View Full Version : Lilly UPDATE*** SHE is a mama!!* Babies are arriving!1/11/07

01-09-2007, 05:05 PM
Hi just a quick update on one of our 5. Lilly one of the grey rescue kitties my son found and fostered(was supposed to be 3 F and 1 male according to the Az vet they saw before we moved) got pregnant by the other F. (yes we know it's impossible ....but he was a she they thought as his testicles hadn't descended, so the male was neutered and the "girls" we held off on till the gained a bit more weight :rolleyes: ) Needless to say all are neutered now except Lilly who will be as soon as possible after her litter arrives. Now don't go off on us finding homes as they are all staying here. And Dr. Pope does young kitty neuters (he donates time to HS and Foster programs here to spay and neuter kitties and pups ) So mommy and babies will all be done ASAP. Will post and update when they arrives (with pics of course) of the ahem *fatherless* Kitties ;)


Lilly is as we speak now finishing up her delivery, she has at this time 1 Grey and 2 Blackies! she is still delivering, and is a natural wonderful mama!! As soon as she comes out and takes a potty break, we will snap some pics of our new family! (we are hoping for 2 additions but I guess we will be an 8+ cathouse now :rolleyes: ) Have no Idea how I am going to explain I am not the local crazy cat lady, just the local crazy lady :p

critter crazy
01-09-2007, 05:07 PM
Cant wait to see pics of the babies, i hope momma does well, and so do the babies. Good luck!:)

01-09-2007, 05:22 PM
Thanks! we will keep a close eye on her in the next cpl of days. Dr. P says to expect 3, but she looks like a beach ball was blown up in there! She is little to begin with so she looks HUGE. I will try to get a few pics up tonight, but she is a very very shy girlie. Although my blind IO and her are best buds, his 22 pounds and her teeny little greyness peeking out from under his Kitty cuddles.

01-09-2007, 05:43 PM
These things happen! Imagine your surprise! :eek: I hope all goes well with the delivery and all babies are healthy! Mommy too! ;)

01-09-2007, 06:21 PM
Thanks Kim, and yes surprise was one word we used.......................LOL

01-09-2007, 06:32 PM
We Are Praying That The Babies All Arrive Safe And Sound, And That You Can Post Some Super Cute Photos.

01-09-2007, 06:36 PM
Same here Dr. Goodnow~ ( Who would have thought :eek: )

We're hoping all goes well for Lilly and her little sugar packets!!!!

01-09-2007, 08:37 PM
*bump* for those that wanted to see her before she loses her "womanly" figure! I love her frosting face! always reminds me of a kitty that got caught eating Buttercream Frosting.... :)

01-09-2007, 08:51 PM
I really notice her 'plumpness' in the first picture! What a sweet girl! That young man seems to know how to hold a shy kitty...she looks ok!

01-09-2007, 08:53 PM
LOL thanks and I will pass your compliment on to Jas! (thats my hubby and he is a grampa 4xs over ) he will love that you used young and him in the same sentence! ROFL

01-09-2007, 10:17 PM
Awww, boyish good looks always fool me! LOL If he has a hat, and it gets too small, we KNOW what happened! :D

01-09-2007, 10:22 PM
Good luck with the momma to be. I hope all goes well for you and her. Please keep us posted on her and her babies. It is alway sad when this sort of thing happens, but I guess not every vet can be right. At least she is in good hands now. Good luck and we can't wait to see pics of the new kits!

01-10-2007, 10:25 AM

Can you say "OOOOOOOOPSIE"????? Good luck!! Call me when they get here!

01-10-2007, 11:51 AM
Rofl Donna! Now we need to rename Belladonna......uhhhhhhhh maybe BOYa Donna? I guess he can keep his girlie name now that his boy parts are no longer functioning? I will call you as soon as Lilly gives birth. Jasper of course is thrilled :rolleyes: I am certain Rusty will be a good second Mama to them, and all I can think of is do banks offer loans for more auto clean litterboxes :confused: .........get the feeling that 4 boxes wont be enough anymore *sigh*<-----------wonders if they can be papered to match the house decor LOL

01-10-2007, 12:06 PM
...I love her frosting face! always reminds me of a kitty that got caught eating Buttercream Frosting.... :)

Awwww! That's just what I was thinking after looking at her pictures! What a cute kitty! I can't wait to see the wee ones! Do keep us posted :)


01-10-2007, 02:39 PM
Thanks all, Lilly seems to be keeping more to Adrians room where she feels most comfy. Her box is in his closet (with a babygate up so that Rusty cannot keep smothermothering her *sigh* I think he was a mama in a past life) She has been more vocal today than all the time we have had her! So we will see! :)

01-10-2007, 03:54 PM
Hey how about BENadonna for the new guy? Er, new not guy? Er, oh, you KNOW who I mean! :D

Best for momma and babes.

01-10-2007, 09:07 PM
Sounds like it will happen very soon. Please keep us posted!! I am getting excited for you! Good luck!

01-10-2007, 09:27 PM
Freedom thats awesome! he shall be now BENadonna to go with lilly and iris and hyacinth!

Yes It does seem soon...............funny how we are never really ready for new babies? have had hundreds over the years, mine , rescues, friends, but each time you can't help but get all excited!

Wonder what our new family members will be? Tabbies? Greys? Black Like Dad? Long haired like the gramma? Whites?

Knits a few new mousies for the newbies....................................

01-11-2007, 05:32 PM
*bump* YAY update on page one!

01-11-2007, 06:35 PM
good girl Lilly. Woohoo babies !!! lots of good thoughts for momma and babies.


above is the link for the new thread.

01-11-2007, 06:39 PM
THANKS SO MUCH I appreciate the link ! Kitty #4 is a tabby! Mama still has one or more in there after palpatating her. For a little girl she sure can make big babies! 1 is the size of the first 2! the 4th is the same size as the others but we have a bruiser in the bunch LOL