View Full Version : Sparkling Sammie!

01-04-2007, 05:16 AM
Sammie, to say that you are handsome is quite an understatement. You are quite regal posed there by your tree and decked out in your pretty beads. Only a male kitty secure in who he is could carry that off in such a sophisticated fashion. :p I hope you have a terrific day today celebrating with your kitty brother and maybe munching on a little catnip. My boys, Trevor and Andy, (NJ kitties just like yourself ;) )send warms purrs to you on your special day. :)

01-04-2007, 09:19 AM
What a handsome kitty you are and that's such a cute picture of you. It was nice reading about the good life you have. Congratulations on being cat of the day!

01-04-2007, 09:41 AM
Sammie this is the Found Cat Bunch.
We are glad to see you having such a good Pet Mas, and we know that a loved Big Companion like you got lots of presents.
And your repayment like ours is the one gift that cannot be bought in any store, LOVE.
:) :cool: :rolleyes: :cool: :p :cool: ;) :cool: :D :cool:

blue girl
01-04-2007, 10:30 AM
Sammie, what a sweet boy! Are your eyes really that green, or is it just a trick of the camera? Wow, 12 yrs is a long time to be together--you and your mommy must have a very special bond and it sure sounds like you've been great company for eachother all this time. Its so wonderful to know you have such a loving home, and a very special place under the Christmas tree. Congratulations on being Cat of the Day!

01-04-2007, 10:40 AM
;) WoW are you stunning & handsome boy.. **** CONGRATS ON CAT OF THE DAY ****gO for those kitty treats today..

01-04-2007, 10:48 AM
I see a very handsome tuxie man on my monitor today! Congratulations, Sammie, on your Cat-of-the-Day honor. It sounds like you have been the recipient of loads of loving care, and that you have given your person lots of love and affection in return. I hope you and your brother have a long, happy and healthy life together with your special human. Purrs and head bops from Illinois. My girl Cassie (11) said to tell you she thinks you're very good looking, by the way.

01-04-2007, 10:58 AM
My goodness, you could not be more handsome if you tried. I am thinking that you are going to attract many females today who will fall in love with those green eyes of yours.

Twelve wonderful years with your Mom - what heaven for you both.

Congratulations and here is to the next 12 years!

01-04-2007, 11:35 AM
Too Cute! Just look at the character in your little face. You are Adorable! :)

01-04-2007, 12:55 PM
Sammie!! How handsome you look all decked out in your BEST!!! What luck to have the best mom!! HAPPY COTD

01-04-2007, 01:33 PM
Sammie you are so charming!!! ♥♥♥

I bet all the girls, human as well as feline, swoon when they see you!!!
I admit to feeling a bit woozie myself!!!
That is such a wonderful picture of you!!! It makes me smile!!! :D

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day today!!! :D

01-04-2007, 02:38 PM
Oh, sweet Sammie!:):):) I was so touched by your precious photo, your words, the special bond of love and devotion you have shared with your wonderful Mom these many years! You may be 12 years young Sammi but you're really just a kid at heart! :) What a wonderful life you have been blessed with (your very own catnip garden:D) and how lucky is your Mom to have known the unconditional love of a furkid as sweet and gentle as you! I wish for you many, many more years of loving companionshiop with your terrific Mom and best bud furbrother! :) Congratulations sweetheart! I hope you're enjoying a very happy Cat of the Day celebration! Hope you were able to fit in a nice, leisurely stroll in the yard! Hugs and kisses to you precious Sammie, our most deserving honoree!:)

01-04-2007, 03:18 PM
Oh Sammie,

You're such a "Handsome and Dashing' Senior Tuxedo, especially with the sparkly gold necklace wrapped around your neck and chest!!!

I can see why my Mom and Brother look up to you with Pride!!

Congratulations Sammie Boy , Our Cat of the Day~ Today!!!!

01-04-2007, 07:11 PM
My New Jersey kitties say Meow/Hello, and congratulations on being chosen as COTD! They are jealous because you get to go on outings, and have catnip especially planted for you . . . but you deserve all the finest in life, and it sounds like you have enjoyed 12 years of being doted upon as every cat should . . . here's to many more splendid years with your loved ones, Sammie! :)

01-06-2007, 01:11 AM
Sammie, you are a gorgeous tuxie boy and your gold beads add a special touch! My ebony girl Janie is on top of the monitor looking at your picture and purring with delight. You and your mom have a special bond, Sammie, being together for twelve years, since you were a wee kitty eight weeks old. And if you're spoiled....well, why shouldn't you be!!! I hope you're enjoying your walks outside during this mild winter; maybe your catnip treats are still growing. You are a great COTD, Sammie, and I hope you have many more years of health and happiness with your loving family.