View Full Version : Do Greyhounds Jump Fences?

12-30-2006, 09:46 AM
Mainly curious...this may be a stupid question, but here goes...

I drive past a greyhound kennel to get to where my horse is kept-they probably have 100 greyhounds on the property, we have a track near by. But anyways, they are all in out side kennels with dog houses-the kennels are probably 3 feet wide and 50 feet long, very big length. There is probably 20 of those in the front housing 1-3 greyhounds each, and many more in the back. But the kennel fence is only about 4 feet tall! There were birds-lots of birds right next the property the other day when I drove by and all the greyhounds were out and just staring at the birds and jumping at the fence-but none of them would jump over the fence? They're certainly tall enough! Anyways-so, do greyhounds jump fences?

12-30-2006, 09:48 AM
I think it depends on the height of the fence. My nephew has two greyhounds and a fenced in yard. Neither of them ever attempted it. Because of their history of racing, they have problems going up and down stairs, so that makes me think that no, they can't jump fences. I could be wrong.

Toby's my baby
12-30-2006, 10:07 AM
There are some that are trained to jumping stuff, but beings they are used for racing, I'm sure they would never dream of jumping it. Like Donna said, if you adopt a retired greyhound, you have to teach them how to walk up steps, cause all they know how to do is walk/run on flat land. So no, they probably don't jump fences.

12-30-2006, 12:00 PM
I can use a 2 foot high piece of card board as a child gate- or this as a deterent towards a back parking lot at our house I do not want them near- It doesnt take much as a barrier with sighthounds- but at the same time- I have seen them go over a fence in a chase, with barely a look they even saw it coming..

12-30-2006, 06:22 PM
Jenny has never jumped a fence, she's certainly tall enough, and phisically capable (proven in agility ;) ) . I think she's just too lazy. Despite their speed and physical state, greys are very lazy.

Maybe she knows I'll be angry if she jumps it and runs off. I didn't raise a fool! :p

However, I imagine it's happened many times. Because they certainly CAN, I just don't think many would. they're not a breed that's known for jumping. (I was told she wouldn't be good at agility. :rolleyes: )