View Full Version : Remember the Jaundiced kitty?? losing his hair how.

06-20-2002, 05:37 AM
HI Everyone....remember several months ago, Peterson who was jaundiced and it ended up that he had fatty liver disease. Well he seemed to recover and all was well for several months and I think he is still ok BUT he has started to lose his fur, especially around his head and neck. He was not quite a long hair cat but his hair was longer than the shorthair and now he looks like he is going through chemotherapy. I know that it is summer and his fur may thin a little bit but this is more than that. He looks like he may go bald. Has anyone ever heard of this???:confused:

06-20-2002, 12:06 PM
Has he been checked for fleas? My cat Leonardo took to pulling his hair out over his tail several months ago. His vet said they do that when they have fleas. There were no signs of fleas on him though. He has allergies too which his vet finally decided was the reason for his hair pulling. She shaved all the hair off his rump and gave him some anitbiotics and that cleared him up. A trip to the vet will be your best bet. It could be lots of things. Maybe even the stree of going through all the stuff with the jaundace. Sorry, I guess this wasn't much help. Please keep us posted on Peterson's progress.

06-20-2002, 07:07 PM
Hmm...you give me good thoughts. Maybe it is fleas, even though he is an indoor cat, my granddaughter can bring them in after she has been out playing in the yard. We know becuase that happened to our cat a few years ago. She didn't leave the house but she got fleas every so often. But also the idea about an allergy could be an option. Will keep you informed.

06-21-2002, 01:15 AM
What kind of food is he eating? It could also be food allergies. Two of my cats lost their fur on their ears due to food allergies. I found out that they are allergic to fish. Good luck. Please keep us posted.

06-22-2002, 03:47 PM
I took Peterson to the vet today because my daughter was away. The vet could find nothing wrong with him. No fever, no congestion, no fleas. He said he doesn't think it is related to the liver disease but he doesn't want to ignore that either. He is eating good so that doesn't go with liver disease but he wants to be careful also. He said he thinks the hair loss is just because it is summer and it has been hot but I am not sure. the hair loss is mainly around his head and neck but his back seems fine. Anyway, he gave him a shot of antibiotic and gave him pills for 10 days and said to watch him and see what happens. So I guess we wait. Will keep you informed.

06-22-2002, 04:01 PM
Thanks for the update. I was wondering about Peterson. I thought maybe the hair loss is just a temporary thing caused by the stress his little body went through with his liver. Hopefully the antibiotic will fix him right up. Good luck giving him the medicine.:)

06-22-2002, 06:36 PM
Thanks for your thoughts. Peterson is the BEST kitty. I swear if he could grasp things he would take the pill in his paw, put it in his mouth and swallow it. he is NO trouble. Will keep you posted.

06-23-2002, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by kas
Thanks for your thoughts. Peterson is the BEST kitty. I swear if he could grasp things he would take the pill in his paw, put it in his mouth and swallow it. he is NO trouble. Will keep you posted. WOW! Now I AM jealous. I have to all but sit on my cats to get them to take medicine.:D

06-23-2002, 06:35 PM
yah he is really is a good kitty. When my daughter clips his claws, he just lets her do it. No fighting, no problem. the same with taking a pill. My two cats are terrible when it comes to pills or toe nail clipping. the last time we clipped Sunny, it took 3 of us to hold him while one cut him and he clawed my daughter all up her arm. Every person should have a kitty like Peterson.

06-23-2002, 11:34 PM
Maybe Peterson should be nominated as Sweetest Cat of the Day.http://www.smileydictionary.com/images/smileys_cat/cat.gif

07-11-2002, 10:46 PM
Did the pills help? How is Peterson now?

07-12-2002, 09:51 AM
Yeah, I was wondering about the flea situation too. Maybe he is allergic to something in the house or soemthing that he eats.