View Full Version : Ideas for a bridal shower... HELP

Aspen and Misty
01-05-2007, 08:03 PM
I'm my sister's maid of honor and her wedding is fast approaching, however I have never been in a bridal party or had a friend who was getting married. I now has no idea how to throw a bridal shower, PLEASE HELP ME, lol.

Where is it customary to have one? Can I have it at the house or is that cheezy?
If I have it at the house, should I decorate?
One of my sister's friends wants to make the food (she is a professional chef) is this acceptable?
Do you play games and what kind of games do you play? Any and all game ideas welcome!
What are some of the things that go on? What should I plane for and how long should I plane?

Can you guys tell me about some showers you have been to? I really need some help!


01-05-2007, 08:13 PM
Yes, you can have it at the house, if your home is big enough to accomodate the number of guests. Another choice, if it's a big wedding, is a local hall (like the VFW) or even a room at the church where the wedding will be held.

Mine was at a historic house, my sister's was at my aunt's house, my cousin's was at the church hall, another's was at a function room of her college ...

Sure, your chef sister can provide all the food. It depends on what time of day the shower is what food there should be, but your sister can help decide that.

There can be silly games, sort of ice-breakers - like see who can make the most words out of the letters in the bride's name ... on other little things like that, with a "prize" for the winner, which can be a small gift.

Make sure you have someone - you or another bridesmaid - assigned to record the gifts, so your sister knows who to thank for what.

And another good idea (from a friend's shower) is having each person address an envelope to themselves when they get there - that will fit the Thank You notes your sister will send! You can have people turn in their "envelope" in exchange for their "party favor" which you will have for everyone anyway!

Aspen and Misty
01-06-2007, 10:24 AM
Thank you Karen! I really apreciate the great ideas and I love the game where you see how many words you can make useing her name, that would be a lot of fun.


Edwina's Secretary
01-06-2007, 11:33 AM
When the bride opens her gift save the ribbons and bows. Use them to make a bouquet. Traditionally, this is used by the bride at the rehearsal.

The decision as to where you have it and what you serve is all about your budget. I was maid of honor once and the bride told me where the shower would be held, who would be invited, etc. It broke my budget!

I have been to showers in fancy restaurants, halls, bowling alleys...you name it. Personally, I think ones in the home are nicest.

I think your sister's friend making the food is lovely. And that can be her gift.

I would be careful about having people address their own thank you cards. I know many who would be offended by this!

01-06-2007, 12:59 PM
I would be careful about having people address their own thank you cards. I know many who would be offended by this!

Not that you are inviting me, anyhow, BUT, I would be horribly offended by this. If you can't find the time/energy/initiative to handwrite your own thank you cards/envelopes, frankly, you are too busy to have a bridal shower! :o

I think it is 100% tacky.