View Full Version : I love this look!

01-10-2007, 01:53 PM
I love the look my pups give me when i walk in the door from work, of course when they are out of the cages! Corona does it more physically and uses her little facial expressions then the others! cainan and coco just wag their tail ALOT and fast, and jump up and down! but corona just waits by the door, tail wagging and as soon as the door opens her ears go back in an excited way with the look like "where have you been all my life mom"! it's the best feeling in the world! does anyone else's pups do this too?

critter crazy
01-10-2007, 02:00 PM
he he he he!! I get that look when i come back from the bathroom!! Yes my doggies have a wee bit of Seperation Anxiety, so I get that look alot. It is an awsome look tho, just melts your heart!:)

01-10-2007, 02:02 PM
This made me laugh. I was telling someone at work going home is the greatest thing in the world when you have dogs. I always say it's the "God has just entered the room!" reaction....lol. My TFT is more calm than my Papillon. Pip looks like a fish jumping out of water when I get home. Bouncing and the tail going at a million miles and hour at the same time. It's a nice welcome home. :)

01-10-2007, 02:03 PM
i also get this look if she doesnt know that im in the room and i say something to her, like "hey what are you doing?" and she finally realizes where the voice came from...it's like "ohhh there you are you silly mom" haha i love it!!

01-10-2007, 03:18 PM
Oh yes, I DO love being met at the door and welcomed home! Sugar wags her tail and her whole rear end gets wagged back and forth!

Cats meet you at the door too; but only if you are home late and missed meal time. :rolleyes:

critter crazy
01-10-2007, 03:19 PM
Oh yes, I DO love being met at the door and welcomed home! Sugar wags her tail and her whole rear end gets wagged back and forth!

Cats meet you at the door too; but only if you are home late and missed meal time. :rolleyes:
Not mine!! Loki sits at the door, adn waits for me to come back. If i am gone too long, he moves to the bay window, and watches for my return! It seems that seperation Anxiety, runs in my critter family.:rolleyes: