View Full Version : I was bored.... ROTFLMAO

12-30-2006, 08:20 PM
I was bored and still laughing about last night after seeing my bosses "ScottiePoo" who I hadent seen since october. well he has really filled out... but I looks histarical, because he has the body of a scottish terrier, ya know thick and big dog like. but his legs are all poodle...long and skinny. so he has this great big thick body, sitting on long stick legs. his tail is shaped like a scotties but whiplike like a poodles, ok so we have a thick body, with long stick legs and a whip tail.. the result is that he looks quite fat, but is actually thin. so for fun I made an illistration, I took a picture of a toy poodle and a picture of a Scottish Terrier and I imposed them together with the head of the actual dog and I cloned the coat from the head shot all over the body.. so folks this is what a ScottiPoo looks like lol

12-30-2006, 08:21 PM
WAY too much time on your hands ;) :D cute though haha