View Full Version : Bocelli pics ...

01-07-2007, 04:52 PM
I didn't place Bocelli (BoBo) because he has been losing weight. I finally discovered that he also has sore gums! That makes 3 of my cats with mouth / gum problems. I know that Dexter and Boots have stomatitis, as the vet has seen both of them. Looks like BoBo will be heading to the vet soon as well. I am really shocked though, because he is no more than 2 years old. I would be very concerned that it might be Leukemia, but he was tested when he was younger. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers that it isn't anything "worse" than stomatitis.

Any way, he seems to be feeling better, but just isn't eating enough to keep a healthy weight. He is getting wet food, but eats good sometimes and not other times! :confused:

Looking up at Daddy:

That is Bonnie in Daddy's lap with him:

01-07-2007, 04:55 PM
I hope it is nothing serious!! Poor BoBo, I hope you are feeling better soon, you are a cute kitty!! :D

01-07-2007, 05:32 PM
I'll be keeping Bobo in my thoughts and prayers. I hope he feels better soon.

01-07-2007, 06:09 PM
Bocelli is SO handsome. Good luck with the gums.

01-07-2007, 09:24 PM
Wow what a handsome boy!!!

I sure hope it's nothing serious and he is feeling better soon.

01-07-2007, 11:17 PM
Bobo sure is handsome.:) I hope that his red gums aren't anything serious. He may have what my Starr had. Starr will be 2 in March and had some very red inflamed gums and gingivitis. He's also been losing weight due to not eating well but since he had his teeth cleaned he's eating normally again.:) Now if he could only get rid of his diarrhea problem.

I asked my vet about adding Oral Care to my cats water. He said it would be good since Starr is one of those cats that gets plaque easily. I just started using it today and it's virtually colorless,tasteless,and odorless so most cats should accept it. You add 1/2 capful for every 8 ounces of water and it's supposed to help prevent plaque, gum disease, and odor causing germs. You're also supposed to see a difference in 2 weeks. I bought the 32ounce size and it was $11.99. I figured it couldn't hurt. Good luck.:)

01-07-2007, 11:54 PM
Bobo sure is handsome.:) I hope that his red gums aren't anything serious. He may have what my Starr had. Starr will be 2 in March and had some very red inflamed gums and gingivitis. He's also been losing weight due to not eating well but since he had his teeth cleaned he's eating normally again.:) Now if he could only get rid of his diarrhea problem.

I asked my vet about adding Oral Care to my cats water. He said it would be good since Starr is one of those cats that gets plaque easily. I just started using it today and it's virtually colorless,tasteless,and odorless so most cats should accept it. You add 1/2 capful for every 8 ounces of water and it's supposed to help prevent plaque, gum disease, and odor causing germs. You're also supposed to see a difference in 2 weeks. I bought the 32ounce size and it was $11.99. I figured it couldn't hurt. Good luck.:)

That's weird Tracey, because Bocelli has had some issues with diarrhea too! It's gotten better, but still not perfectly formed BMs yet! I have lots to ask my vet ... but in a way, I am scared to find out!

Thanks for the info on that dental product!

01-08-2007, 01:52 PM
what a beautiful cat! sad to hear that your kitty is losing weight, and that both of your kitty's have gum/mouth problems. I will keep him in my thoughts and hope that everything will turn out well. i send you best wishes. take care.

01-08-2007, 02:36 PM
I hope just pulling the teeth will do the trick.
It worked for my late BooBoo.He had Stomatitis bigtime and all his teeth needed to be removed and the weight went back on and no more gum problems.Plus he needed meds for liver failure so he gained it all back until he passed on at 17.

01-08-2007, 04:54 PM
always loved this handsome guy!

my midnight had stomatitis as well, and dental operation helped a lot, we've tried every antibiotics, stronger injections, none would work good for more than two weeks! now she's much happier and even happier to be spoiled with mashed raw chicken. :D I guess that helped with diarrhea too.

I hope all of your three boys will feel better in no time and hope to see more of them soon. :)

01-08-2007, 05:02 PM
We are sending prayers for Bo Bo, and pray that its nothing serious , and taht your Cats will be thier old selves very soon.
There will be Found Cat Prayers going to God tonight for your Fur Friends.

01-08-2007, 05:20 PM
What a handsome little sick boy! Sending good vibes his way