View Full Version : Vixen Scared The Life Out Of Me Today

12-29-2006, 02:25 PM
Sorry I haven't been posting much over the last few days guys but hubby had the flu and then passed it on to me. I am still dying from it but am doing much better than a couple of days ago. Seems like the worst part of it is over.

Anyway, to make a long story short. I had to go out today to get wet food for Vixen. The traffic was crazy as was the store. So I was gone about an hour. Guido stayed home and slept as he is working nights this weekend so his brother took me. Usually I lock the door when we leave but this time I didn't cause Guido was home and I was only going to the pet store.

Like I said we were gone about 1 hour. When I got home. Here was Vixen sitting OUTSIDE :eek: at the bottom of the step. I almost passed out. How in god's name did she get out? I asked myself. As soon as she seen me get out of the car she ran for the door of the house to get back inside. She must have been out about 20 minutes or so cause she was cold.

I cannot believe she didn't go anywhere. We still can't figure out how she got out. The door was closed. There were no windows open. There are no holes to the outside she can crawl through. Guido had been sleeping maybe 30 minutes when we got back. So she had gotten outside somehow in the 10 or 15 minutes after he fell asleep cause when he laid down she was asleep on her cat tree.

We are completely baffled as to how she got outside. And once I got inside I just scooped her up and cuddled her so hard. I cannot believe how lucky we are she didn't go anywhere. What a good girl. And since I came back she is tight to me. She is a velcro kitty. I guess she was reallu happy that meowmie came home and got her back in the warm house and away from the scary cold outside.

I am counting my blessing today knowing that she could have wandered or anything could have happened to her. My God how lucky were we that she was fine and that we came home when we did.

Laura's Babies
12-29-2006, 03:38 PM
WOW! That is scarey! Maybe she went out when you left, fast as lightening so you couldn't see her? I am SO glad that had a happy ending.... BTW... Hope you feel better real soon!

12-29-2006, 04:00 PM
WOW! That is scarey! Maybe she went out when you left, fast as lightening so you couldn't see her? I am SO glad that had a happy ending.... BTW... Hope you feel better real soon!

She didn't go out when we left cause she was asleep on her cat tree then and about 20 minutes later when hubby decided to lay down she was still there. She was sleeping on the cat tree in our bedroom. So we have no idea how she got out unless someone opened the door (our landlord or one of the neighborhood kids) and she got out then.

I am just so relieved she is fine and no worse for the wear with this little adventure.

Thanks Laura for the get well wishes. :)

12-29-2006, 04:57 PM
How scary.:eek: I'm glad that she didn't run off some where. I hope that both you and your husband feel better soon. Take care.

12-29-2006, 06:19 PM
Just one more example of why cats are so mysterious and "powers" are attributed to them.

So glad to hear she stayed close to home and she is OK.

Please wash your hands before you type on Pet Talk; I don't need to get the flu! :D Hope you feel better fast.

12-29-2006, 07:06 PM
Thank God That Lilith Angel Was Nearby And Told Her Sister To Stay Put, So You Would Not Be Worried About Her.
That Is Scary When You Cannot Figure Out How She Got Outside.

Killearn Kitties
12-30-2006, 05:30 AM
What a shock! I am so happy that she was just sitting waiting for you. Perhaps she did not like the cold on her paws!

I hope that you both feel better soon.

12-30-2006, 06:10 AM
Vixen is obviously a very smart girl! At least she had the good common sense to wait for her meowmie and not stray from home.

I can only imagine your shock at seeing her OUTside the door, not inside!

Hope you and your hubby feel much better soon; seems like everyone is sick these days.


12-30-2006, 09:46 AM
Wow that would be so so scary, I am so happy that your kitty was okay, and was such a good cat that she never wandered off. I bet you'll be even more watchful of her now for sure, it would have been scary.

12-30-2006, 12:14 PM
What a good girl for staying home!!! I'm so happy that she did and everything is alright! Hugs to mommy for the terrible scare! ;)

12-30-2006, 01:32 PM
:eek: Oh WoW Michelle I would have just Freaked Out.. Thank goodness she was home & on the steps waiting for you.. I know she was trying to scare the Flu out of you :D .. Hope you all will get to feeling better soon..

12-30-2006, 02:21 PM
Cats can be invisible at times - that's for sure. I am so glad Vixen knew what was good for her. :)

12-30-2006, 02:55 PM
That is my greatest fear, Tazmo getting outside.
I am so glad Vixen was a good girl and waited by the door for you.
May you all be well soon. :D

12-30-2006, 03:36 PM
thank you all so much. I am still not feeling up to par but during the day I feel pretty good. It is the late night and early morning that is a killer. That is when I feel crappy. Hubby is right as rain again and is even working today. I am hoping to feel better by tomorrow night as we are suppose to go to Vienna, Austria for New Year's. I have never been to Austria so I think it would be lovely. If I don't feel well enough I guess we will just stay home with the girls and have a pizza, watch the neighbors set off fireworks and have a toast at midnight. (Not that I am complaining about pizza ezpecially here...my god it is to die for)

Vixen is doing well after her little adventure but has stuck to me like glue since. I went out today and got her a new softy bed made of ultrasuede. She loves it. I sure am glad Lilith was there to make sure Vixen didn't wander off and she was such a good girl waiting for me. I think I will still be thinking wow for quite some time. :)

Again thanks everyone

12-30-2006, 03:44 PM
Oh Michelle, how scary. I just read this and I'm so happy that Lilith made sure that Vixen stayed put.

I sure hope that you are feeling better to be able to go to Vienna, Austria.
I've never been there myself, but my grandparents on my father's side were born there. It is a beautiful country.

Please get well real soon and take care.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-30-2006, 04:02 PM
OMG, what a scare!! I hope you can find out how she got out, she might try it again one day :eek: :rolleyes: !!

Fell better soon Michelle, Vienna is a beautiful city, and it must be special to be there on New Year's Eve!!

12-30-2006, 08:23 PM
ya know seeing your cat on the OUTSIDE of the door is never a good thing...
it's good that she's home INSIDE of the door...