View Full Version : I need opinions please...

01-04-2007, 01:36 AM
I'm still working on the details (hand, hair, etc) as well as the even smaller features, but I might be gone today so I thought I'd upload it now. It's still a WIP.


I'm drawing this as a gift. My friend (Olivia) and I are planning to give this to Gerard and/or Mikey Way in March. It's a work-in-progress drawing of the Way brothers, and I wanted to get some feedback on how to maybe make it better.

It's not very good, because this is my first EVER attempt at drawing realistic people. hahah. But.. I'm not finished yet.

I can't find the reference image right now, but I'll post it once I get ahold of it..

Here it is so far. The scan kind of messed it up, it looks better in person.



01-04-2007, 01:45 AM
I think it looks perfect, you are a talented! I cant draw stick people let alone real people! :o

Miss Z
01-04-2007, 04:12 AM
That's looking really good so far! You are very talented.

The only thing I think I can advise you on is the outline of the hair on the guy on the left is too dark. You can make the outline the same shade as the rest of the hair, then just put a little shadow shading on the forehead. Other than that it looks fine :D

01-04-2007, 07:53 AM
Looking very good!

Two comments though:
*Either remove the hands completely or work a lot on them to make them look more realistic.
*make true black in shadow areas. The one thing most young artists (meaning starting out, nothing to do with age) do is they have too much middle shades of grey and not enough of the strong whites and strong blacks. Pump up the contrast as much as you can. Your drawing will "pop" then.

01-04-2007, 09:31 AM
Thanks so much, I really appreciate it. I'll especially keep working on the shading of the hair (I wasn't finished there anyway, but now that I know exactly what to do, the tips will help) and same with the hands. Thanks! :)

01-04-2007, 11:39 AM
I think it looks totally amazing, Dev! You're too hard on yourself! I can still help you if you want though, IM me sometime. (although I don't now that there is anything to help with)

01-04-2007, 11:42 AM
Looking very good!

Two comments though:
*Either remove the hands completely or work a lot on them to make them look more realistic.
*make true black in shadow areas. The one thing most young artists (meaning starting out, nothing to do with age) do is they have too much middle shades of grey and not enough of the strong whites and strong blacks. Pump up the contrast as much as you can. Your drawing will "pop" then.

I totally agree. It makes such a HUGE difference if you keep adding shadows and making it darker etc. I know the first one I did, I was like man this sucks...then I added more and more shading to the eyes etc, and it just makes everythig pop out. The thing with pencils is you have to keep going over it or it will fade out a you work with it...!

01-04-2007, 11:49 AM
What a Beatuiful picture! You're very talented. :)

01-04-2007, 12:52 PM
Looks realy realy good!,

I'm not good at drawing people ... unless there cartoonish,

It's drawing animals & birds that wins me awards not people lol. :o