View Full Version : Horse pics of the love of my life!

01-03-2007, 01:42 AM
I haven't put any pics here before, so I tought it was time for that :) Negat xx is in February 21yor and I've known him for 7 years. He was brought to Finland from Poland when he was 4. He was the first horse I rode in this "riding school stable". His right eye is blind and at first I thought he was ugly horse! But at first I hated U2 and now I couldn't live without either of them! He's not mine, but his owner is now a good friend of mine and I see Negat every weekend and on holidays. Such a lovely guy :D

01-03-2007, 01:45 AM
P.S. Pics are taken in May 2006, so he's 20yor in them. doesn't look like 20yor to me ;) (maybe on the pic in the middle... :D )

01-03-2007, 02:06 AM
I would love to ride a horse one day I just need to get over my fear of them .. :o He looks very calm and gentle, I didn't know horses lives for so long! whats the average lifespan?

01-03-2007, 02:20 AM
Yes, he is calm always but when he hasn't been ridden for couple days he is full of energy(of course..) and isn't afraid to show it! :D I think the average age depends on horse's breed and is it in good condition. Ponies can easily live over 30 years! I've heard that the oldest horse, Old Billy, lived over 60 years!

Miss Z
01-03-2007, 07:08 AM
He's cute! :D I love horse riding too, welcome to PT!

01-03-2007, 11:36 AM
what a beauty for 20yo. sounds like a doll! i rode a horse and almost bought a horse that had one eye gone too! she was a sweetheart because no-one mis-treated her so she could trust people! she had beautiful movement too just that she was priced too high. i loved her though and know her when i see her at competitions i was glad to see that she did so well. take care

01-03-2007, 03:37 PM
He is sooo cute! I ride alot. I ride my horse Bruja and she is awesome. But your horse probably is alot better than Bruja. If you can you should get some more pics, I would luv to see them. I have seen a gray horse with one eye at a fair before. It was kind of freaky. :eek:


01-03-2007, 03:39 PM
;) Well this baby is adorable.. Great pics & thanks

01-03-2007, 03:55 PM
Hi Inna! I remember you because you love U2 and horses just like me. :)
It's nice to see you here again and posting horse photos too!
Is that you in the last picture with Negat?

Here is a photo of my friend with her 4 horses.
I have ridden all of them except for the Palomino who will be turning 30 years old this year.
My daughter still rides him for lessons and horse shows.
He has a bit of arthritis but is fine in walk/trot classes and also does some cantering during her lessons.
One of the horses I used to ride when I was a teenager lived to be 41!
So a 20 year old horse doesn't sound too old to me. :)

01-04-2007, 12:15 AM
Hi Vermontcat, I remember you!:D I have more pictures of Negat and I'll put them here when I'm at home:) And yes, that's me on the last picture...x)