View Full Version : Tell me about winter!

Anita Cholaine
01-01-2007, 04:51 PM
We're having an unusually warm beggining of the year here. We had a temperature of 109ºF today, it was just imposible to be without the air conditioner on. And even though it is already getting dark, it is still sooo hot.

The whole week will probably be all like this, and I have to admit that I'm already a bit tired of summer... So why don't you tell me about the cold weather you are probably enjoying right now?? You don't know how much I envy those who are in winter right now, but maybe at least reading about it will make me feel better :p

01-01-2007, 06:11 PM
Well I don't know how much about winter I can tell you. We've only had one lousy day with a very few snowflakes and that was way back in late Oct. or early Nov. Haven't seen a flake since, all we get is RAIN!!! :mad: My back yard looks like a lake, and I have a flowing creek where my basement floor used to be. :( Weather hasn't really even gotten cold enough to make my perinnials die back all the way. My darn spring bulbs are coming up and my flowering cherry tree has a TON of buds on it. :eek: I hope it doesn't make them not bloom this year because of this funky weather.

01-01-2007, 06:15 PM
Winter in New England is a changeable beast. Two days ago, we had snowfall, and nice crisp, cold weather - everything was pretty, but the roads were clear. Today we have had rain and warmer temperatures, so the ground, which had been frozen, is thawing, so the world is shrouded in fog. And who knows what tomorrow will bring?

01-01-2007, 06:28 PM
We are having a warm spell (but still quite cool compared to you). The highs have been , and will be, in the low 50's /upper 40's for the next week. Personally I will take this as LONG as possible, because I hate below freezing temps and snow is a horrible thought. We has some drizzle today, making it kind of dreary. And FOG!! all day and night.

But you should be able to cool off by thinking that it is about 47* here right now. ;)

01-01-2007, 08:17 PM
Well ,we usually have cold and snow this time of year in Ohio. This year we have cool and mud.

01-01-2007, 09:29 PM
We are having a warm spell (but still quite cool compared to you). The highs have been , and will be, in the low 50's /upper 40's for the next week. Personally I will take this as LONG as possible, because I hate below freezing temps and snow is a horrible thought. We has some drizzle today, making it kind of dreary. And FOG!! all day and night.

But you should be able to cool off by thinking that it is about 47* here right now. ;)

That's the same weather we are having in the suburbs of Chicago, and I love it. It's generally much colder and below zero is not unusual for this time of year. I'm not sure is this reminds me of late fall or early spring, but it's definitely not winter. It's still cold enough to be wearing comfy sweaters and sweatshirts, but it's not that bone freezing cold that seems to permeate even the warmth of a good heating system.

Anita Cholaine
01-02-2007, 08:52 AM
Well, it seems that the weather is getting warmer everywhere! Your winter still seems pretty cold for me though, our winter is about a month long and the lowest temperature we have is about 40F.

Today is not as bad as yesterday, but it is still really warm. We had an electricity cut last night and not being able to use the AC or the fans was a complete nightmare. I'm sure that after such a warm weather for so many days a big storm is coming.