View Full Version : puppies

06-03-2001, 12:03 PM
my yellow lab puppy is very hiper. is your puppy always barking and jumping, digging and sometimes even biteing?mine is! did you put your puppy is dog school? did it help? it didnt really help us. our puppy also has a bad hip.we have brought him to the vet. he is to young for surgery and is on medication. he also has a ear infection. im not sure what to do. please help me!

[This message has been edited by leoglamor (edited June 10, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by leoglamor (edited June 17, 2001).]

06-03-2001, 12:30 PM
Hi leoglamor. Labs sure are bundles of pure energy aren't they? I had a yellow lab for 14 yrs. Her puppy stage lasted about 3 years! The key is to be very consistent in training and maintain control. The dog must know that you are boss. There are several people here who can give you suggestions on training and/or point you to appropriate websites. What specifically would you like to know about training her?

06-03-2001, 01:09 PM
I'm concerned about the hip most of all. Make sure you see your veterinarian immediately about it.

I love Labs!! You will have so much joy with this puppy. Puppies are very energetic and tend to bite and jump. The best way for you to work towards correcting is to remember to be patient, never strike the puppy, and if possible enroll in a puppy kindergarten class. They are great for socializing and teaching you how to teach your puppy. Also, make sure that you keep a fresh supply of chew toys around to put in the puppies mouth when he starts mouthing you. He is getting new teeth and his mouth hurts, so you are a good chew toy! Make sure you say a loud "OUCH" when he bites you. You can also freeze wet washclothes for him to chew, and maybe even give him some ice periodically. There are some really good books out there about training puppies too, so you might get one. It will be your Bible while raising your puppy!

And the last, probably most important thing to remember is:

A TIRED PUPPY IS A GOOD PUPPY, so make sure you're playing with him a lot so he can work off that extra energy. But get that hip checked first. You certainly don't want to damage it further.

06-03-2001, 02:35 PM
Logan, I may be wrong, but I think leoglamor means her puppy is hyper. (correct spelling?)
leoglamor, all of the above is great advice!
Aly, I wish you would tell Daisy that I am the BOSS, I keep telling her that but she don't believe it! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by jackiesdaisy1935 (edited June 03, 2001).]

06-03-2001, 03:19 PM
Hey Jackie. I had an email from her a little while ago. The puppy is hyper, but also has a bad hip, which is probably going to require surgery. So we were both right! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

06-03-2001, 03:57 PM
Yup Logan you are right, too bad about the pups hip, I hope she does have it checked by the Vet. Do Labs have the problem of hip dysplasia like the rottweilers? Years ago we had a rottweiler, but had her checked for that problem and she was o.k.

06-03-2001, 04:11 PM
Labs get very bad hip dysplasia. Nest door the had 2 labs (one of them, the mother of the other one died at the age of 14.)
she had very bad hip dysplasia and they had to pick her up and put her on her legs to walk so they decided to put her to sleep. Terra, the baby of the mother, has hip dysplasia too. She is getting pretty bad as she is also ageing too. and the rottie that lives behind me (Dutchess) Has hip dysplasia. I finally talked to the owner of Dutchess and asked him why she was out all the time, and he said she chooses to stay out. We were talking over the fence and i got up on the fence and looked over at her and she looks very healthy but wobbles as she walks because of the hip dysplasia. Yes you should go to your vet and have him por her take a look at the dog to see how bad it is and what you can do to try and help it a little bit.
Also with the hyper ness they say they will calm down around 2 or 3. Just like lil kids they like to explore and try new things and are very hyper at a young age. So just give the puppy some time, training, and most of all love and please dont do what most people do, get rid of it becayse it is too hyper for you. you need to give it time and patients and im sure it will turn out to be a dog of a life time, like most labs are!!



06-04-2001, 11:51 AM
Almost all dogs over 40 pounds are prone to hip dysplasia. The more popular dogs get it more because when a dog is popular, people will breed just for money. It doesn't matter to these irresponsible breeders if the dog they are breeding has bad hips or not. They're just in it either for the money or some other stupid reason.

06-05-2001, 05:06 AM
Hi! I'm a lab mom and my yellow lab Star is 2 1/2 and still in the puppy stage. The experts do agree that labs tend to reamin puppylike for at least 3 years! She is just starting to stop some of her more hyper behavior though! You really have to be patient. Logan gave you excellent advice. Keep her exercised, occupied and TIRED! These dogs require a lot of "work." Keep up with puppy school and obedience classes. And you HAVE to be consistent and practice and follow through will all the training exercises every day at home. Talk to the trainer about your specific problems. These dogs really are quite smart, and cunning! They do try to get their way! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Just be firm but gentle. No hitting! He WILL learn! Do consider the hip surgery when he gets older. My husky/shep has hip dysplasia and I am considering surgery too. The vet says they do it so routinely now, and usually goes off without any hitch. And they have great results; like a new dog! Please don't give up! Patience and training and consistency! I know you will have years of fun with your playful lab!

[This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited June 05, 2001).]

06-12-2001, 10:50 AM
It depends on the training school that you went to. Sometimes the method doesn't work for you.

The health problems I think need some thinking about. Ask your vet what you need to do for his hip and ear.

For the hyper part, do you get him out enough so he can get some energy out of him? Sometimes puppies don't get out enough and are called "hyper". Start training him if you can so that can be a "job" for him. He might not be so "hyper" if you give him a "job" (or at least that's what GSD's are like).

Hope this helps!

Becky Weise & Iris - the German Shepherd



[This message has been edited by ShepherdLover (edited June 12, 2001).]