View Full Version : I Am So Mad!

Aspen and Misty
06-20-2002, 01:53 PM
I was going swiming at my friend's brook's house so I put Chewy in his crate. When I came home my brother's friend was kicking Chewy's crate and telling him to shutup! :mad: :mad: :mad: I almost hit the kid. Ok so I did, but still that is my baby! I pushed him out the door and told him never to come back. Grrr I am so mad. I'm not speaking to my brother for letting his friend do this. Chewy wont go near his crate or any guys. My little brother came home and yelled Chewy and Chewy ran for his life away from him to me and started to shake. So I made my older brother call him and chewy ran again! I think he is scared of men now! I don't know. all I know is I'm never going to leave him home alone again!

Dixieland Dancer
06-20-2002, 02:05 PM
I am sorry this happened to Chewy. :( I hope it is not a permanent dislike towards human males. I don't understand why someone would do that or why your brother would let him. :confused: Give Chewy a few extra hugs and kisses tonight to make him feel better. :)

06-20-2002, 02:08 PM
You need to re-acquaint him with boys/men ASAP, so he doesn't have this problem for the rest of his life. Your brother's friend was wrong, but that doesn't need to scar him forever. Give whichever brother you choose a few treats to give Chewy, and lead him gently over to that brother, and let your brother reward him with a treat for being a good boy. Maybe your brother should pet him, than give him another treat. Make sure your brothers are extra-gentle toward him for a little while, until he understands that all boys are not that mean boy!

06-20-2002, 02:08 PM
I'm so sorry that happened to Chewy!! :(

If it were me and my dog... grrrrrrrrr... it would not be pretty. :mad:

I hope with a little gentle socialization he comes to trust men again. Or your little brother at least....

06-20-2002, 02:10 PM
Poor Chewy!!!
I'm mad on your behalf! No wonder so many animals have behavior problems with people treating them so. One of my friends had a cat. This friends brother would stomp his foot at the cat everytime he saw it. (He had BIG old FEET! and they made lots of noise) The cat hated her brother. My friend and I didn't blame the cat at all. The cat grew to hate men too. Lots of cuddles and hugs for you, sweet one and hopes you get over this and all better fast.

Aspen and Misty
06-20-2002, 02:59 PM
Well we have it so chewy will stand in the same room as my little brother...still working on. I am hopeing he won't hate them. My brother is grounded for 1 week and not aloud to see that friend for 1 month and the friend is NEVER I REPEATE NEVER aloud to come over again! Grrr how I hate my brotehr and hios freidns. I ask My brother what happend and he said your dog wouldn't shut up so I told Matt he could kick the cage. SO he is now grounded for 2 months and his friend is not aloud on our property at all...not even in a car. My mom was so mad. She is makeing him do extra stuff around the house. He really got yelled at this time and he deserved it. I won't let him in the same room as Chewy any more.

06-20-2002, 03:39 PM
How old is your older brother? Not that it really matters as what he did was inexcusable. I was just curious.

I'm happy that your mom didn't put up with what he and his friend did. Go mom!!! :)

I hope Chewy comes around. Keep working with him.

Aspen and Misty
06-20-2002, 04:08 PM
He is 16 his friend was 18. I hate them both. :mad: . Yea I am proud of my mom she told him how it was :D .

06-20-2002, 05:17 PM
Yay Mom! And good for you and your other (nicer) brother, keep working on it, and Chewy, while he will never forget that incident, may learn that, as I said, not ALL boys are bad!

06-20-2002, 09:06 PM
It just amazes me how people act sometimes:mad:

I'm glad your mom did what she did too! I also say GO MOM!

06-21-2002, 05:19 AM
just remember...a serial killer always starts with beating animals first..also,wife beaters,child beaters and molesters,etc.
they start on animals as they have no recourse...they can't speak and tell on them...i would say good for your mom...that evil boy child should never be allowed on the property again...and as for the idiot younger brother who blatantly allowed it...think...what will he allow next???? will he stand by as his friends beat or rape a young girl??? he needs to grow a spine....
he needs an education...maybe he needs to volunteer at a shelter...heavily supervised of course....he needs to learn responsibility for his actions...yay for mom...keep him in line!!!

06-21-2002, 06:09 AM
Sorry that happened to Chewy. I do hope that you can help Chewy get over his new fear of males. It would b horrible for him to be like that for the rest of his life.

06-21-2002, 08:53 AM
Sorry to hear that happened to Chewy. As long as, this sort of thing doesn't continue to happen, he should be fine with some extra-loving from nice males, like your oldest brother. My Addie was abused and neglected until I adopted her at 3.5 months. She's a little weary of new people that come to "her" house, but is otherwise okay. A one time incident, should not be emotionally scaring for Chewy.

By the way, I'm glad to hear your mom wasn't standing for that crap!

06-21-2002, 09:38 AM
I am sorry that Chewy had such a bad experience. I hope that he will be okay, and not afraid of men.

06-21-2002, 04:01 PM
I'm sorry Chewey had to deal with that jerk. It's obvious that the kid's parents haven't taught him to respect living creatures. And YAY!!!! for you, for throwing his sorry butt out the door. I hope Chewey learns that not all humans can be that obnoxious.

I'd also mention something to that jerk's parents about how he treated your dog. Maybe THEY will punish him (doubtful but worth a try).


06-21-2002, 04:06 PM
Oh, poor Chewey:( I just go NUTS when I read how cruel people can be to defenseless creatures. Your Mom handled it perfectly. I agree with the others that it should not be surprising that dogs, or any animal, can develop negative behavior pattern in response to such treatment!!:mad: I cringe and feel sick at the image of Chewey retreating in fear at the sight of a male. I think with some positive re-enforcement and gradual introduction of several postive male figures, Chewey will be fine. Poor baby! Please give Chewey a hug and kiss for me, ok?

Aspen and Misty
06-21-2002, 04:15 PM
Chewy says thank you for the hug and kiss. And Josh (my lil bro) was able to pet him last night. He was giving him treats like someone suggested. Thanx everyone. My mom did call the parents and all they did was talk to him and tell him he was wrong.: :mad:And if I ever see him again let me tell you it won't be pretty.