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01-04-2007, 12:01 PM
So Haw many resolutions did you make and how many have you broken?

The Drink of the Day is Gin and Tonic..something easy for the bartender! ;)

01-04-2007, 12:18 PM
hey RedHedd!!! Over Here!!!! :d

01-04-2007, 12:24 PM
RedHedd - don't you know that we move the bar a block away every week?:D

Here we are -

Was I supposed to make some resolutions earlier this week? Oh Oh!
Well, at least I haven't broken any.

Coming down with a cold - so I may pass on the gin and tonic and go for some of Karen's tea - where is she?

01-04-2007, 12:36 PM
New Years resolutions? Um...I'm already starting out really bad. I want to lose weight, stop spending money and start to feel happy again.

So far?
Still eating way too much, will be spending money big time this weekend (new kitty anyone???!!!) and am still depressed. Well, it's only 3 days in, so there's still hope, right?

Barkeep, could I have a Gin and Tonic please?

Gini, I started coming down with a cold, and promptly went to the store and picked up some Air Borne Formula. Have you tried that? It can be found in the cough/cold section of the grocery store. They're kind of like alka seltzer tabs, because they fizz in a glass of water, but definitely taste better. Go get some!


Maya & Inka's mommy
01-04-2007, 12:39 PM
My resolution this year was to "never forget a doc's appointment this year" :D

He he, I haven't broken that promise, "yet"

Hm, no alcohol for me.... . Do you have an healthy drink for me, please?

01-04-2007, 12:43 PM
My New Year's Resolution is to loose weight this year. :o But I haven't decided when to start yet, so the cookies, ice-cream and second-helpings don't count. ;)
Got gin & tonics? Oh Lordy, don't tempt me! OK, yeah, I'll be good. I got a free sample of Gavalia coffee today, I'll brew up a pot of fancy coffee!
Colds - yuck! Do try those Airborne's, they're really good. Walgreen sells their own brand that work just as well and cost a lot less.

01-04-2007, 12:45 PM
The only resolution I ever make is to never make one!!!
Have never broken it yet!!! :p

Could I have a cherry vanilla coke and some onion rings to kick the new year in right? :D :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-04-2007, 12:46 PM
My New Year's Resolution is to loose weight this year.

He he, that was mine last year.... . But because of cortizone, I GAINED WEIGHT... ! So this year, I took a "safe" resolution ;)

01-04-2007, 12:46 PM
My resolution is to "get my groove back" :p Gin smells funny, how about a Bloody? They are easy ;)

Killearn Kitties
01-04-2007, 01:07 PM
I have not broken a single resolution! Unfortunately, I forgot to make any.

Can I have slimline tonic in my gin please? That should help lose a few pounds. Lots of ice and a slice of lime please.

Where's RedHedd, then? I thought she was gasping?

01-04-2007, 01:16 PM
how bout a vodka tonic? Thanks. As for resolutions, I firmly resolve not to miss thursday at pet talk all year! :cool:

The rest I broke already Well jasper helped me break them he bought the fudge............................

Happy new year all and many blessings to you all! :D

01-04-2007, 01:41 PM
how bout a vodka tonic? Thanks. As for resolutions, I firmly resolve not to miss thursday at pet talk all year! :cool:

The rest I broke already Well jasper helped me break them he bought the fudge............................

Happy new year all and many blessings to you all! :D

Vodka? no problem



One non-caloric, no trans fat, lotsa ice G&T!


ONe groove? BACK...er DONE?


One safe resplution? DONE!

CVC and Onion rings!



I think the unwritten rule is to never mention a woman's weight..You are on your own for this one... :(

Sorry..... ;)

WL, ONe G&T....and some time for the resolutions to kick in!



How's about a seat next to the fire? And some tea...DONE!

01-04-2007, 03:16 PM
Resolutions? Nah - None made so none broken, but the year is young! I actually worked out this morning and am trying to get back into my old groove of working out three times a week. Loose weight? My weight is loose enough, but I could stand to lose a few :p

On that note, I'll take a diet Snapple peach iced tea ;)

01-04-2007, 03:20 PM
:) All right Gin & Tonic.. Could I have couple of olives please?? Lets see New Years Resulotions :rolleyes: .. Could I have a drink first so I can think on this one.. Hello Mario where are you when I need to do some thinking/drinking.. :o

01-04-2007, 03:36 PM
RedHedd wants to "get back into the old groove..." and I want to "get my groove back.." I think Karen/WL and Red and I are going to have a groooovey time next month in SF :p way cool dudes and dudettes

01-04-2007, 03:39 PM
I can't toast a beautiful sunset this week - there won't be one because it's raining hard. The sun sets in about an hour but it's really cloudy out so it's looking dark already.

I had two New Year's Resolutions:
-Eat breakfast every day (even if fruit or bottled yogurt on the way to work)
-Aim for a better work/life balance

And so far, I've blown them both! So, I'll toast my failure with the same drink as last week... diet Coke for me.

01-04-2007, 04:29 PM
RedHedd wants to "get back into the old groove..." and I want to "get my groove back.." I think Karen/WL and Red and I are going to have a groooovey time next month in SF :p way cool dudes and dudettes We MUST go pay a visit to Frank's Shrine! :cool:

01-04-2007, 05:21 PM
Here, with two big pots of tea - blueberry tea - good for ya even, 'cause blueberries are loaded with goodness, and a pig old pot of chai. Which may I offer you, Gini?

Our winter here so far has been a big disappointment, but I can pretend it's cold out!

Oh, and I didn't make any resolutions, so haven't broken any yet! So far I haven't had any new, bad allergic reactions to foods - but have been eating very conservatively. I guess throwing up as little as possible is a *goal* for the new year ... but as I never know when I've developed a new food allergy, it's not something over which I have any control.

01-04-2007, 05:36 PM
may i have a cranberry and grey goose, heavy ice please? so far i'm doing well with my one resolution...not to swear while at work. i'm snapping a rubberband around my left wrist when i do swear, just 2 snaps. OY!!!!!!

Cinder & Smoke
01-04-2007, 07:36 PM
The only resolution I ever make is to never make one!!!
Have never broken it yet!!! :p

Could I have a cherry vanilla coke and some onion rings
to kick the new year in right? :D :D

Resolutions? ... None Made & None Broken = 100% Success Rate! :p

Ditto on the Cherry & Nilla Coke - but *spike* it with a lil Rum, please.
Onion Rings are "diet" type, aren't they? :rolleyes:

01-05-2007, 12:03 AM
:D My resolution - to visit Thursdays more often! :D

I haven't revealed much here on PT, but these past few months have been hell. My father-in-law passed away after a brief ilness in early November. Byron has had to work extra hard to be there for his mom during this difficult time. Then if that wasn't bad enough, my Sidney (my ten-year old kitty), vanished in the end of November so I have been devistated ever since. The holidays were so hard - but now I'm glad they are over so we can star anew.

sorry to be such a downer - I guess I should have spoken up sooner - but back to my resolution - I've always found Thursdays to be such a wonderful place and I regret that I haven't been here as much as I should this past year.

Here's to everyone who stops by - whether you are a regular or just an occasional visitor, you mean more than you may imagine - happy new year to each and every one of you.

01-05-2007, 12:38 AM
I'll have a Diet Mountain Dew, please. Oh wait ... too much caffeine so close to bedtime. How about a Crystal Light instead?

My new year's resolution is to lose some weight! I quit smoking in October (so at least I don't have to worry about making THAT resolution anymore!) and I have sadly compensated for lack of cigarettes by eating constantly. :( So far so good, though, I'll let you know when I weight on Monday morning if I've lost any weight this week. Food is most definately my addiction and downfall.

*sigh* ... I suppose there are worse vices, though.

01-05-2007, 05:02 AM
I didn't make any resolutions, but now that I think about it..... I really must stop brewing tea, leaving the teabag in for 15-20 min. or even longer, while I sit here, so that's this year's resolution. ;)

It's lunchtime now, but I'd like to order a G&T for later. :D

01-05-2007, 10:52 AM
If there is a spike in the sales of Kleenex - it is just me - Mz Drippy Nose!

Oh, some of the blueberry tea would be wonderful this morning.

Julie, come on over and sit by the fire for a while. I know it is cold and windy here - probably is the same in Oregon. I am sorry that 2006 ended on such a down note for you and Byron. I kept looking for posts from you and didn't see any - now we know why. We will always be here for you.

Miss Annie woke me up at 3 am to tell me all about this horrible wind - bless her heart............of course, now she is fast asleep after her breakfast.

01-05-2007, 11:02 AM
I'm with you, catland. 2006 was a very bad year for me, and I'm still struggling to find happiness in this new year. I'm sorry you've been going through such troubles. May you and Byron have a better start in this new year. I hope you can come again to the PT BBQ if our hostess with the mostess hosts it again! ;)

I should drop by Thursdays more often as well, but sometimes feel a little left out or like I'm intruding on a private party. :o I'll just sit quietly by the fire, if that's ok.


01-05-2007, 12:16 PM
dear Wolflady... the party IS where YOU are you silly woman. Julie, there are a few of us that have given 2006 a not so ladylike gesture as it disappears... 2007 will be better, I just know it :cool:

01-05-2007, 03:01 PM
I should drop by Thursdays more often as well, but sometimes feel a little left out or like I'm intruding on a private party. :o I'll just sit quietly by the fire, if that's ok.

**hugs**Gee, I feel like that most of the time!
We can sit together and tickle Mario!!! :D

01-05-2007, 03:07 PM
O.K. - who are those guys sitting over by the fire, pointing fingers at us and laughing???;)

MOFF - is that you? Wolf Lady - soooo, we are pretty funny huh?
Well you try drinking a lot of the blueberry tea - and then find out the bathroom is "occupied".......................Mario thinks I am dancing with him - but that isn't why I am dancing:o

01-05-2007, 05:32 PM
Sounds good, MOFF! We should probably hold off from tickling Mario until after he uses the bathroom! :eek:

That Blueberry tea sounds quite good. I think that would be nice to try this breezy, cool afternoon.

Gini...quick! The bathroom just opened up!

01-05-2007, 06:02 PM
Well I just resolved to do more and I guess I'm easing into it with baby steps. I did work on a few thingsa but then faltered the last few days. Need to get my order made up for next week and keep putting it off. It's not an easy make or break res though like "i will run 5 miles everyday" just something to work on so wont know till next year if I failed.

I can't call 2006 bad since I got Pua but it was sort of a in like a lamb out like a lion sort of year lots of health any finacial issues so am glad to see a new year though 2007 hasn't quite been nice yet either. Quasi and Jupiter got Ringworm but Quasi is Cured and hair growing back and just found and am treating Jupiter now. Plus Quasi got a tumor on his toe but for now it's best to just watch and see if it grows cuz it's not a good place to remove it.

Ah blueberry tea sounds nice. Pua would like some too she loves tea with a bit of honey in it. She wnet after my cup last night :)

01-06-2007, 01:57 PM
Ah blueberry tea sounds nice. Pua would like some too she loves tea with a bit of honey in it. She wnet after my cup last night :)

One BT? done!


No one is an outsider in here....


Do not remind The Ginster about the bathroom "opening' up!! :D


Run on BT...feel better yet? DONE!

HI Randi...Your G&T is ready!! :D



You are a fast learner!!

Crystal LIGHT? DONE!


ONE CVC and a little Captain Morgan?



Yes 06 was a pi$$er....

Have a slushie?done!


We started a cuss fund at work 25 cents a word, a rant for a dollar. We used it for our christmas party...


Thanks for being the "brewmeister general"

CM Diet coke?


Start spreading the news!


01-06-2007, 03:21 PM
Uhmm, thanks Richard, just the right time for a G&T. :) Will that go with onion rings, or should I make it Bugles?

I'm typing in the dark, the thing inside my desk lamb kind of burned out, and the bulb fell out - amazing it didn't break! And so glad Fister wasn't sitting under it!

So, I'll join you all in the Bar. Is the light is on? Don't want to crash into someone, ciggie in one hand and G&T in the other. ;)

Cheers! :D May we all get a better 2007!!!

01-06-2007, 10:55 PM
First, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I do hope you are all doing okay this 2007!

I spent New Years in Baptist Memorial Hospital, in Memphis TN, with my husband. The doctors said he had a heart attack. Seems like we have been gone forever! Jimmy is feeling very tired now, they done so many tests on him while he was there. It was very scary for me, I didn't know what was going to happen to him.

Think I will take a gin and tonic. I really am very tired. I do know one thing, the nurses at that hospital are the best!

Willie :)

01-07-2007, 12:09 AM
Gosh - this really has been a tough year for so many of us. So nice to have the fire here to cozy up to.

True story - we're known for our rain here in Portland- last week Strauss came in the house and he was so wet - he doesn't mind being in the rain. However, when I went to pet him, I saw something on his back.

It was a baby slug. :eek: :rolleyes:

Now that's wet.

01-07-2007, 08:23 AM
G'Morning everyone. I brought doughnuts & a big pot of fresh coffee. Don't worry, they're calorie-free doughnuts.

Richard, can you make this into Irish coffee if anyone needs one?

Willie, you guys in my prayers. My husband went through those tests last summer, too-- those are rough! It is very scary to see your loved one go through that. Hopefully they will get your husband on the road to recovery & health again.

Catland, maybe Strauss would like to join us by the fire & dry out a little? We've got a nice dish of cream for the kitties here. Mario, get your face out of that cream and there will be no tail-pulling that poor kitty! Why don't you help pass out doughnuts?

01-07-2007, 08:39 AM
We started a cuss fund at work 25 cents a word, a rant for a dollar. We used it for our christmas party...

i'm paying sally 50 cents (hey where did the button for cents go? ). she's gonna be able to eat lunch on me tomorrow...geez.... :eek: :(

01-07-2007, 10:46 AM
Willie, come sit by the fire for a while and rest. I sure hope that your husband will be alright. How frightening for you. Please keep us posted on his progress and don't forget to take good care of yourself.

01-07-2007, 10:51 AM
So, I'll join you all in the Bar. Is the light is on? Don't want to crash into someone, ciggie in one hand and G&T in the other. ;)

Cheers! :D May we all get a better 2007!!!

"All of us get lost in the darkness
Dreamers turn to look at the stars
All us do time in the gutter
Dreamers turn to look at the cars..."

Words to one of my favorite songs....

One G&T and a light and a lighter.


best wishes to you and your hubby...

How's about a double?




wow that deserves a drink


One IRish Coffee....


I Think it's may be a good thing the cents sign is gone! ;)


01-07-2007, 11:05 AM
Yum Doughnuts! and all I brought was Carrot cake.....fat free calorie reduced ,Flavorless......slips the cake to dog s and snags a doughnut. Irish coffee sounds wonderful on this Sunday. Jasper will drop in later I think he has the Bloody Marys and I know he has the McMuffins :D I agree that this past year was hard on all of us, we were off for a long while due to a death in the family and my cancer diagnosis, along with that our granddaughter was born in Nov. with retinal Blastoma (cancer) that is affecting her eye and brain. Her treatments begin this month and the surgery went well. My ex (whom we stayed close to and lived with us the past 2 yrs ) passed away in august after being in ICU for 3 weeks. My children lost their Dad and I lost a good friend. The aftermath of that wasn't pretty. We did sort of win in court over my step son Alex, who will be joining us later this month for full time custody, pending a 6 month court review. :) I look forward to a Happier new Year and wish all of us the blessing and riches we deserve, you are all always in our prayers.
Thanks Richard for a Yummy Irish Coffee!

01-07-2007, 01:03 PM
I once was in a grocery store and they were selling cookies at the counter.

There was a sign on them that said


an old man was in front of me and he read those two lines out loud.

Out loud he added


I still laugh when I think about it.

Now, Mario, I would like to introduce you to a new friend. No, you cannot make fun of his nose - it just isn't polite.

Mario, I would like you to meet Pua. Pua, this is Mario. I have a feeling that you two will be the best of friends. Just don't gang up on the no-name kitten.

01-07-2007, 01:36 PM
*pokes in*

Haven't ventured down here in a while!

I've got some homemade chicken noodle soup to go around - try it if you dare!

I've been under the weather so my soup and iceys have gotten me thru the weekend.

I'll take a virgin slushie, please!

01-07-2007, 01:57 PM
Mario, I would like you to meet Pua. Pua, this is Mario. I have a feeling that you two will be the best of friends. Just don't gang up on the no-name kitten.

They just might. I'm not sure Pua has quite decided how she feels about cats yet. When she first met Kat she was terrified but slowly came around and got used to her not being a threat. A few times she's purposfuly come at Kat to see if she'll run off but she usualy doesn't. Now she'll sniff noses with her and move on but she also checks out the cat box and all of Kat's favorite scratching places. She has tried to pee in or near Kat's bed a few times to even with Kat there, lol now she likes playing in Kat's bed.

01-07-2007, 03:21 PM
T I'm not sure Pua has quite decided how she feels about cats yet.Pardon my ignorance, but I checked out your blogspot & links because for the life of me, I can't tell what Pua is from your sig pic....I though maybe Pua was a sheep --- Wow, did I get a surprise! :eek:
What an adorable...anteater? Is that what she is? :cool:
Maybe we should get Mario to round up some ants for her...

01-07-2007, 04:35 PM
How does Pua feel about Capuchin Monkies? That is what Mario is. I think they should get along just fine!

Mario, go find Pua some ants to eat!

Welcome to Thursdays, Pua!

Willie :)

01-07-2007, 05:08 PM
:D :D Pua needs to tell us one clean joke! Mario just reminded me!:D :D

01-08-2007, 01:32 AM
She'll be okay with him if he gives good hand and arms rubs and doesn't tease her. Finding her ants will be a plus too.

Hmm Pua's idea of a joke is making me on the head with a claw when I'm not expecting it or grabbing my feet.

01-08-2007, 06:52 AM
Mario is really good at hand rubs and arm rubs, they will get along just fine! If she likes being groomed, he will do that for her too. He is a sweetheart! A little on the mischievous side of course.

A cup of coffee would be nice this morning, that's alright, I'll get it myself.

How is everyone this morning? I hope all are okay.

Willie :)

01-08-2007, 07:16 AM
Hi Willie!! How is hubby feeling this morning? Coffee sounds good ~ any dognuts left? Stale is OK if they are Krispy Kreme. My doggies were given some marinated, chewy, dognut shaped bones for New Years and are still chewing on them YUMMMY :p

01-08-2007, 07:32 AM
Hi Laurie, Jimmy is feeling okay this morning. Hope he continues to feel that way. He worried me this morning, he was moaning in his sleep like he was in pain, so I woke him up, but he said he wasn't hurting any where. I just worry all the time about him now.

The doughnuts sound yummy, even if they are a little on the old side.

Laurie, how are you this morning?

Willie :)

01-08-2007, 08:18 AM
Resolutions- well I am coming out of this early retirement and find something to do- even if part time- but I will not be able to even look into that for 5 more weeks..
Gin and Tonic?? uh well no- on medication so no alcohol.. ( wonder if a beer would mix wrong with the meds.. lol..)

01-08-2007, 02:24 PM
[She likes grooming too. Just watch out Mario she likes to groom back and that means a tongue in the ear :)

We're okay today here wont be aroud the next couple days though as we're going down the hill tomarrow for all ym dads medical stuff. His operation Wed.