View Full Version : Question for the LADIES. :p Sorry guys!

01-08-2007, 02:46 PM
Guys, you can read but I doubt you'll want to...


I need pain relief help. A certain unwelcome relative has decided to pay me a visit. ;)

It is excruciating. It is to the point where I have sat straight up in bed (being a VERY heavy sleeper, that's odd) and cried. I am usually left holding my stomach, moaning, crying, the whole bit. The obvious answer would be to go to a doctor but I do not have insurance.

I was hoping that some of you might have some helpful suggestions? I use Midol (another big deal because if you've ever met me, you know that I refuse to take a pill. One reason being that I have a stomach that upsets easily.) but the pain usually, for lack of a better term, "breaks through" the relief, making the med minimally effective at best.

This happens every time this darn relative visits and it usually has me layed up on the couch for a couple of days like I have the flu. THAT is weird because I am healthy as a crab and never get sick with anything. :p

I tried potassium (as a muscle relaxer, per mom suggestion which she got from her doctor) and it doesn't do anything. I've tried keeping my stomach warm and it works for the first few seconds but it's nothing super effective. I've tried Aleve, acetaminophen, etc. I am just hoping there is something left to try!

Sorry if this grosses anyone out. If it needs to be deleted or moved, that wouldn't bother me. :)

01-08-2007, 02:55 PM
Ouch, I feel for ya! You've tried everything I would have suggested. The only thing would be to try something stronger, but you don't like taking pills because of your sensitive stomach.

Have you tried those heating patches?

01-08-2007, 02:57 PM
The trick is to stop the pain before it happens. You are feeling cramping, and you need to have something IN your system before it happens.

So, next cycle? I would begin taking some sort of a NSAID 2 days before you begin your cycle.

01-08-2007, 02:57 PM
I was gonna say what you use.........I too refuse to take pills at all costs but I wet through just what you described........and too used Midol.......and it worked for me.......luckily I donīt have to now because I donīt get what I used nowadays........(my visitor either comes in in tennis shoes or something......LOL)

there is another one i used but that made me threw up so if you have a sensitive stomach i donīt think it would be a good idea, anyway its called Buscapina.......not sure if its the same there.........

you can also take some Tylex forte or something........they gave me those when my kid was born and i used half pill (smashed to dust of course) and worked wonders........

many muscular pian killers or ibuprofen will do as they relax the muscles........

01-08-2007, 03:42 PM
I've had those days where I'm just curled up in a ball sobbing on the floor because I can't move... :(

My best friend is a tube sock stuffed with rice that I microwave for a few minutes, but if heat packs don't work for you...The only other thing that I find effective, strangely enough, is yoga. a LITTLE bit of LIGHT stretching over a few hours seems to help a lot.

You might also ask your doctor about a mirena IUD. They release a small amount of progesterone and are supposed to do WONDERS for uh....smacking down old aunt flo. ;)

01-08-2007, 03:46 PM
My best friend is a tube sock stuffed with rice that I microwave for a few minutes, but if heat packs don't work for you...The only other thing that I find effective, strangely enough, is yoga. a LITTLE bit of LIGHT stretching over a few hours seems to help a lot.

That works for me, too. Hope you figure something out... total bummer. :(

01-08-2007, 03:53 PM
I use to do yoga and let me tell you, those were the best days of my life(even if it was suppose to be my worst lol) but it really did help around that time!

Queen of Poop
01-08-2007, 04:00 PM
If you can find it in your local health food or drug store get Dang Quoi. It is a Chinese remedy and works wonders. I would get so cramped up that I'd be throwing up each and every month - until I started using Dang Quoi. It is truly a miracle.

01-08-2007, 04:04 PM
You could try taking a B-complex. I started taking that a little while ago, and it really seems to help with that and the flow itself for some reason. I was on birth control for 7 yrs., and that girly problem was a breeze. When I stopped taking them I got back to the way they used to be and cursed myself....lol. But after I started taking the B-complex things got lighter on both the issues. I hope you find something that helps, cause I know we all feel you on this one. Gotta love being a girl. :rolleyes: lol.

01-08-2007, 04:48 PM
Dong Quai.

Prescriptions - ask for a type of med called an "anti-prostaglandin"

These have been around since the 70's - an early one was called Ponstan. Here's the theory:

1. The hormone that tells the uterus to contract is a prostaglandin.
2. Women who have too much of this hormone get cramps, as the uterus over-contracts.
3. ANTI-prostaglandins cut down the amount of this hormone.

It was a LIFE-SAVER!!!!!

They MIGHT be over the counter by now, but there are several kinds. Maybe a phone call to your doc and you might get some free samples to try? You have to take it as your period (or cramps, whichever come first) starts, so you might have to wait a month.

If your doc is a male, he doesn't get these cramps...so chatting up his nurse might get you further!

I never had to take more than three, right at the beginning.

Good luck!

01-08-2007, 05:01 PM
These are all good suggestions that you're getting here. But really, if the
pain is intense pain every month, you should go see a Doctor. There are
procedures that can help overcome this. It's never a picnic, but it should
not cause such pain.

01-08-2007, 05:06 PM
I agree with what Lizbud said. Please be careful about self medicating.

I have suggestions, but I sure would like you to hear them from your own physician before you try anything. Heat does help and that certainly doesn't have to be prescribed. Also Ibuprophen works for me. But I take an increased dosage, suggested by my doctor.

Poor dear. I hope you will feel better soon.


01-08-2007, 05:27 PM
Okay- first of all- get some b complex- you can get this at walmart etc in the vitamin aisle- and it helps the hormone system function. If its really bad, you can take two a day at 12 hour intervals.. Second- avoid caffeine like the plague- caffeine tightens the uterine wall... Not sure of your age- but you can also take " Estrovan". Although made for menapause, it also helps regulate the hormone system.
As far as pain- I use to use pamprene- or 3 advil ( 600 mg) every 6 hours.. Another thing I used was a hot water bottle- and no- this is not a heating pad-... lol.. But try the other things I mentioned first...

01-08-2007, 05:31 PM
Take it from me, someone who hates to go to the doctor because our medical insurance stinks (we would be better off without any at all) please get yourself to the doctor. If you are young and a student, or low income, you should be able to qualify for government insurance, have you tried looking into it?

01-08-2007, 10:46 PM
If you can find it in your local health food or drug store get Dang Quoi. It is a Chinese remedy and works wonders. I would get so cramped up that I'd be throwing up each and every month - until I started using Dang Quoi. It is truly a miracle.I think she means Dong Quai. Also try calling your local Planned Parenthood. They have low cost assistance for times like this.

01-08-2007, 10:54 PM
Agreed-go for a check-up, you may need to be put on a prescription, or there could be a serious underlying problem. My friend's mom had it like that-I forget what she had specifically, but if left untreated she would have had some more serious issues, she was put on (I think) the pill and another corresponding medication to help her.

01-08-2007, 10:55 PM
Take an Aleve.

Use a warming pad.

And yes I know it is illegal but.......

Nothing helps me like a little bit of Pot. Seriously. I have TERRIBLE pain when it is .... THAT time. My back is terribly sore, I have terrible cramps and it feels like someone is ripping my uterus out every time I move. the only true relief I have found is a little bit of that.

I am not advocating the use of drugs to children or anyone really but if it causes you that much pain (like it does me) it is the ONLY thing that takes the edge off and even lets me sleep at night.

You should go see a DR if you can. Bad pain like that CAN be a sign of Endometriosis.

01-08-2007, 11:04 PM
Dong Quai.

Prescriptions - ask for a type of med called an "anti-prostaglandin"

These have been around since the 70's - an early one was called Ponstan. Here's the theory:

1. The hormone that tells the uterus to contract is a prostaglandin.
2. Women who have too much of this hormone get cramps, as the uterus over-contracts.
3. ANTI-prostaglandins cut down the amount of this hormone.

It was a LIFE-SAVER!!!!!

They MIGHT be over the counter by now, but there are several kinds. Maybe a phone call to your doc and you might get some free samples to try? You have to take it as your period (or cramps, whichever come first) starts, so you might have to wait a month.

If your doc is a male, he doesn't get these cramps...so chatting up his nurse might get you further!

I never had to take more than three, right at the beginning.

Good luck!
Do you mean Danggui? It's pronounced Dang Guai in Cantonese, so I assume Dong Quai must be a phonetic Mandarin translation.

Due to my change to vegetarianism, maintaining my iron levels has been an issue, so my mother/private herbalist (:D) recommended drinking danggui soup. It's like a female ginseng and is unique in the fact that it is the only non-animal source with significant levels of Vitamin B12. It is also used for anti-inflammatory effects. So in essence, if you decide to combine the previous suggestions of NSAID's and vitamin B complexes, you've got the option of using danggui, a double whammy.

Almost forgot, I'm pretty sure most people don't consume danggui in powder form, so my suggestion is to contact an herbalist and see what soups you can make. I thought it might be interesting to add that I have *never* had a bad menstrual cramp. The only cramps I ever got were from running LOL!

01-09-2007, 12:16 AM
a specific stretch that helps blood flow to thev area is on kees foread tp the ground in front of you. Read that and it helps some. Make sure you eat even in nasiouse as hunger makes it worse. The yoga or other stretching will help too.

If I use tampons or anything that inserts it always makes my cramps worse.

Other than that not much to add to what was already said.

01-09-2007, 12:51 AM
I know exactly how you feel, I went through it all before I went on the pill - its the only thing that stopped the pain for me its not completely gone but its so much less. I used to have days off of work because I could hardly move!

Try the heated wrap they do work wonders! I find a hot bath helps too and plenty of water.

01-09-2007, 02:18 AM

No, but I've seen them in the stores. I think they're relatively cheap so I shall be trying some out!


Do you have any suggestions of one that worked for you?


I will keep an eye out for Buscapina! I have relatives who go to Mexico frquently so I may have to see if they'll pick some up for me!


I will try the rice in a sock method, too! Would you recommend any poses or positions or whatnot in particular? I will have to see about the IUD. I wonder if that's the one that makes you not have a "lady time" for a year or more? I remember one of my aunts had something that made it so she couldn't have a ladies time for five years! :eek:


Indeed. Lady times are no fun! :(


Any favourite poses?


Thank you! I will definitely check that out! :D There is one by Troys workplace so that'll be easy.


I was on birth control for almost a year and it didn't help my pain but, on occasion, it would make things not so heavy. (I was taking Ortho TriCyclen Lo.) So that was definitely a plus!


Good deal! Will have to check out this Dong Quai.

Lizbud and Logan,

I will definitely look up and see if there are any free clinics around here. I think the university hospital has a community place that works with people on prices and it is supposed to be really nice!


Heh, I think the last caffeinated thing I had was a week or more ago! Heh. I will see if my MIL has a water bottle, too.


I tried in Oregon but was denied. However, I haven't tried here yet. So that is definitely worth a try!


Heh, you reminded me about Planned Parenthood! I should've thought about them!


That's one of the things I'm worried about. I'll see if I can squeeze into the university hospitals community place (They're busy, I heard) but it still freaks me out. I am generally healthy but I always dread hearing bad news at the doc! :o


Out of idly curiosity... How does that soup taste? :D


I will definitely try that stretch out.

A hot bath, eh? That sounds good, at any rate! I think I will be looking forward to one all day. :D

Thank you so, so much everyone! I am going to be writing and summarizing all of the info so I will know what all can be done asap. I will see about getting an appt with the local PP (Hoping there is one!) or the university place. **HUGS**Again, thank you! :D

01-09-2007, 05:33 AM
Try taking some Evening Primrose Oil capsules and some Starflower Capsules these are natural remedies and they work for me but sometimes I have to take Nurofen Plus its kinda like Advil I suppose and does help me. Other than that try taking a hot bath if you can and fub some lavender oil into your temples and around the affected area.

All of the above aside though you should visit your doctor you might have some non-cancerous cysts causing you to have so much trouble - but just visit for your own sake....

01-09-2007, 08:30 AM
The trick is to stop the pain before it happens. You are feeling cramping, and you need to have something IN your system before it happens.

So, next cycle? I would begin taking some sort of a NSAID 2 days before you begin your cycle.

If you research the psyiology (sic) of a muscle cramping, you will see that having any sort of NSAID- I would go generic, I am pretty sure Walgreens sells one, prolly CVS, too, in your body BEFORE the pain starts helps tremendously. My doctor told me if I was dealing with the pain THEN taking something, there wasn't much relief to be found.

While all the natural remedies are great, if your cramping is like you say it is, it isn't going to do too much in your situation.

And, I dealt with this for years, until I went on the BCP. I missed at least one day from school, had vomiting, diahrea, headaches, etc. There wasn't anything more serious wrong with me...I just had a heavy cycle.

I would, next month try taking something ahead of time, and see what it does.

01-09-2007, 08:37 AM
A lot of doctors prescribe Ibuprofen for pain. I think you can get it over the counter. But that kind of pain would warrant a visit to your doc, you could have a problem that needs to be cleared up.

01-09-2007, 08:40 AM
I have Endometriosis, so I sympathise with abdominal cramps.

I take Evening Primrose Oil the week prior and during my period and it helps quite a bit. A heat pad also eases the pain at times.

01-09-2007, 09:04 AM
I have given these comments alot of thought. At the risk of sounding like an alarmist- I think its time for an exam. I also had severe endometriosis- scheduled finally jan 3rd for a hysterectomy after two failed procedures- only to have "things" rupture- causing an emergency full abodominal hysterectomy on the 26th of December.
My guess is I am older than you are. However- starting with the exams may help " head this off at the pass" so to speak. Could even be something as simple as a cyst or more serious as fibroids- only the doctor knows for sure.

01-09-2007, 09:20 AM
Yes, a lot of women don't have this time while they have a Mirena IUD.

What works for me with the rice sock is to lay in a fetal position with it tucked up against me. Sometimes I do that anyways just because it feels nice.

01-09-2007, 09:48 AM
I would try a free clinic such as Planned Parenthood. You can find an add for them in the Yellow Pages. They will also give you free meds. My friend had the same problem and her Dr. put her on birth control to lesson the pain and extreme need to change every half an hour. You can also buy health insurance from Blue Cross Blue Shield on a monthly basis. The cost is not bad and it will cover you in an emergency such as a broken leg. My daughter had to do that for six months until her insurance from work kicked in. I think it cost her about $60.00 a month. Good luck.

finn's mom
01-09-2007, 04:23 PM
I don't typically have bad cramps, but, when I have them, Midol is the last thing I take...it does nothing for me...someone told me it actually has caffeine in it, so it didn't surprise me that it felt like it made it worse! Maybe they're incorrect about it having having caffeine, but, I know it personally didn't work for me. You have gotten a lot of great suggestions, too, I hope you can find something that works for you.

01-09-2007, 05:07 PM
I have Endometriosis, so I sympathise with abdominal cramps.

I take Evening Primrose Oil the week prior and during my period and it helps quite a bit. A heat pad also eases the pain at times.

I was thinking that she had that too Kimmy!

01-09-2007, 07:46 PM

Sorry to "yell", but I just remembered this name today. That is the generic name of one of the anti-prostaglandins mentioned earlier in my mini-Bio lecture! :D

See your doctor, and ask about this. If you have endometriosis, not sure if it will help; I have read that RU486 does, but it's known as the "morning after pill" and I think is outlawed in the USA.

Or ask someone at Planned Parenthood, or a women's shelter - they might have info, or know of low/no-cost resources.

GOOD LUCK and take care of yourself! :)

01-09-2007, 09:06 PM
Oh, no, the morning after pill is still available in the US. You can easily locate PP centers near you, but I would honestly ask your doctor before you do anything drastic.

As for the soup, it tastes just like all the other soups I've had in my life - very Asian LOL.