View Full Version : HELP Question about Cat Shots.

01-05-2007, 02:23 PM
Hi all,

I had my cat Sebastian at the vets last evening and they gave him a rabies shot and distemperment shot.

He's very sluggish today and not seeming to want to move around alot.

Is this normal? I have 4 other cats and they seem fine after shots usually. I only had one probably where my one year got a bump where the vet gave her the rabies shot.


01-05-2007, 02:43 PM
I have never had that reaction with a Found Cat.
I would call the Vet, and ask if one Cat can have this ort of reaction.
It seems to me that this is not that rare , and is nothing to worry about.
I would certainly keep an eye on your Friend.

01-05-2007, 02:49 PM
A phone call to the vet won't hurt.

Each cat reacts differently. I have Crystal, who is her bouncing self an hour after all her shots. Sparkle takes a day or two to get adjusted. :( Vita just sleeps until she feels better - or hungry enough to move. :rolleyes: Chestnut, well, nothing noticeable with him. I guess he must lay low for a time and then get into his normal routines. Ruffles sulks at the indignity of it all for a couple of hours, not sure that the shots themselves bother her! :D

My vet has notes on file for each animal. I get a follow up phone call for Sparkle and for Vita 2 days after the shots are given, to see that they are OK. I think this got set up when they were young and I phoned in the first time I had them in there for their shots. (Different cts, different years, go in different months for their shots.)

Hope this helps.

01-05-2007, 02:53 PM
I did call my vet and she said it could most likely be a reaction. I know these shots are good for the animals but I'm just worried that doing it every year is not healthy for them..especially when he's reacting this way.

01-05-2007, 03:09 PM
A few of mine react this way from their annual shots too. It breaks my heart!

My vet said that the manufacturers are making them much stronger now. She even said some studies show that the Fvrcp is strong enough to last up to three years now. She just told me this year that she is willing to let me skip at least every other year for my guys since they are indoor only.

01-05-2007, 03:14 PM

I take my cats to 2 different vets, that may sound strange but one see them for their shots and the other vet if they are problems.

The one I see for if my pets have problems does shot every 3 years now for the distemperment shot and well rabies is every 3 years too I believe so I think I might end up doing this to my girls and boys. I just had to be over doing it on them.

Thanks for the info,


01-05-2007, 03:36 PM

I take my cats to 2 different vets, that may sound strange but one see them for their shots and the other vet if they are problems.

The one I see for if my pets have problems does shot every 3 years now for the distemperment shot and well rabies is every 3 years too I believe so I think I might end up doing this to my girls and boys. I just had to be over doing it on them.

Thanks for the info,

My vet says the FVRCP that she gives is still suppose to be given once a year but she says it's strong enough to last my indoor cats who aren't exposed to others at least two years. She also said my county has finally approved the 3 year rabies vaccination starting this year but I'm not sure if I want to do that with my guys. I've read here that it can increase the risk of cancer at the site of injection or something like that. I'm going to discuss this more with my vet first.

01-05-2007, 04:03 PM
My cat acts tired and a little off after his shots. I recently read an article that said cats didn't need shots as often. I read it months back so I don't have a link for you.

01-05-2007, 10:36 PM
My vet says the FVRCP that she gives is still suppose to be given once a year but she says it's strong enough to last my indoor cats who aren't exposed to others at least two years. She also said my county has finally approved the 3 year rabies vaccination starting this year but I'm not sure if I want to do that with my guys. I've read here that it can increase the risk of cancer at the site of injection or something like that. I'm going to discuss this more with my vet first.
My vet's office used to use the 3 year rabies shots but have now switched back to the yearly rabies because the 3 year is more likely to cause cancer.

Sky is the one who reacted badly to his FVRCP shot so I was told to wait and get his at least 6 months later. I would really like to skip all of their FVRCP shot's this year even though my vet's office says that they need them every year. I will keep their rabies up to date because if one of my cats bites some one then I could be in serious trouble. Starr bit me but luckily he was up to date on his rabies shot. I still haven't heard anything from animal control.