View Full Version : Should I be mad?

01-08-2007, 08:33 PM
I just recently got promoted at my job to "floor supervisor", not like im getting paid anymore but now i just have authority and make sure things get done the way they need to be!But anyways I never really mind getting alot of hours because i need the money really bad right now, so everytime this "one" certain employee of mine needs the night off, she justs asks me and i work it for her! But for the last 2 weeks i've worked 3 of her shifts...so that means double shifts for me...open to close! No time to get anything done or spend time with my fur-pups! Then yet again she text message me tonight asking if i work at my other job tomorrow...which i do, and wanted to know if i could work my shift at the salon up until the time i need to go to work at petco! Im getting alittle upset because i feel as if my employee is taking advantage of me being so nice and working their shifts for them! I dont mind...but when this would be the 4th time in 2 weeks...i think thats a little much! should i be mad?
I know i should expect to do this from time to time, but at all the other jobs i've worked at, if someone cant work their shift they need to ask one of their fellow employee's and then go to the supervisor/manager and go from there, i just feel like she's taking advantage of me trying to help her out!
thanks in advance!

critter crazy
01-08-2007, 08:35 PM
You are definitely being taken advamtage of, I would stop it right now. This person needs to understand that she has to work when told, not when she wants to. Just set her straight, and tell her enough is enough, no more mister nice guy!!

01-08-2007, 08:37 PM
She's jeopordizing her on job by missing all these days. I think it's time you put your foot down. YOU have a life outside of work and deserve to live it. :)

01-08-2007, 08:41 PM
I just feel bad, cuz the first time excuse was that her dog was going to be put down...so i TOTALLY understand and said okay...then to find out that her dog didnt get put to sleep til the next week...so she got a free-bee, then her aunt died...randomly....so i said okay understandable...the next time, she was sick or something....then this time..(her this weeks excuse is, she has a brain and jaw problem) and she needs to go to the dentist to talk about fixing her jaw! her brain problem is a little odd to me...she said her left side doesnt respond like it should...but it does!!! there's nothing wrong with her left side! I've learned if im right handed...my right side is stronger and my left is weaker...just because i dont use it as much!
and MAGICALLY she is right handed...and all of the sudden she has a brain problem with her left side! weird huh?

01-08-2007, 08:45 PM
I'm sure she doesn't work every single day, during the hours of doctors/dentists offices, etc.. she can schedule her appointments for more appropriate times.

Lady's Human
01-08-2007, 08:46 PM
Don't be quick to judge the absence of a medical condition by appearance.

critter crazy
01-08-2007, 08:48 PM
Well at my last job, if you had a medical problem and had to leave work or change your hours you needed to show prrof from your doctor. I think that this is what she needs, just so you can see if she has been telling the truth!

01-08-2007, 08:50 PM
Don't be quick to judge the absence of a medical condition by appearance.

Im not going to tell her there's nothing wrong, but for a healthy teenager who seems to have "alot" of things happen in a 2 week span is a little odd too me!
Did i already mention that within the same week she was hired she took COMPLETE advantage of her employee discount and bought some very expensive things throughout the salon!
She just seems like a typical teenager to me! I hope all teenagers everywhere arent like this because if thats the case, i have no faith!

01-08-2007, 08:51 PM
Well at my last job, if you had a medical problem and had to leave work or change your hours you needed to show prrof from your doctor. I think that this is what she needs, just so you can see if she has been telling the truth!

Good idea, i totally forgot all about that! Thanks! Ill be sure and do that!

Lady's Human
01-08-2007, 08:56 PM
Be careful what you ask for as proof, the HIPPA regs are very sticky as to what an employer can and cannot ask for.

01-08-2007, 08:59 PM
Be careful what you ask for as proof, the HIPPA regs are very sticky as to what an employer can and cannot ask for.

what do you recommend? im new to this floor supervisor, being in charge sorta thing! im not sure what exactly i can ask for then!

01-08-2007, 09:05 PM
To play it perfectly safe you can request she provide you a release back to work from her DR.

You cannot ask her to provide you with her Drs name or "proof" she went to or made appt.

You can for Safety regs ask that she provide a clearance from her physician stating she can work and perform the job duties required.

Hope that helps. :)

01-08-2007, 09:06 PM
To play it perfectly safe you can request she provide you a release back to work from her DR.

You cannot ask her to provide you with her Drs name or "proof" she went to or made appt.

You can for Safety regs ask that she provide a clearance from her physician stating she can work and perform the job duties required.

Hope that helps. :)

that actually helps alot more then you know :D thank you so much everyone!

Lady's Human
01-08-2007, 09:13 PM
Ya beat me to it, Dr G.

In addition, beyond a clearance to work, you CANNOT as about a prognosis for a condition.

01-08-2007, 09:13 PM
I am glad it helped, we have also had an employee from time to time, get beset with many issues (one had the same grandmother die twice in a 6 week period :rolleyes: ) including mysterious illnesses.
Now I have Crohns and am well aware that not all sick ppl LOOK sick, however, I have learned to follow my gut when i feel a leg tug :)

Hippa is a very good thing (IMO) but it can get sticky navigating through it, we have learned that the clearance way, breaks no rules, allows the employee to have a miraculous recovery, and /or the opportunity to admit they would rather not work for us and would be best suited elsewhere.

Good luck and stand firm about your expectations and requirements.

01-08-2007, 09:15 PM
I am going to respond to the title of your thread. You asked if "you should be mad"....................and then you go on to say that you have been promoted to floor supervisor. (congratulations -without pay, by the way).

If you have been promoted, obviously they feel you have some managerial qualities. That said "getting mad" isn't an option.

If the company doesn't have a firm policy about your taking on someone else's shift - then it is up to you to decide what you will and won't do - how much notice you need to have and what is a valid excuse for them to give you.

I don't mean that you need to be arrogant - just that there needs to be some type of order and guidelines for them to follow.

Just think about how this will look on your resume down the road - did you get "mad" or did you take fair action and implement some policies and guidelines for the employees? Sounds like managerial material to me!

Good Luck!

01-08-2007, 10:11 PM
Well the thing about this salon, is it's unlike any other place of business! It's a shame to even be in business! The ex-stylist stole merchandise all the time and the owners were never around! there was no such thing as inventory or using the computer for anything other then clocking in and out! we barely make over min. wage...for Iowa, which isnt much by the way! the ex-stylist left for a better oportunity and the only ones that were left were 3 receptionist, including me, and one stylist who is friends with the owner!
The owners are husband and wife...a couple of some other color thats for sure! the wife is an ex-striper who has 2 very little kids and two older kids, she swears at them yells at them and go out and drinks constantly! the husband owns and fixes car washes so he has alot of money! so he can afford to keep the salon!
the salon is just a tax right off for him! his wife wanted a tanning bed for their house...he bought her a salon! she doesnt want anything to do with the place! so me and the single stylist took matters into our own hands and became manager, and floor supervisor!
so both of us are VERY new to this whole management stuff, we're learning as we're going...it's def. a learning experience! but yea, there was a little backround, i hope it makes sense!
thanks again for all the advice!

01-08-2007, 10:32 PM
I'd be very careful about getting "more, supervisor duties" for the same amount of money. You could be taken advantage of like that. A kennel I worked for had me bump up to the assistant manager when she wasn't there-basically, I was in charge of everything 3 days a week (the girl only work 4 day) and I got no extra pay. If she screwed something up, and somehow it got left overnight and someone noticed it the next day-it was my fault! I had to deal with the same amount of "dirty work" plus deal with the customers complaints, horrible employees, and anything that happened with the animals. Plus inventory and stuff-please. I got rid of that promotion very quickly..they wouldn't give me more money.

Anyways, either you ask for the work release, or maybe you talk to her privately (never make it a big deal in front of other employees, always in private). And watch your back too, if she gets annoyed she could cause some trouble with your boss.

01-09-2007, 05:08 AM
In plain old irish terms she is taking the mickey out of you and all because she found out in the first try that you were soft enough to do her work for her. I am sure that you have a supervisor over you so why not go and talk to them and explain that you do not mind doing it the odd time but 4 times in 2 weeks is a bit much.

Remember one other thing your health is your wealth and if you lose it you lose your wealth also so all of this overwork and no play will cause your body to eventually say enough is enough and just shut down on you so
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