View Full Version : Saturday afternoon fun...

01-06-2007, 07:35 PM
The sun came out this afternoon--clear and cold, perfect husky weather!
Running across the lake at exactly noon. That's as high as the sun gets this time of year.
Same lake heading the opposite direction an hour or so later. Dogs today were Sundin-Paxil, Ozzy-Pacer, Anvik-Franklin.
Happy Sundin(with Paxil doing her best to ignore me) after their run. Sundin is a completely different dog after a run. He gets all his confidence from working in harness. For a little while after he works, there is no sign of shyness at all.
Frosty Anvik. There is no getting out of the yard without him.
Ozzy lounging about afterwards. He likes to take a snowbath and nap after every run. Even at -22C(-8F), he thinks it's a bit too warm!
Mac pouting because he didn't get to come today. He's coming later if I go for a night run. He did get a new collar right after this picture since this one was pretty much destroyed!

01-06-2007, 07:39 PM
That looks like so much fun! Then again I have no clue what negative temperatures are like, so maybe not all fun.

It must be strange sledding over a lake that probably has boaters on it during the summer. :eek: They all look so thrilled to have gone for a run, and it's good to see Sundin so happy; quite the change from when he first came home.

Cinder & Smoke
01-06-2007, 08:34 PM
Even at -22C(-8F), he thinks it's a bit too warm!


MINUS 8* F = a bit "chilly"!

At least you guys have scheduled "Winter" for this year ...

Down here ... we must have forgotten to sign up for it ...
A Balmy 60* F today; and we're having a "Cold Snap" right now = 40* F

The real killer is the darn GRASS has turned GREEN around the Ranch House, and down near the Pond ... begging to be :eek: MOWED!


01-06-2007, 08:40 PM
The first 2 pictures are neat! I sure hope we get some snow soon, the weather here has been so goofy.

Thanks for sharing :)

01-06-2007, 08:47 PM
Sure looks like a beautiful day to me! I'm sure the dogs loved it, what fun! :)

01-06-2007, 08:52 PM
Great pics!!!
I wish Tikeya liked to pull me on a sled lol.. She rather ride though ;)

01-06-2007, 08:55 PM
It's great to see your "not good enough" dogs in action! Such beautiful animals and a beautiful area!

01-06-2007, 09:21 PM
Oh that looks like so much fun! :D

01-06-2007, 09:21 PM

MINUS 8* F = a bit "chilly"!

At least you guys have scheduled "Winter" for this year ...

Down here ... we must have forgotten to sign up for it ...
A Balmy 60* F today; and we're having a "Cold Snap" right now = 40* F

The real killer is the darn GRASS has turned GREEN around the Ranch House, and down near the Pond ... begging to be :eek: MOWED!

Glacier~ That very first picture is so "thrilling" to see!!!That Picture of the Sun is astounding for me to see!!

I've nearly forgotten what -8F is this time of Year~( Burrrr)

What a sight to behold ,as I gaze at such a Wintery Wonderland , complete with your Gorgious Dogs!!!!!

(My Poor daffodils have decided to take a peek :eek:)

01-07-2007, 01:23 AM
That looks like so much fun! Then again I have no clue what negative temperatures are like, so maybe not all fun.

It must be strange sledding over a lake that probably has boaters on it during the summer. :eek: They all look so thrilled to have gone for a run, and it's good to see Sundin so happy; quite the change from when he first came home.

Cold temps aren't so bad, just have to dress right for them. I find hot weather harder to deal with. At least if I'm cold, I can throw on another layer. Can only take off so many layers! :p ;)

No boaters on that lake except the occasional canoe and me in my kayak. It's considered a dead lake since it has no fish in it and it's pretty shallow for a powerboat, maybe 10 feet at it's deepest point. It's not really a dead lake though; it's a breeding ground for several types of waterfowl and home to at least 3 beaver families.

Sundin has come a long way. I'm hoping someday he'll like the house as much as his momma, Pingo, who is currently keeping Stuart's feet warm in the living room. I'll turn him into a house dog yet!

01-07-2007, 02:46 AM
wow beautiful!! Thanks for sharing!

husky 1
01-07-2007, 05:32 AM
Those pics are gorgeous, we have hardly any snow here in the uk :( Have to make do with a scooter , rig or bike, great fun still but not as fun as SNOW :)

01-08-2007, 09:47 PM
Beautiful pics. Love those pups running pics .......... although Anvik - had me snorting coffee again !!!


Daisy and Delilah
01-08-2007, 10:54 PM
Great pics as always, Tamara!! Here's a stupid question....how do you tell if the lake is frozen enough so you won't fall through? Remember, I'm from Florida and practically a native ;)

01-09-2007, 12:14 AM
Awesome scenery+beautiful pups/Tamara's pics=happy me!

When you said that's the highest the sun goes, does that mean it goes back down after that? Stupid question, I know, but I've never been that far north.

01-09-2007, 01:02 AM
Here's a stupid question....how do you tell if the lake is frozen enough so you won't fall through? Remember, I'm from Florida and practically a native ;)

Well, I wait until the snowmobilers have crossed it a few times. They are more likely to go through than a dog team, due to the way their weight is distributed. I have a First Nation's friend who swears that the ice is safe if the wolves have walked on it. I also tend to trust my leaders. Pingo in particular has great trail sense. If she won't cross ice, there's a reason and I don't argue with her. This year we had a month of -30C(all of November), there's no way that ice isn't good after that! It should be safe until mid-April.

When you said that's the highest the sun goes, does that mean it goes back down after that? Stupid question, I know, but I've never been that far north.

Yup, that's what I meant. Yesterday we broke the six hours of daylight mark. Sun rise is at about 10 am and sets just after 4pm. Right now we get about five minutes more of light each day.

01-09-2007, 01:56 AM
I can't belive I missed this thread! Your crew is so gorgeus! I have fallen in love with Anvik. But Mac is such a hansome man also. I love those freckles.

Ginger's Mom
01-09-2007, 02:13 PM
Oops, I almost missed it too. I love that picture of Anvik, he has such a great face (silly boy). And that picture of Ozzy all stretched out is great. Poor Mac, I am betting he has gotten out for a good run by now. :)

01-11-2007, 12:06 AM
*gorgeous* photos!