View Full Version : ~~~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Neko1~~~~

01-09-2007, 08:54 AM
:) ***** HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nelo1 && HAVE MANY MANY MORE*****hOPE you get pampered all day..

01-09-2007, 10:00 AM
Happy Birthday, Neko1!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day, and yes, get pampered in the process too!!!

Willie :)

01-09-2007, 10:03 AM
Happy Birthday!!! I'm sure you'll get Spoiled Rotten! :)

01-09-2007, 10:09 AM
Happiest of birthdays to you, Michelle!

Lori Jordan
01-09-2007, 10:30 AM

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-09-2007, 11:16 AM

Hope you have a wonderful day today!

01-09-2007, 11:22 AM
Happy Birthday Michelle!

I hope you have a wonderful day! :D


01-09-2007, 11:44 AM

I hope this is a lovely day for you, all day!

Felicia's Mom
01-09-2007, 12:37 PM
Happy Birthday Neko1 http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/smile.gif http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/smile.gif

01-09-2007, 08:24 PM
Awwww...thanks so much for starting this thread :) What sheer joy it is to come on here and see that people still remember me, even though I get to post nearly as often as I would like!

My birthday actually started Monday evening, when my mom surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers with a birthday beanie baby and a card.

This morning she gave me another card with a gift certificate to get my hair done and an birthday cake scented candle.

I didn't tell anyone at work that it was my birthday, so today proceeded as normal. I took my lunch at the end of the day and went to a local restaurant/bar to have a birthday drink with my mom and a friend.

After Hector got off work, he met us there, and he and I sat down to my birthday dinner. Right before our main course was going to come out, my mom and Jane come in with a birthday cake and sang to me in front of everyone! :eek: The table next to us started clapping..lol :D :p

After that, Hector came back to my place to chill for an hour before he went home. Oh yeah, and we also had some of that great birthday cake.

This weekend Hector has booked us a hotel room so we can get away from everyone for 2 nights. Between his familys house and mine, we never get a chance to really be alone.

All in all, it was a quiet, but enjoyable birthday :)

Thank you all again, for your kind words :D

Oh yeah, and I will post a picture of me with the cake as soon as I can!!

Daisy and Delilah
01-09-2007, 08:51 PM
Happy Birthday!!!! --- Have a great day and many many more!! :) :D :)

01-09-2007, 09:04 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELLE!!! I'm glad that you had a great day and it sounds like you'll have a wonderful weekend too.:D

Edwina's Secretary
01-09-2007, 10:31 PM
Happy birthday Michelle...and many FUN returns of the day!

01-10-2007, 02:49 AM
Happy Birthday, Michelle !!!!!

It's great to see how much happier you feel this year :D

01-10-2007, 05:06 AM
(I missed this yesterday :o )

Happy Birthday!!!! Hope this is the start of you BEST year ever!!

01-10-2007, 05:14 AM
Sorry I missed it too, but.....

Happy belated Birthday, Michelle!

Fister and I wish you many more to come!!

01-10-2007, 10:05 AM
I hope you had a wonderful birthday Neko. :)

01-10-2007, 06:12 PM
Me and my cake! (ignore the dark undereye circles...it was after a looooong day at work!!!)

Me, the morning of my b'day:

My cake:

And I can't forget my wonderful boyfriend! This was taken a few weeks ago, just before we headed out to the club :

01-10-2007, 06:20 PM
You look so happy and I know that it makes all of us happy to see you that way!