View Full Version : strange habits of my dog.

12-26-2006, 05:04 AM
Strange habits of my dog.PAKVAN
Everybody is different habits, different merits, different ideas and different pets too. Somebody likes a small dog ,a big dog or both. For me, I like a small dog. The type of dog is Jack Russell Terrier. It's my lovely dog.

My dog is 3 mouths. It has very short legs and tail. It has brown at its face and tail but the body has white. The characteristic of my dog, it has brown around right eye, the same as put on glasses. It name’s Pakvan, in Thai Language Van means glasses. My dog has strange habits. For example, my dog will jumps around me and pass water when I get home. I read book,the dog pass water means dog is happy and show respect. My dog likes to dig with fingers in a full water of rice dish.

I had very fun and happy when I saw strange habits of my dog. What are strange habits of your dog?

It's pictures of my dog. 760737eab848cae7db58dc89aad59b3 0a7a272a266319c6302b89cc01fcc3f c40a3cc209a114f0090912d455cd4f2

12-26-2006, 05:33 AM
sory,I can't take the picture in my thread.

12-27-2006, 11:16 AM
sory,I can't take the picture in my thread.

I want to put pictures in my thread.Tell me please

12-27-2006, 11:43 AM
You can click onto the FAQ section above and it will tell you step by step how to post pictures.

12-28-2006, 10:38 AM
I want to know identify serious problems in their relationships with dogs. please,tell me.I will look upon my dog.

I'm very sad. I don't show pictures in my thread but I insert hyperlink.

Let's look at pictures. It's very lovely. :) ;)

http://by104fd.bay104.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/saferd/DSC03328%2eJPG?_lang=TH&hm___tg=http%3a%2f%2f65%2e54%2e175%2e250%2fcgi%2db in%2fgetmsg%2fDSC03328%252eJPG&hm___qs=%26msg%3dEE7193E9%2dB738%2d44F0%2dB211%2d6 3A87EAC0CA8%26start%3d0%26len%3d5821117%26mimepart %3d7%26curmbox%3d00000000%2d0000%2d0000%2d0000%2d0 00000000001%26b%3dbc88a8acbd7cff000a28b08c7b6ba96d %26disk%3d10%2e1%2e106%2e201_d1737%26login%3dsawad dee_ni%26domain%3dhotmail%252ecom%26_lang%3dTH%26c ountry%3dTH&hm___cacheh=1&file=DSC03328%2eJPG&domain=hotmail.com

12-28-2006, 11:46 AM
Hello, your dog sounds very lovely but I can not see the pictures. :( The hotmail link you posted takes me to hotmail.