View Full Version : wolflady (Karen) did you pick up Hunter?

01-08-2007, 01:29 PM
I am dying here Karen. So did you meet up with Linda and bring home gorgeous Hunter? I am dying to know how he is doing and all the details. Are you in Oriental heaven or what?

01-08-2007, 05:55 PM



01-08-2007, 06:22 PM
Awww! :o

Thanks so much for asking. :) Unfortunately, Linda had something come up and couldn't make it to the cat show this weekend. I am scheduled to meet up with her this Sunday (Jan 14) to pick him up, so I'm still anxiously waiting on pins and needles!

I did buy him and nice new bed and pad to lay on from a vendor at the cat show so I'm getting everything ready for his arrival.


01-09-2007, 05:37 AM
Oh I can't wait to see him! I wish the clock would move faster, lol :D

01-09-2007, 11:21 AM
LOL Me too! I was starting to get cold feet, but after going to the cat show and seeing the orientals again...the cold feet got warm again! ;)

Linda is sweet and said she'd meet me halfway on Sunday. She lives around 2 hours away, so we're going to meet halfway between our locations at a Chevron gas station..."so, did you bring the goods?"...*snicker*

01-09-2007, 01:47 PM
Linda is sweet and said she'd meet me halfway on Sunday. She lives around 2 hours away, so we're going to meet halfway between our locations at a Chevron gas station..."so, did you bring the goods?"...*snicker* :D reminds me of when I picked up Mishi - it was in the back parking lot of a grocery store in Berkeley. Felt like we were making an illicit drug deal, except a snarling cage of orange fur was involved :D

Don Juan's mom
01-09-2007, 04:19 PM
LOL Me too! I was starting to get cold feet, but after going to the cat show and seeing the orientals again...the cold feet got warm again! ;)

That's right.... that one white Oriental we saw did look like little Hunter, didn't he. :D


01-09-2007, 05:08 PM
LOL LOL Redd, illicit drug deal indeed! It does sorta feel like that though, which I find quite amusing.

DJM, yes it did! :) I think Hunter is bigger though. He felt quite "solid" when I held him ;)

I can't wait! Will post pictures as soon as I get him! :D


01-12-2007, 10:52 AM
Guess who arrived early this morning????!!!

There was a slight change in plan for the weekend, so Linda called and asked if she could drop Hunter off to me this morning since one of her friends surprised her with a plane ticket. Since she was flying out of San Jose airport, not far from where I'm staying, she asked if it would be ok to drop Hunter since it was on the way!

So, at 7am this morning, Hunter arrived.

I put him in the bathroom with the brand new litterbox, mini cat tree, bed, food and water bowls so he can slowly adjust.

Now I have a very scared and anxious kitty on my hands. I know it must be scary being taken to some strange place and all of a sudden being in new surroundings, so how do you ease this transition? I want to be able to bond with him, but he was just so scared and hid, so I figured I should leave him alone for the day.

Any ideas?

01-12-2007, 11:18 AM
:) Karen thats a good beginning.. With each of my girls would differ.. I just like you would leave them on their own seperated for 12 to 24 hrs & then slowly let them sniff & hiss under the door & or with me supervising in the living room.. What I have learned is to get out the dangled toys & start playtime with the other babies & that took the tension off of the new kid on the block.. **CONGRATS ON YOUR NEW BABY**gOOD Luck && pictures please..

Prairie Purrs
01-12-2007, 01:11 PM
Congrats on the arrival of your handsome fella! :D

Spend some time sitting in the room with him and talking to him. Let him decide when he's ready to approach you.

01-12-2007, 01:15 PM
Take some clothes out of your laundry basket and put them in there with him. He will become familiar with your scent (and probably sleep on your clothes) and come to associate your scent with love and comfort.

Later, you can go in there with a book and just sit quietly and read. Then he'll get used to you being around and may even come to check you and out get some "scritchies".

01-12-2007, 11:05 PM
Congrats!!!:D Just take things slowly. I've heard that it takes some cats 1-2 weeks to adjust to their new home. Good luck.:)

So when will you be bringing Marius into your home? I sure hope that everything works out and we really do need to see some pictures as soon as Hunter is settled in.:)

01-13-2007, 08:55 AM
Congratulations!! I second what Lisa said. :D