View Full Version : My sweet Kiki.. *2 pics*

12-27-2006, 07:34 PM
Kiki and I took a walk a little bit ago. I had a long cry session afterwards. It just breaks my heart how afraid she is with everything now.

We walked past two garbage bags sitting on the side of the road. She did not want to walk past them. Kiara was so scared and jerked the lead as we walked. Then people drove by and pulled into a driveway ahead of us. She freaked out as they were getting out of thier car. Just little everyday things she is spooked by. All I want to do is cry and hug her.
We are both still so traumatized by the situation in September. My dad took her and Mufasa for a ride today, and although I knew Kiara was with him, for some reason I still looked for her.

It's been about 3 months now. I would have thought we would be back to "normal" now. I have a feeling it's going to take a long, long, long time for us to heal.

Especially since there are many people who do not understand our heartbreak. So many people think I should just snap my fingers and be over it. She's home now, I should be happy. I am happy she is home, safe, and healthy. But she is not herself. She is not the same dog at all. And it completely breaks my heart. I cried most of the day on Christmas because my uncle said that she is aggressive and should be put away (she was barking at people.) He didn't listen or try to understand what went on and the fact that we are working with her and trying. If I just lock her up everytime someone comes over it isn't going to help her. I just took all four dogs in my room and layed in bed crying while hugging Kiki.

I'll stop flapping my lips. I'm just so upset I needed to vent.

Here are two pictures of my sweet baby girl to make it worth reading.. ;)



12-27-2006, 07:39 PM
I'm sorry Kay that you're going through this, and that bad scare you had.

I can't say I know how you feel, because my dogs have never went missing for that long before. My RB dog, Rufus, used to get away sometimes, and woul be gone all night, but he would always come home by morning. I worried about him, but he was home the next day...and I was only very young anyway.

Have you considered maybe training or obedience? We have a trainer here who works one on one with you and your dog, and he promices results or he will give you free lessons until you're satisfied. I took Josie there for her aggression...and she passed, but seemed to fall backwards again after. I gave up with it because it upset me too much...

Maybe you could find some way to help Ki get over her fears too?

Sorry I can't think of anything supportive to say....

12-27-2006, 07:40 PM
aww.. I hope she is herself soon! :( If I were in your guys' shoes, I'd still be traumatized, too. hugs to the both of you!

12-27-2006, 08:52 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Kiara is even more scared now. :( It doesn't help that she was somewhat skittish to begin with...I know being alone and lost just made it all worse. She's still a sweetheart though I'm sure, nothing can change that. Nebo is pretty jumpy around things as well, as you know, he's really afraid of people he doesn't know (and other random things like sculptures, cars with the engines on, etc.) when he's outside of the home environment. I hope with time she'll get better. {{hugs to you and Kiki}}

12-27-2006, 08:55 PM
Kay, she's gorgeous. The last picture is awesome!

I think the main reason people think in such ways is because they have never experienced the heartache itself. I can never imagine what you could have gone through unless I went through it, but I still felt terrible for you both. You handled the situation very well, Kay, and I probably would have just broken down. :(

I hope she's back to herself soon, the poor girl. :(

12-27-2006, 08:57 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this. Bobo went missing once for a while, so I know how it feels, and it's not a very good feeling at all. I don't think that your uncle should have said that, I mean it would hurt anyone, but especially with what went on. Every dog barks, but that does not make them aggressive. I really hope she is herself again soon.

12-27-2006, 09:24 PM
That girl of yours is beautiful. =] She's always so photogenic.

Eventhough I don't know how you feel, just reading your post, its easy to see your emotion. I try to imagine what it must be like for you, and it makes my eyes get teary. I know what it feels like to have a pet lost for a while, but I can't begin how it must feel for you and Ki.
(((hugs))) to you and give Ki a hug from me, if you don't mind. :)

Its completely understandable that she still has memories from that tragic time that affect her, but with time, and the great love you give that girl, she'll get back to herself.

12-27-2006, 09:26 PM
I do agree that. while she is a good girl, and pretty obediant, an "obedience" class might be a good idea to get her "resocialized." Is that something you'd be willing to try?

Ignore your uncle.

12-27-2006, 09:38 PM
Oh Kay, I'm sooo sorry that your little Kiara has been plagued with social anxiety~ She's so Beautifully Playful, and Obedient~

I really hope that you can find a way to help her understand that she is no longer threatened~

(Yes, ignore your Uncle~) :rolleyes:

12-27-2006, 09:45 PM
Such a pretty girl. While not the same situation, I can sympathise. After Kia was ill she came home a very different dog. I didn't think I'd ever get her back.

It took awhile (about 2 years), but don't be discouraged! Kiara will heal. It just takes time. *HUGS*

12-27-2006, 09:49 PM
So many people think I should just snap my fingers and be over it. She's home now, I should be happy.

What Kiara and you went through is not easily forgotten. I hope with your continued working with Kiara she will feel more relaxed. It may take a while Kay. {hugs}

12-27-2006, 10:33 PM
I know this must be heartbreaking for you, Kay. I read in another post about your worries with her, and I can definitely understand your concern. I can't think of a better person than you to be with while she "heals", but maybe some outside, socialization, away from your pack, would be a good thing for her. It might reintroduce Kiara to the real world, but in a protected area, such as in an obedience class or agility class. I think Kiara, based on what we have seen, would be a GREAT agility dog, plus it would help her confidence so much.

Good luck, my friend. You, and Kiara, need to feel good again, about life. I'm sure you are going to find a way to get her comfortable.


12-27-2006, 10:46 PM
Kiara is a beautiful little soul; she is an intelligent dog and her sensitivities are likely due to previous experiences over which you had no control. She has the best life with you Kay and if ever there is an opportunity for her to feel most secure, it is with you and her family. I hope that she is able to put some of her scary moments behind her but that could take time. Meanwhile please enjoy the gem that she is.

P.S. Please don't let yourself be upset by others who do not understand the circumstances and cannot appreciate the realities of your situation.


12-27-2006, 11:05 PM
Oh Kay, I can feel your sadness and pain in your words.

I think the poor sweet dear was traumatized while lost. It must have scared the daylights out of her. She was out of her element and security.

When is your reading with Nancy? She'll answer your questions then ask you if there's anything else you want to know. I hope she can help you, so you'll know what to do.

Please give the precious pumpkins hugs and kisses for me too.

12-27-2006, 11:28 PM
That's a very pretty collar, you're sporting, Kiki! I'm wishing the best for you right now, sweet girl..

12-28-2006, 04:45 AM
I'm sorry to hear Kiara is stillhaveing so many issues. We always want to be able to make things right immediately,unfortunately life ins't fair inthat regard.

When Cincy was about a year old we had her watching fireworks at my in-laws. She was fine the entire evening, until the the very last one. It wasn't as loud as the others, but something about it freaked her out. She pulled onthe leash so hard, she pulled me over and broke the chair I was sitting in and ran to hide inthe bushes (luckily my in-laws yard is fenced she couldn't run too far). When I got her back to me, it literally scared the crap out of her. For years afterward she was terribly afraid of lood noises, thunder, fireworks, lawn mower, you name it. Any many other things too, brooms, rakes, etc. We would force her to come to us when she was scared and investigate. If we were outside and it thundered and she ran to the door, we would make her come back to us and sit and then we would walk to the door together. It took 2-3 years, but she is now so brave about things. She never used to like it when we had a fire inthe fireplace, and now she will come sit with us even if we are near it. And when something does scare her, she runs to us, instead of away. It takes time and it is so hard to force them to face their fears when all you want to do is hug and soothe them, but when you finally get there, it is worth it.

I agree with the ideas of trying to get Kiara involved in a canine sport. Working together in agility, flyball or even obedience could really help you strengthen your bond with her and give her some confidence.

12-28-2006, 05:24 AM
Kay i am realy hoping things will start to improve for you both soon.. sending lots of positive vibes your way {{Hugs}}. I agree a class of some sort could realy help with building up confidence especially something fun like agility.. if you explain to them what has happened and take the classes at Kiara's pace i am sure the trainers would understand.

Those 2 photos are beautiful.. Kiki has the most soulful eyes :).

12-28-2006, 07:39 PM
That's a good idea, cloverfdx! But since Kiara's so into tennis balls, how about flyball? I think Kiara would be a *star* at that. She's got the build for hurdles and she definitely has the drive for tennis balls! :) With a little encouragement and a bit of resocialization, I'm sure you two can help build up confidence and, eventually, things will fall back in place. Good luck to you guys!

12-28-2006, 09:40 PM
Your post put me in tears, Kay. Although I can't say I've been through what you have with Kiara, but somehow I understand.
Wow, that was incredible rude of you uncle to say that! :(
Love you both, Kay! :) ;)

12-28-2006, 09:44 PM
I know this must be heartbreaking for you, Kay. I read in another post about your worries with her, and I can definitely understand your concern. I can't think of a better person than you to be with while she "heals", but maybe some outside, socialization, away from your pack, would be a good thing for her. It might reintroduce Kiara to the real world, but in a protected area, such as in an obedience class or agility class. I think Kiara, based on what we have seen, would be a GREAT agility dog, plus it would help her confidence so much.

Good luck, my friend. You, and Kiara, need to feel good again, about life. I'm sure you are going to find a way to get her comfortable.


I was thinking agility myself - something to build up her confidence.