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01-05-2007, 03:37 PM
Tikeya and Ebony have both been showing signs of "age" (sob)....
Tikeya gets really stiff when she tryed to get up n' run... She lips slightly in her back legs, I think her hips are bugging her... Ebony have the same problem.. Both dogs are 8 years old, Ebony has had three litters of puppys in her life (dont know if that effects the hips)... Anyways has anyone had any experience with the Glucosamine supplement?? Does it help dogs like it does people?


01-05-2007, 03:46 PM
Yes it does-! Look at the milligrams when you look at the labels. You want at least 500 mgs.. After it doesnt work anymore, start glycoflex IMO as it has all 3 bone supplements. Its mainly made for dogs that had bone surgery, so its pretty advanced.
Petsmart sells a good one. First check with the vet there isnt anything wrong other wise- but yes- it works as well for them as it does for people.

01-05-2007, 04:01 PM
I use Cosequin for Sleet. It costs a small fortune, but it works. It took about six weeks to see results. Last spring Sleet couldn't come for a 2km walk without limping. Now she comes along for up to 5km. She's slowed down, but she is 13!

01-05-2007, 04:05 PM
You want at least 500 mgs.. After it doesnt work anymore, start glycoflex IMO as it has all 3 bone supplements.

I dont have a PetSmart here :(... I wish we did ;). I'd spend a fortune there lol. Well okay maybe I'm glad we dont have one :p.
Thanks for the info it helped alot.. I will ask the vet about glycoflex..

I use Cosequin for Sleet. It costs a small fortune, but it works. It took about six weeks to see results.

How much is a small fortune? ;).
I will also ask the Vet about Cosequin.. Wow Sleet is 13!!! I didnt know that.

01-05-2007, 04:11 PM
How much is a small fortune? ;).
I will also ask the Vet about Cosequin.. Wow Sleet is 13!!! I didnt know that.

If I bought it from my vet, about 95 bucks a bottle(lasts about a month). I buy it off a website from the States and pay about 150 USD for six bottles.

I forget she's 13 sometimes. She doesn't act her age most of the time. A couple days a month she needs a pain killer--usually because she forgot she's 13 and played too hard with the young dogs!

01-05-2007, 04:19 PM
I took my daughters' German Sheperd to our Vet last June because I noticed she was not as eager to go for those walks when she visited us.

She was given Synovi G3 Soft Chews~ I had to adjust the dosage to her weight, (6 per day to start with) then, after maintence, 2 each day.

These suppliments are expensive, but I noted a difference within the following months.
I'd be sure to have each dog seen by your Vet~

I found some great information on a Thread created by Pnance~ but, I don't know how to cross post it :rolleyes:

01-05-2007, 04:21 PM
RB Buddy used Cosequin for years. The vet used to joke that buddy
could be a Poster Dog for the stuff. He didn't have good hips to begin
with, but the Cosequin gave him years of good active health.

01-05-2007, 04:23 PM

Here's that Thread (I think :rolleyes: ) that Pnance created~

01-05-2007, 05:51 PM
I dont have a PetSmart here :(... I wish we did ;). I'd spend a fortune there lol. Well okay maybe I'm glad we dont have one :p.
Thanks for the info it helped alot.. I will ask the vet about glycoflex..

How much is a small fortune? ;).
I will also ask the Vet about Cosequin.. Wow Sleet is 13!!! I didnt know that.
YOu can order it on line with petsmart.. Seriously- Cosequin is expensive- more so than glycoflex. Hottie didnt do well on cosequin. Not sure why.. Here is the link to order glycosamine.. http://www.petsmart.com/global/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=84552444180 9994&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302026154&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=2534374302023689&bmUID=1168041071107&itemNo=8&In=Dog&N=2026154&Ne=2

01-05-2007, 06:54 PM
My sister uses Glucosamine on her Lab and she thinks it works just fine.

I read an article in Whole Dog Journal about DGP (Dog Gone Pain). You may want to look into that. Here is a link:


01-05-2007, 07:33 PM
I buy Wilbur human glocosamine/chondriotin from the drugstore. The vet gave us the dosage (for him, 500mg/day) and told us it was cheaper to get human stuff. So far, it is way cheaper.

01-05-2007, 10:26 PM
I have had Clover, Elvis & Tinny on Glucosamine for a good 6 months now and the difference in Clover is amazing she romps around like a pup again and can run all day at Flyball and not pull up sore. Yep the human stuff with Chondroitin is alot cheaper than the animal stuff ;).

01-05-2007, 11:09 PM
I buy Wilbur human glocosamine/chondriotin from the drugstore. The vet gave us the dosage (for him, 500mg/day) and told us it was cheaper to get human stuff. So far, it is way cheaper.

That's what Winchester is on too. It was amazing how much better he is after going hunting. He was getting pretty stiff after excersie but since starting it, no more problems.

01-05-2007, 11:26 PM
Please, take them to the vet and get x-rays done before assuming that it is simply age.

I made this mistake with my rottweiler. She was slow getting up a couple of mornings the beginning of Feb. 2005. About a month later, she couldn't put any weight on her front leg one afternoon. The decision to put her to sleep was made later that night when the x-rays showed the very advanced osteosarcoma in her shoulder.

01-06-2007, 01:58 AM
I would take them to a vet make sure that is exactly what the problem is, if so then they can reccommen supplements for you, but when my cockers were alive and they were diagnosed with arthritis, we meaning vet and i, put them on synovi supplements, i have used both the powder and the chews and they work extremely well.

01-06-2007, 02:10 AM
I give my dogs Missing Link with glucosamine. (It's already added in the bag when you buy it.) I think it's wise to start a dog on it while it is young rather than wait until they are older and showing signs of stiffness. I have a 15 year old ridgeback mix and she still keeps up with us on our daily 45 minute walk. My great dane is very active, too. But he is only 4 1/2 yrs. He runs like a horse. Yee Haw!!! :D

01-06-2007, 07:11 AM
Thats an excellent vitaimin. I use that form of MIssing link the last year verses the one without the gloucosimine.