View Full Version : New pictures of my babies, Clover and Echo

12-27-2006, 12:21 PM
Here are some new pictures of my babies, over the christmas holiday and a week or so before that.

Echo sitting in my crosslegged lap, playing with my hair-wrap

Clover and Echo discovering the Christmas Santa hat!!! ...I hope this isn't conditioning them to attach santa XD

Clover and Echo cuddling

Echo playing in the boxes

Another scene of Clover and Echo cuddling

Lovely Clover

12-27-2006, 12:27 PM
Both of your cats sure are beautiful and I'm so glad that they're getting along so well.:) Echo seems to want to get into everything and she reminds of my Pearl.;)

Laura's Babies
12-27-2006, 12:36 PM
Wonderful photo's! Your babies are so cute and pretty and I love the santa hat one, those are tooooo cute! Did they attack Santa?

12-27-2006, 12:41 PM
I wouldn't know if they did or not, since I was asleep, though since we *cough* didn't get anything *cough* I think they might have. And there was that awful racket around three...

And thank you for the compliments! The kitties mew their thankies too ^_^

12-27-2006, 01:19 PM
Clover and Echo are two very adorable babies. I especially love the photos of them in the santa hat. :)

12-27-2006, 03:09 PM
;) Oh My My they are so adorable.. Great pics & thanks..

12-27-2006, 03:46 PM
Lovely pictures, and the one especially of Clover and Echo togethe with Clover's paw over her, how cute is that one! :D

12-27-2006, 03:55 PM
Oh my gosh oh my gosh!! I love your kitty Echo!! I just love him! lol. He is one of the cutest siamese I've ever seen! And what gorgeous blue eyes! :D Don't get me wrong Clover is gorgeous too! Too bad my siamese wasn't younger, it looks like Echo is pretty young, poor Bobo, Echo is too young for you, and I think Echo is a guy lol. Great pics! I hope to see more.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-27-2006, 04:03 PM
Such GORGEOUS cats!!!

12-27-2006, 06:29 PM
Echo is a little lady, she and Clover were spayed just recently, so I have a vet's proof that she's female XD It's really cute because her eyes (I love them too, Kalei) match our entry-way walls!
Echo has definitely become Clovers little sister. She gets groomed by Clover all the time, and when she doesn't want it, Clover will grasp her and hold her still until she grooms that kitten until she feels that the other is clean. And then some! It's really funny to watch.
Echo and Clover got a "Catnip Tackle Bag" for christmas this year (it's a first for both of them) and Clover - who had been exposed to tehm at her foster meowmie's house, showed Echo how to really get the catnip out of the bag by kicking and licking and bighting. They were so friggin high this morning from it. And they both cuddled with me later on, when they realized that I had a cold, and both started chewing on my toes. And gosh, I love my babies!

12-27-2006, 06:46 PM
Clover and Echo are such gorgeous Kittens, and we hope that you will keep sending in thier Photos so we can see them grow up before our eyes, and become big Beautiful Cats.
They already have charm and purrsonality.

12-27-2006, 06:51 PM
Catmandu, you don't know HOW much personality!
I feel like I have the Yin and the Yang, here.
Clover has a very questioning meow, and never demands anything, just looks up at your face with her big yellow eyes and says "Please pet me?" while Echo, on the other hand, will literally climb up into your lap, put her paws on your chest, stare you in the face with her loving, playful, and very DEMANDING eyes, and goes "PET MEEEEEEE!"
But they are both hyperactive nuts, and I love them both for it!