View Full Version : Driving test ....

06-19-2002, 10:31 AM
Hi everyone.... I passed my manuverability (which was GREAT, because I don't have to do it again for the test..), but failed driving.. I went in the wrong lane.. I kept asking the lady if it was right or left, and before I got to the end, I was in the right, and she wanted left, and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to move over, but ahh! Grr.. but.. at least I passed the manuverability. and I gotta pass the driving next Wed.! Soo..you know I have hearing problems.. so.. she told me WHILE I was driving, which was a big no-no, because I need to concerate on what I'm doing, plus I dont do well if someone talks to me while I'm doing something... I wasn't prepared to go in what I was supposed to do.. She should've told me BEFORE I went ahead to do it. My dad, mom, and my instructor agreed with me. Ugh, I am still kicking myself for this. I know it isn't my fault, and it's her fault. I *KNEW* what I was doing, and if she told me before I did that, I would've PASSED. The lady afterwards told my mom that I obviously showed that I knew what I was doing, etc. My mom is switching places for next Wed. so I can take the driving test at the place where I took my written test. Ugh, oh well. I will pass it on my 2nd try. EVERYTHING was easy, and I would've gotten my pernament liscense TODAY. Thanks for letting me ramble on this! See y'all later :) - Rachel

06-19-2002, 10:35 AM
Sorry to hear that the lady confused you. And Good Luck on Wednesday!

06-19-2002, 02:13 PM
Just one more short week until you get your license :) I'm sure you']ll do fine

oppss, sorry... kitten walking on keyboard :Dkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

06-19-2002, 02:30 PM
Sorry to hear about that ;x Good luck next time! I failed my 1st try too, I appearintly failed to yeild to a person when turning left..mind you the girl wasn't even crossing, and I did stop for her and she didn't go but anywho..LOL.
I'm a little brain dead today..and am kinda confused about what you said?? Ok, so I'm brain dead pretty much everyday..

06-19-2002, 03:11 PM
Ahh, that's too bad! At least you passed the manuverability! Were you just in the wrong lane? That shouldn't be a cause to fail.......I mean if the road has 2 lanes on each side, you should be able to be in whatever lane you want to be in. I agree that she should have told you before hand! Especially since you have hearing problems, she should understand that. I don't like it when people talk to me when I'm trying to concentrate either. Well, good luck on wednesday!!~~Amy :)

06-19-2002, 04:24 PM
welcome to the "First time failures club" :) I said before what happened to me...i think they like to try to confuse you..some twisted revenge for having to test drivers all day or something :)

Good Luck Next week!

06-19-2002, 05:37 PM
LOL, well, thank you. :D I will pass on my 2nd time, I know it. my driver instructor came over, and he said he's going to help me pass it on Wednesday. He's gonna take me where it'll be at, and what to do, etc. (where the stops, and all those little inside stuff are going to be..)He really wants me to pass. He's so nice and funny. He made driving fun and now I enjoy driving! :) - Rachel

06-20-2002, 06:29 PM
hmmm noticing a trend here...everyone has failed their first test...it was the same way with everyone in my family except my dad, which doesn't matter because he has to take the test again due to the stroke but I'm rambling now anyhoo, I'm sure you'll pass on Wednesday.