View Full Version : Is he starving?

12-29-2006, 11:50 PM
He just got a worm treatment a few days ago. His tummy seems big yet he is acting like he's starving up on the counters liking empty plates lol. I don't have any foil, I ran out. I will change this. But does anyone know why he is doing this?

12-30-2006, 10:06 AM
It's the intestinal parasites that are causing him to be hungry. Was this his first de-worming?? If so, I believe he needs one more in about 3 weeks. You should see some improvement in the next couple of days. Feed him as much as he wants for now. Then cut back.

12-30-2006, 11:00 AM
yeah, it was his first.

12-30-2006, 12:10 PM
Tape worms cause this! Be sure he had a de-wormer that also kills tapes! Some of them don't! ;) BTW, tapeworms are caused by fleas, so also use a flea treatment on him. BE CAREFUL to use a good brand ... NOT HARTZ ... and make sure he is old enough for it. I would advise using Advantage ... available through your vet or an online pet supply company! ;)

NOTE: a good dewormer that includes all worms (tapes included) is Drontal tablets! Three wormings about 2 to 3 weeks apart is a good rule of thumb! Don't get confused with Droncit ... that does tapes ONLY.

12-30-2006, 12:44 PM
He does have a couple of fleas that I can't seem to get ahold of in his fluff lol. I was looking at the stuff and it said for kittens older than he is. So will he just have to wait a few weeks? he doesn't seem to be suffering.

12-30-2006, 03:58 PM
He does have a couple of fleas that I can't seem to get ahold of in his fluff lol. I was looking at the stuff and it said for kittens older than he is. So will he just have to wait a few weeks? he doesn't seem to be suffering.
I use advantage and you can use this on kittens as young as 8 weeks of age. It goes by weight so you need to know how much he weighs. If he'll tolerate a bath you can also wash him with dawn soap and this will help to get the fleas off of him.

You have another cat and a dog right? You also need to make sure that they don't have fleas or you'll never get rid of them. Good luck.:)

If you start seeing anything that looks like rice on him or around his bedding then this means he has tapeworm and he will have to be treated for it.

12-30-2006, 07:52 PM
And it may be the fact that suddenly theres food, all he can eat for the first time in his young life.
I know the Ex Porch Cats always eat as though there will never be any more, but soon learn theres lots here.
We are praying that the worms and fleas will be soon a bad memory.