View Full Version : Two front teeth! and Christmas photos

12-28-2006, 12:09 PM
Cameron got two front teeth for Christmas! :D
Can you see the little white specs? Two front teethies on the bottom :))

Little dude had a great first Christmas. He enjoyed eating his gifts more than anything else

Grandma got him a furry doggy hat (of course)

and Nicki actually came over to check him out (the FIRST time she willingly sniffed him)

Grandpa was sick all day. He stayed in bed while we all went to visit my mom, so he watched Cam while we got ready

so did a bunch of cats

More coming in next post

12-28-2006, 12:12 PM
My mom was thrilled to see him -- they opened gifts together

and he drooled all day long

now I ask you..... does he resemble mom at all? Here's a picture from Christmas 18 years ago of mom and Uncle Tony

I hope you enjoyed! We certainly did have a fantastic Christmas!

12-28-2006, 12:18 PM
OH my goodness! I've never seen a baby look so much like his Mommy!!! :eek: How cute! He sure is a precious little guy!!!

Of course, you look so much like your mom too! WOW!

I hope Grant is feeling better now, what a bummer to spend Christmas in bed! Of course he DID have good company! ;)

12-28-2006, 12:37 PM
Good gravy, can that kid get any friggin' cuter? Holy cow, Kim, put a cuteness warning next time, would ya? ;)

Cam is a doll in every sense of the word. Those big blue eyes are gonna break a lot of hearts some day.

I noticed he's sitting up nicely on his own. Does he still have a tendancy to lean to one side or is the PT correcting that?

And yes, he looks exactly like his mom.

BTW, what size is he wearing now. I found an outfit that Hugito never wore. I was going to give it to my cousin but I'd much rather give it to you if it'll fit him.

Edit to add:

It's cute, so hopefully his mom won't not put it on him. ;)

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-28-2006, 12:58 PM
OMG, he is the spitting image of her!!! He has gorgeous eyelashes!!

12-28-2006, 01:39 PM
Cammie sure is a cutie pie and looks exactly like his mom.:eek: They both have such gorgeous blue eyes. Thanks for sharing these great pictures with us.:)

12-28-2006, 01:51 PM
Totally Adorable!!!!

12-28-2006, 03:26 PM
He's so adorable! I can't believe he has teeth already! I love the picture of Cameron in bed with his grandpa and the kitties. I also love that Nicki gave him a Christmas kiss.

How old is he now? My nephew is 8 months old and huge, but no teeth yet.

12-28-2006, 03:33 PM
You posted such Wonderful Christmas Pictures of Sweet Baby Cam~

YES SIR~ That's Your Baby~ The spitting image ( not the drooling sort :D )

You certainly did have a "Fantastic Christmas" Catnapper!!!!!

12-28-2006, 03:44 PM
Thanks for the comments :)

To answer a few questions:
He's a little over 6 months.

He's in size 6-9 months (but not for much longer! :eek: ) Debbie, I am sure its cute. Everything I've seen you post Hugo in is just like Ashley likes. She wants things that are unmistakeably masculine since everyone assumes he's a girl thanks to those eyes and eyelashes. Though I don't know if she deserves the outfit being as picky as she is ;)

Yes, he's sitting up all on his own and not far from getting himself in a sitting position from a laying down one all on his own. PT took care of his problems and he's no longer going to PT.

He's not crawling yet but is actually walking when we hold his hands. We have the feeling he's going to skip crawling and go straight to walking

12-28-2006, 03:49 PM
He's in size 6-9 months (but not for much longer! :eek: ) Debbie, I am sure its cute. Everything I've seen you post Hugo in is just like Ashley likes.

Aww, thank you.

Great! The outfit that I have is a big 6-9 months. The other one that I had similar to this one fit him big when other 6-9 month stuff fit him fine. It's very cute a masculine.

I will FedEx it to you today for tomorrow delivery. :D I still have your addy (unless you've moved?).

12-28-2006, 05:43 PM

WOW!!! The resemblance is amazing!! I can't believe how big he's gotten!!

12-28-2006, 11:40 PM
Those Are Great Photos!!! Makes My Heart Melt. You Take Good Care Of Him And Cherish These Times - They Will Gone So Fast!!!

12-28-2006, 11:53 PM
aaww He DID get his 2 front teeth for Christmas! :D
yes he looks like his momma and SO DO YOU! :)

12-29-2006, 12:40 PM
wow, I am shocked to see him having teeth already. He has amazing eyes just like his mom.

I really think you favor your mom alot too.

12-29-2006, 01:01 PM
Aww, he's growing so fast. Cam is a beautiful baby. :)

12-29-2006, 01:54 PM
Cam is such a cutie! Looks like he enjoyed his first Christmas...and they only get better from here on out.

Laura's Babies
12-29-2006, 04:04 PM
Having babies and children around, make Christmas so much more fun!

Kim, he just gets cutier and cutier and is growing like a weed! Such a pretty boy....

12-29-2006, 04:14 PM
What a cutie. Already with his two front teeth how cute.

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-02-2007, 05:34 AM

Cam is such a cutie pie! He could be his momma's twin.. how sweet!

His two front teefies are adorable.. Alden cut his two front bottom teeth about around thanksgiving..

I can't believe he is only wearing 6-9 month clothes.. Alden is wearing 12 months clothes right now. How much does Cam weigh? Alden is around 19 mayyyybe 20 pounds right now..

Glad you guys had a merry Christmas!!

01-02-2007, 07:22 AM
Wow, I can't believe Alden cut his teeth so early! And he's in 12 month clothes already?! They weigh the same.... Cam is exactly 20 pounds. Well, maybe since Alden spent all that extra time inside mommy's tummy he's making up for lost time outside ;)