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View Full Version : I Hate This

01-07-2007, 08:09 PM
I am really upset right now. I have applied at a University and kind of really want to go, if I go it would be in September...and just the other day I emailed them asking them if it was okay that my bunny comes with me where I will have my own single room on the campus, and they replied no pets are allowed. I was REALLY hoping that they would allow it seeing as it wouldn't bother anybody and her cage is the type that no smell or mess can get out and she is very small. But they won't allow it:( I know most people probably thinks its stupid if I didn't go to University because my bun bun couldn't come with, but I love her so much and would never want to leave her behind. My parents would look after her, but they wouldn't love her, she would never feel love from anyone.:( I don't know what to do, the other option I was looking at was Vet's Assistant at a college that I can drive home from everynight, so I was thinking that maybe I'll do that instead, I have always loved the idea of working with animals and I would be able to be together with my precious Kishii. What do you think I should do?


01-07-2007, 08:17 PM
Find a room-mate outside of university dorm who is ok with pets. There should be a housing registry at the U - you might even be able to rent a room in a family house.

Check their local ads online, and the housing registry too.

OR - is there a friend you would trust with your bunny while you are away? You would be home most weekends and on holidays, right? Remember, university is usually only 8 months long, not 10.

Good luck!

01-07-2007, 08:20 PM
Thanks for helping Catty1!:D You have made me feel better. I never thought of finding a nice place outside the University, and I also never really thought that it was only 8 months...I would be home on some weekends and holidays and breaks! Maybe it won't be so bad after all:) I"m also going to apply to the Vet's Assistant and see if I get accepted:D Thank you.

01-07-2007, 08:33 PM
Agreed-you can usually find off-campus housing that will allow a small caged pet. And if you aren't using campus housing, you will (with grants and such) get a housing allowance. I got probably $1500 for a semester. :)

01-07-2007, 08:58 PM
I wouldn't think it was stupid. I wouldn't want to leave my pets, either. I think the off campus thing is a great idea. I hope you find that.

01-07-2007, 09:21 PM
I didn't think it was stupid, either. I'd do everything in my power to find some way to take my pets to college with me. =]

And living off campus is what my sister did so that she could have her pets with her. Infact, I know alot of people in college that live off campus just for the sole reason that they wanted their pets with them!

So don't worry, things will work out. :)

01-07-2007, 09:22 PM
Well... You could take your chances and move Kishii with you, but you might have to relocate her if the university finds out she's there. That's what happened to my nephew and his cat. I'm with Catty1 - find off campus housing where she could live with you. This is such an adorable photo - give your little Kishii a little hug for me, please!

I am really upset right now. I have applied at a University and kind of really want to go, if I go it would be in September...and just the other day I emailed them asking them if it was okay that my bunny comes with me where I will have my own single room on the campus, and they replied no pets are allowed. I was REALLY hoping that they would allow it seeing as it wouldn't bother anybody and her cage is the type that no smell or mess can get out and she is very small. But they won't allow it:( I know most people probably thinks its stupid if I didn't go to University because my bun bun couldn't come with, but I love her so much and would never want to leave her behind. My parents would look after her, but they wouldn't love her, she would never feel love from anyone.:( I don't know what to do, the other option I was looking at was Vet's Assistant at a college that I can drive home from everynight, so I was thinking that maybe I'll do that instead, I have always loved the idea of working with animals and I would be able to be together with my precious Kishii. What do you think I should do?


01-07-2007, 09:28 PM
I know how much you love Kishii and do not want to leave her. If you choose to stay with Kishii instead of going then that means that you truly did not want to go to University, so maybe having Kishii not able to go is a good thing. And mom knows that if you do go, I will gladly take care of her and let her out to play sometimes. I know I would never be able to love her like you do, but she has already grown on me, so she would grow on me more, and she would get love. :)

01-08-2007, 05:59 AM
Thanks very much everyone, I think once I know for sure that I am going, I am definately going to call and look around for outside housing. I think Universities look after that stuff too?!

01-08-2007, 07:30 AM
Find a room-mate outside of university dorm who is ok with pets. There should be a housing registry at the U - you might even be able to rent a room in a family house.

Check their local ads online, and the housing registry too.

OR - is there a friend you would trust with your bunny while you are away? You would be home most weekends and on holidays, right? Remember, university is usually only 8 months long, not 10.

Good luck!
I agree-- and not to uh condone breaking rules- but my dorm didnt allow pets either- and I had a guinea pig.. ( no I would not suggest this route- ...)
Also- some dorms like the senior dorms so to speak or grad dorms do allow pets.. There is an idea too.. Take it one semister at a time.. The first semister you can look for housing-.

01-08-2007, 09:59 AM
Thanks very much everyone, I think once I know for sure that I am going, I am definately going to call and look around for outside housing. I think Universities look after that stuff too?!
Many universities have on-campus apartments as well, that may be more likely to accept a small, caged pet. If not, I'm sure there are plenty of places near campus for rent. Start looking early! Good luck. :)

01-08-2007, 12:32 PM
I know how much you love Kishii and do not want to leave her. If you choose to stay with Kishii instead of going then that means that you truly did not want to go to University, so maybe having Kishii not able to go is a good thing. And mom knows that if you do go, I will gladly take care of her and let her out to play sometimes. I know I would never be able to love her like you do, but she has already grown on me, so she would grow on me more, and she would get love. :)

I do really wanna go to University though, and if I get accepted, I think I am definately going, I was thinking if I was a teacher, I would make some good money, and then I wouild be able to adopt some of the poor cats and dogs that I hear on the radio that need homes, I always hate listening to the radio when that stuff comes on, it makes me want to run down there and get the poor animals. Anyways, I was thinking that it is actually only for 8 months and I will be home more often than I think, so Kishii will be okay, it will jjust be really sad when I have to leave her.:( Thanks for the good thoughts everyone!

01-09-2007, 10:47 AM
Good luck to you. It's nice to see how much you love your bunny. However an education will do so much more for you in the long run. I think getting an apartment off campus is a great idea. Keep us posted.