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01-02-2007, 08:39 AM
It was very strange. For the past 9 years, I've had nightmares about finding my Dad's body in his apartment. Well, tonight was different.

I had a dream that I went back to my Dad's old apartment with my father, to meet the woman who was now living in it. The whole set up was totally different. It had alot of mirrors in the living room and the kitchen was a lot bigger. The smell of death was gone.

I went over to his neighbor's house where they had alot of cats. They were going to get rid of two of them because they were getting two new kittens. I told them I would take them and got really mad because they didn't care about them at all. They put them in a bird cage and I took them home. I left them in the cage with no food or water :eek: and went to work, where my picture was being taken for my employee badge. I panicked because I forgot to give the cats food and water and they didn't have a litterbox to go in. That's when the dream ended.

I had a burrito for dinner, so I'm thinking that's what caused the dream.

Pawsitive Thinking
01-02-2007, 08:43 AM
Dad says he has moved on and so should you - he also knows that kitties are your passion

01-02-2007, 08:45 AM
Yeah Burritos can be a bit of a nightmare anyway (I love them but they hate me) so why not have the side effects by having a weird nightmare. LOL

But it was weird maybe there is something else playing on your mind are you under any stress at all or have you something that you must do that you have not done yet that could be why you all of a sudden remember the food, water and the litter tray for the cats.....

01-02-2007, 08:52 AM
I agree with Brody's Mom's explination. :)

Mmmm burrito. :)

01-02-2007, 09:08 AM
Brody's Mum,

I kinda figured that was the message I was getting. I've had dreams about my Dad before, but nothing like this.

Hmmmm, love them burritos!!!! :p

01-02-2007, 09:23 AM
What a borito..
I agree with the above statement of your dad telling you to move on, and using the kitties to show you other things take priority here..
I had a dream after my grandfather died. He came in the room. Smiled and said " see you later". There was also a 'relief' in the air as well.. I took it to mean the same thing..
Next burrito, take a tums before bed. The calcium will neutralize the acid and calm the brain.. lol. ( eventhough you do not need a tums.) I read that years ago with spicy food to prevent odd dreams- it works for me..

Laura's Babies
01-02-2007, 09:30 AM
It is odd the things we sometimes dream. I have had only dreamed about my Dad once since he died (1990). I dreamed I was on a park bench sitting when this handsome man in a uniform came and sat by me. We talked and then he laughed... I reconized that laugh and turned and said "DADDY! IT'S YOU!!!" and that made him laugh even harder. The laughing is what woke me up, as I as laughing too.... The next day, I was going trough some stuff and found a picture of him that looked exactly like he did in my dream.. I looked at the picture and thanked him for the "visit" and leading me to the picture so I would know it was a real "visit".... I know have that picture in a frame sitting out. My Dad was such a handsome man.....

01-02-2007, 10:25 AM
Hmmm... my take is that you didn't have any sugar to go in your coffee last night, and your brain didn't know how to process things normally ;)

01-02-2007, 11:44 AM
Sweet Dreams Donna~ :o

That Burrito made it all happen~~~ Naaaaaaah ;)

01-02-2007, 12:01 PM
I love hearing people's dreams, and this one was very interesting. I agree with Brody's Mum, it could have been a sign. But if it was, I'm wondering why those people who didn't care about their cats were there.

01-02-2007, 12:45 PM
my take is that you didn't have any sugar to go in your coffee last night, and your brain didn't know how to process things normally

ROFLMAO!! Ah, but I DID have Splenda to go into my coffee after our little conversation. ;) :p

01-02-2007, 03:32 PM
Great dream, Donna. In Jungian terms, everything in your dream reflects an aspect of yourself. The mirrors seem significant too...perhaps your increased powers of reflection (I.e. more mirrors in the "living" room) are allowing you to see things in life from a different angle, and it is you who are finally ready to let your dad move on. ;) As for the caged kitties...well, it might be helpful to think how this may be a literal picture of something going on right now. Dreams are soooo interesting. Jung said that an unanalyzed dream is like a gift you received and never opened.

01-03-2007, 12:37 AM
I always have strange dreams if I eat anything before going to bed which I try not to do (except just this sec I ate fruit salad).

I'd love to have my dreams analysed. I'm always lost, either in the car or in a store...I do have a lousy sense of direction.

Recently, nice dreams of dad, Cody, Logan but my mom is always upset with me. Don't know why. :confused: