View Full Version : Please pray for us, okay?

01-05-2007, 09:33 PM
I'm just eavesdropping on my mom's phone call, (I can't help it, she talks loud and I'm in the next room) and she said something about her father, my grandpa. He had knee surgery this morning, and all went well but if I'm understanding the bits and pieces of this conversation, they found something else. My mother said to her sister that, "It could be cancer, it could be hodgkins..." and she almost started to cry again and she just kept saying, "I don't want to lose my dad, please, I don't want to lose my dad."

I don't want to lose my grandpa. He means the world to me, and I'm getting choked up just writing this. I know the day comes for all older people but I just don't want to accept that it might be happening to my grandparents. My grandmother will just die without him, I know she will. :(

I KNOW Pet Talk prayers work. Please, please, please. I know I haven't been around lately and I have upset some of you recently, but just pray for me, okay? Please don't let him have cancer.

My mom just told me it was a hernia surgery and it turns out it wasn't a hernia at all. It was a marble size growth and they are pretty sure it's cancer. They are testing it and will know by Wednesday. I'll keep you updated.

Oh, please pray for me and grandpa. Please. I can't lose him. :(

I'll try and find a picture to post.

01-05-2007, 09:37 PM
Oh gosh. :( I know how it feels to know a grandparent is sick. And cancer is the one thing on this earth that scares me to death.
Positive vibes headed your way to you and your family. You all will be in my thoughts.

01-05-2007, 09:50 PM
(((hugs))) - I can relate, I lost my most precious family member, grandfather last year to diabetes.

you definitely will be in my thoughts, I sure hope it's not more serious than or it's NOT cancer.. I'll pray harder. I hate this feeling.

01-05-2007, 11:03 PM
You will be in our prayers - and cancer isn't necessarily the death sentance it used to be. We have many cancer survivors on Pet Talk, even, so don't lose hope if you hear "the C word," okay? But you and your whole family will be in our prayers.

01-06-2007, 06:34 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this news of you Grandfather. PT prayers do work, and I will be keeping him in my prayers and thoughts. Keep us updated.

01-09-2007, 09:17 PM
Tomorrow (Wednesday) is when we find out.

Keep the prayers coming, I know they work.

I found a picture of him, but it's from about two years ago. He's a large man, but he has lost some weigt since then. Meet Grandpa James. He's the guy seated in front wearing the blue shirt. The other people are me, my mom, brother, dad and Gavin, back when we pretended to be a happy family. :rolleyes: My grandma is next to grandpa.

01-09-2007, 09:46 PM
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts, Meg. (((HUGS))) :(

01-10-2007, 01:44 PM
His appointment is at 1:30. It's 1:40.

I can't concentrate. I know it's nothing major, but I can just imagine him sitting there, my grandma might be getting teary just from nerves, my two aunts are also there, probably just as nervous.

I'm stuck at school until 5pm and then I'm going to see him. I'll let you know what happens. Right now I just need to make it through one more class and pit practice after school.

Thanks everyone.

01-10-2007, 01:54 PM
We will be with you and your family in thought and prayer. We are all pulling for a good outcome and remember we are all here for you.


Anita Cholaine
01-10-2007, 01:57 PM
Megan, I'm so sorry to hear about this :( I will keep your grandfather in my thoughts and prayers.

01-11-2007, 07:58 PM
Grandpa is cancer-free.

I am completely speechless and taken over with joy. Thank you all so much for praying for my grandpa. He looked so excited to tell me today that he DIDN'T have cancer.

Thank you all soooo much. I am completely overjoyed. :)

Pawsitive Thinking
01-12-2007, 09:04 AM
Fantastic news! Give Grandpa a great big PT hug from us all :D

Lori Jordan
01-12-2007, 09:33 AM
My Prayers are with you and your Family at this time of need,Think positive i know it is hard,Let us know what the results are. Hugs to you.

01-12-2007, 09:34 AM
Hallelujah!!!! :)

Anita Cholaine
01-12-2007, 01:40 PM
Those are great news! :D Tons of hugs are being sent for you and your grandpa.

01-12-2007, 11:43 PM
Happy Hugs to Grampa!