View Full Version : Tetra/Betta question.

12-28-2006, 12:20 PM
All right, so I heard somewhere else that bettas COULD be kept with other fish.
It made both me and my mother quesy to think about, but then I thought it rather made sense -- if the other fish don't look fancy, aren't small enough for food and aren't big enough to be threatening.

However, I figured PT would be able to answer my problems.

I've got 8 various tetras hanging out right now. They've been healthy for two months and according to my fishie biologist (literally, that's what her BS is in) mother, their water quality is good. Should the betta go in a seperate tank or would it be ok for it to go in the same one?

12-28-2006, 12:34 PM
Yeah you can actually put bettas in with other fish. I've had my betta in with other tropical fish before too. Where you will be putting the betta into an already inhabitant tank, it will feel like it is going into somebody else's home and knows he doesn't own it. So the betta won't think its his property. What I always did, for at least a day to two days, just keep an eye on the fish when you can, check and see if the betta is being chased or its chasing your tetras, check for bites out of tails, usually bettas will adjust fine. But if you see things happen within two days, then it's probably best to take the betta out. Hope I helped!:)

12-28-2006, 01:27 PM
They could go well together. Tetras are known for being nippy so you have to watch them for a while. What size tank is it? Is there strong filtration in with the tetras?

12-28-2006, 11:53 PM
I was hoping you'd reply. :)

It's a 20g. As for the filtration being "strong" -- what classifies it as strong? They don't seem to have any trouble with it and it doesn't create any major current. They aren't hesitant to swim near the filtration system and it doesn't seem to affect their swimmswimming abilities.

Should there be a heater in the tank if I put a betta in it? Our house lowers to 61*F during working hours, since the dogs and cat have coats and we're out.

12-29-2006, 12:04 AM
I've never kept my bettas in with other fish. Anytime I tried putting my bettas in with my fish they would bite their tails off. I always had peaceful fish too, like mollies, guppies and sword tails.
Tetras are usually very territorial fish and I would be afraid to leave my betta in with them.

Nope, bettas don't need a heater :)

12-29-2006, 12:40 AM
Bettas need a weaker filter. Yours sounds fine. As for a heater, I'd be concerned for the betta and the tetras. Currently tetras are growing weaker in general because of breeding practices and whatnot. They aren't as hardy today as they once were. They should have a heater as it will lessen their chances of common tetra diseases and lengthen their lifespan. The betta will do well with one too. If the tank water gets as cold or colder than the house then your fish aren't digesting much and will be weaker also. Most tropical fish start to shut down their metabolism at that temp.

12-29-2006, 02:54 PM
Thanks. I'll get a heater and wait a couple of weaks for the tetras to enjoy their new climate and then I'll introduce a Betta.

12-30-2006, 03:57 PM
A heater will definitely help with the life span of your fish, tetras and betta both. You may also want to get one of those thermometers, so you can tell what the water temp is. There are 2 types, the ones that float in the water (and some versions have a suction cup to attach to the front of the tank so you can read it without dipping in to catch it!) and the sticky type which go on the outside of the tank. I use the sticky type. I had the floating one, didn't like having to take everything off the top and go get it. And for some reason, the suction cup won't stay on my tank, which is not glass by acrylic.

You want to set the heater to maintain the water at about 70 to 72 degrees for tetras, if I remember correctly.

I have kept one male betta in with tetras successfully, for months at a time. I did this with 4 or 5 bettas; only one at a time in the tank, though! It CAN be done. Like any other creature (animal or human) it takes all sorts to make the world go 'round. About a year ago I bought a male betta at PetsMart. I spoke with the woman working there about putting him in with community fish. Good thing I did speal with her for a bit. The BETTA started attacking all the tetras!!! Nibbling on THEIR tails AND top fins. So I had to take him back. She remembered me and gave me a full refund, no problem.

Suki Wingy
01-02-2007, 03:40 PM
goodluck! I had some kind of dwarf pleco with my betta and they were fine. Heavy filters did kill two of my bettas though so watch out.