View Full Version : The Dyson Animal :)

12-30-2006, 12:20 PM
Hubby suggested about a year ago that this would be a nice vacuum cleaner to have. I told him that lots of folks on PT already had it and agreed. We are slow to make up our minds on such an expensive purchase but he did go ahead this year and get me one for Christmas. :)

I came home from work on Wednesday (he is off this week) to find out that he had vacuumed the whole downstairs. (Do you think this will keep up? LOL!)

This thing is amazing. It is quiet and does an awesome job. I just did my entire stairs to the upstairs while the Dyson sat on the floor downstairs. I don't even want to tell you about the dirt it got off the carpet on the stairs :o and I thought I had been pretty good about getting it up with my little Black and Decker hand vac. :rolleyes:

My dogs don't shed but I have cats that make up for it! To all of you with pets (and that would include anyone who posts under Dogs or Cats!) I highly recommend this machine. It is a lot of money but it is wonderful - so quiet and there are no filters to replace. Just a great invention! Do you think Mr. Dyson would consider this a good commercial for his product? :p

12-30-2006, 12:37 PM
I've had it for about 2 months now and I love it. We went a bit further and bought their hand held vac as well. That thing is amazing so move over Dustbuster. ;)

12-30-2006, 01:06 PM
We got the Dyson as a wedding gift. It's definitely a great vaccuum! It's so quiet that Kia, who is typically afraid of vaccuum's, will just lay on the couch and watch the Dyson roll past her without a blink of an eye.

Edwina's Secretary
12-30-2006, 01:40 PM
I never thought I would say such a thing....but I love my Dyson.

But I never think of it as particularly quiet?

12-30-2006, 01:43 PM
That's wonderful Pam!

I do love mine:)

12-30-2006, 01:50 PM
We recently bought a new vacuum and it is too heavy for me! It didn't seem so bad in the store, but it wears me out! I think it is a Eureka. I sure would like to have a Dyson some day, but I hate spending so much money on something so "un-fun"!!! :rolleyes: :p I may have to break down and get one some day though ... it certainly has gotten rave reviews here on PT!

12-30-2006, 02:18 PM
I've had mine for almost a year now and I love it.:) It picks up so much cat hair and never looses suction.:) I bought mine through the Popeil Family Store so I was able to use their payment plan but it now looks like they only have only 2 models.

12-30-2006, 04:18 PM
I have always wanted a Dyson myself, but they are rather expensive, however it is good to read that you report them to be good, as our consumer magazine here rates them poorly,it is a very respected magazine too, so i am not sure what to think really, i guess the cost answers my question for me, i will have to opt for a cheaper model i think. :)

12-30-2006, 09:04 PM
I too, have always wanted a Dyson, but instead we got ceramic tile throughout the house, and trust me, that is MUCH better than any vaccum cleaner in the world!!!

Both my husband & I are allergic to cat/dog dander and it was recommended that we get rid of the carpet in our house. Best move we ever made. BUT......if I were to have carpet again, I would buy a Dyson!!!!

12-31-2006, 08:48 AM
I something of a vuccuum cleaner nut. I can't resist going down the vacuum cleaner aisle of any store that I am in. Even though I have a perfectly good Lux (the new name for the Electrolux), I would love to have a Dyson too. There is something about being able to empty the cup and see all you have extracted that is rewarding. (Doesn't take much to make me happy.)

12-31-2006, 11:00 AM
I got one back in Feb. and I love it which is saying a lot since I hate to vacuum. Now I don't mind so much. I'm always amazed at how much hair it gets up even in just two or three days between cleaning. I love how the animal attachment gets the cat hair off my solid navy blue recliner. Why or why did I buy a solid navy recliner that shows every hair and speck of lint? :rolleyes:

Anyway, I got my from Amazon refurbished and it was a really good deal!

12-31-2006, 11:03 AM
Glad you like it Pam! Yes, Dyson's are a wonderful invention! I love ours!

12-31-2006, 11:30 AM
I have no faith in vacuum cleaners, none. I have bought the less expensive model-$80.00 or so, all the way up to what I consider expensive $350. After a month or two, they all seem the same to me- lame. I have tried bagless and bagged, I can't see a difference.

I have a small house, no wall to wall carpet, just five or six large faux oriental rugs. I would love to have a vac that cleans the hardwood floors, the carpets, and the upholstered furniture!

Do you Dyson lovers think a Dyson would work on area rugs and hardwood?

Edwina's Secretary
12-31-2006, 11:50 AM
I have no faith in vacuum cleaners, none. I have bought the less expensive model-$80.00 or so, all the way up to what I consider expensive $350. After a month or two, they all seem the same to me- lame. I have tried bagless and bagged, I can't see a difference.

I have a small house, no wall to wall carpet, just five or six large faux oriental rugs. I would love to have a vac that cleans the hardwood floors, the carpets, and the upholstered furniture!

Do you Dyson lovers think a Dyson would work on area rugs and hardwood?

Mine has a setting for bare floor and a setting for carpet. And I have wall-to-wall, area rugs, wood floors and tile floors. When you see how much (mostly cat hair) it picks up..well it is just amazing!

12-31-2006, 12:37 PM
Mine has a setting for bare floor and a setting for carpet. And I have wall-to-wall, area rugs, wood floors and tile floors. When you see how much (mostly cat hair) it picks up..well it is just amazing!

Wonder if it can pick up bite sized pieces of grilled cheese sandwhich.....which I JUST discovered under my couch!!! :o I am pretty sure that we have not had grilled cheese for DAYS now. LOL....maybe there IS something to the 'eat dinner only at the table' thing.

OK. I am prolly going to make the Dyson my next purchase. I will give you my thoughts on it (like you care, eh?).

12-31-2006, 01:12 PM
Do you Dyson lovers think a Dyson would work on area rugs and hardwood?
I have the bare floor attachment which does great for hardwood, tile and vinyl and I also have the low-reach tool which goes under most furniture and does well but I have to admit I am disappointed with the regular vacuum part of the Dyson on my area rugs. It doesn't clean area rugs as well as it does wall to wall carpet and it sometimes sucks too hard and sucks up the rug, especially smaller rugs or the corner of larger rugs. I usually go back over the rugs with the bare floor attachment with bristles to make sure I get up all the cat hair. I don't get too upset with that though, compared to my old Eureka it still does many times better. Plus the animal attachment does great on my furniture.