View Full Version : Ford, Brown and Saddam

12-30-2006, 06:22 PM
Just some small observations about the past week.

I guess it does come in threes..

Watching the news when I could this past week and today I happened to see some things that made me think.

Watching some of the ceremonies of the James Brown funeral I saw people celebrating life in a way that you do not see very often.

I am watching the Ford ceremonies and sit here in wonder at how much planning there is to bury a president-the members of the military do such a great job at functions like these, Thank you.

I wasn't a huge Reagan fan, but I found myself tearing up during his funeral, just as I am now.

Then we get to Saddam, no ceremony, no looking back....
While I do not have any love lost for Hussein, I really think that the people who killed under his regime were the ones that should have been given the noose.

And I do find it kinda hard to see people celebrating his death-I am in favor of a death penalty but see SH's hanging as anticlimatic.....

So is life?
So is death. :(

12-30-2006, 07:19 PM
Well I learned several things about Ford I didnt know- like his military record, etc. James Brown I was glad the church came back to him.
Hussein- goes without mentioning ...

12-30-2006, 11:40 PM
Yeah Richard~ It's real *sad* , to realize that James Brown is just a Story of sorts ~OH Lord, I used to laugh , so hard, ( as a little kid)~ Watching his performances :cool: (That cape!!!! :D )

Well, ~~~~that was Yesterday, and , ~~~TODAY is NOW~ :o

It's all falling into Place, isn't it!!! ~ Live and Learn, huh!!!

And, then, there's SH , on the Flip Side of Events that We are told of~

( Want to Watch his execution , click here~ WOW!!!) No Thanks~ :o

12-31-2006, 12:36 PM
I'm SO glad I saw James Brown live just a few months ago. It was a very small concert here in San Francisco's Great Meadow and I had almost front-row seats. Until the crowd swarmed around me, I could have touched him!

Yesterday walking around San Francisco's Union Square, the street artists around the Powell Street cable car turnaround had a tribute to JB set up - music, flowers, pictures. I had to stop and listen for a bit and thank him for all the wonderful memories, the dancing, the smiles, that pompadour. He will be missed.

12-31-2006, 05:51 PM
I had to stop and listen for a bit and thank him for all the wonderful memories, the dancing, the smiles, that pompadour. He will be missed.

If you squint your eyes Al Sharpton and his pomp makes him look kinda like JB, The only thing missing is the talent! :eek: