View Full Version : baby shower

01-05-2007, 10:09 AM
My friends are throwing me a baby shower on Jan 21st. I'm just wondering if anyone has any fun games to play that I might be able to relay to my friends throwing it. It's going to be held at my house (is that weird?) because my living room is huge and if it's nice outside, we can have some of the snacks and finger foods set up outside under my large covered patio.

My husband, Ricky, will take the dogs out somewhere for a couple hours to get them out of the way. They tend to get underfoot and they REALLY love food, so I don't want them bothering people and begging for handouts. My house isn't huge, but if even 1/2 the people who I'm inviting come, my house will be packed!

So anyway, any hints or fun games or anything that anyone might suggest? I'd love to hear 'em :)

01-05-2007, 10:13 AM
Here are the suggestions I gave to Kim (catnapper) when she was having one for Ashley. Sorry, I'm too lazy to re-type them. (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=102889&highlight=baby+shower+games)

I deleted the pictures, but if you'd like I can repost them.

Congrats again! I had a blast at all of my showers.

01-05-2007, 10:59 AM
My favorite baby shower game is to take a bunch of different chocolate minatures (reeses cups, hershey kisses, almond joy, etc), melt them slightly and then mush them into clean diapers. Everyone gets a diaper and the first one to determine the candy in theirs wins--But, you can't touch the candy with your hands. You can sniff and taste it, but not touch. It is funny to see a bunch of women with their faces stuffed into diapers with brown smears. :D

01-05-2007, 11:17 AM
I don't care for games...and didn't have any at my shower! Between the eating of food, the wonderful conversations/story telling, and the opening of gifts....the lack of games weren't missed. :o

01-05-2007, 11:18 AM
I don't care for games...and didn't have any at my shower! Between the eating of food, the wonderful conversations/story telling, and the opening of gifts....the lack of games weren't missed. :o

I'm with Johanna on this one. Just being with friends and family was enough for me!!! :) I'm sure you guys will have fun, Leslie, regardless of what you do.

I'm so excited for you!!!! :)


Edwina's Secretary
01-05-2007, 11:37 AM
I still remember the first baby shower I ever attended. There were games. Well...I am a little competitive so I played hard and won.

My prize was a baby bib. I was terribly confused. I had no baby, no plans for a baby. What was I to do with a baby bib???? Finally someone whispered in my ear...."you give it to the honoree!"

I did not try as hard to win the rest of the games.....

01-06-2007, 08:36 AM
Thanks for the tips and ideas, everyone :) I've printed them out and I'll be giving them to my friends who are giving me the party!

It's very exciting, and we don't have anything for the baby yet except furniture, so it'll be very needed, too! I'll let you know how it goes :)

01-06-2007, 09:59 PM
I have a game idea.... last night, at a friends's birthday farty, we all played Bunco! It was my first time playing, and I really enjoyed myself! It's a really fun game. :)

01-06-2007, 10:10 PM
Games from baby showers I have attended:
1. See who can make the most words out of the letters in mommy and daddy's names. Yes, names are permitted, too. Note: If you have a bunch of literary friends, make sure there is an unabridged dictionary handy for disputes.

2. How well do you know mamma? A friend asks you a bunch of questions beforehand, everyone gets the questions, and has to guess what your answer was. Whoever gets the most, wins a prize!

3. One I always would win: Fill in the words to these popular lullabies, for example, "Hush little baby, don't say a word, momma's gonna ___ ___ a ___________."

4. Random drawing - everyone must fill out their address on an envelope (which fits the thank-you notes you will send) - and the winner of the random drawing gets a prize.

Prizes can be small - a picture frame, garden tools (spring baby), small plants ...