

01-11-2007, 03:04 PM
Hi, Gina - since you are thinking of getting a lease/paperwork,etc...is there a way of Ron putting a caveat into his will that if anything happens to him, you have ownership of the house, or something like that?

He could check with his own lawyer to see if that would legally work.


01-11-2007, 11:47 PM
quoted by lizbud
I would never go back into that situation again.bBut that's just me. Once I lose trust in someone's promises, it's a done deal.

yeah..that's the usual me, too. like I thought, where's the justice anyway. we had a little talk earlier this afternoon and he didn't wanted to do some of deals .. okay, I'm done here. I've decided to not go back there, the more I thought about this after talking with few friends on cons/pros, ..nothing we can stop the daughter! so, safer that way too, right lizbud?

case closed. :p

01-12-2007, 12:56 PM
Hi, Gina - since you are thinking of getting a lease/paperwork,etc...is there a way of Ron putting a caveat into his will that if anything happens to him, you have ownership of the house, or something like that?C

I was under the impression Ron was physically injured, not mentally deranged. :D

01-12-2007, 01:46 PM
Johnanna, you brat! LOL :p

01-12-2007, 06:16 PM
quoted by lizbud
I would never go back into that situation again.bBut that's just me. Once I lose trust in someone's promises, it's a done deal.

yeah..that's the usual me, too. like I thought, where's the justice anyway. we had a little talk earlier this afternoon and he didn't wanted to do some of deals .. okay, I'm done here. I've decided to not go back there, the more I thought about this after talking with few friends on cons/pros, ..nothing we can stop the daughter! so, safer that way too, right lizbud?

case closed. :p

Good for you Gina. :) I know how hearkbroken you were when the guy
pulled your life out from under you before & all the furkids were homeless. :(

I would hate to hear that happened to you ever again.