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View Full Version : Crazy Filly

12-24-2006, 11:36 AM
On my farm we have a beautiful foal (now a filly) name Sonyador and she is one jumpy and hyper filly i've ever seen.
When we put her out in the pasture, she runs,jumps,rears,and kicks like there is no tomorrow.
Sometime I think she had 2 many sugar cubes or drinks fuel in the morning.lol.
When we try 2 put a saddle on her since she has 2 learn how 2 wear 1, she gose crazy like some thing was on fire!
Has anyone hear anything like that? :confused:

Miss Z
12-24-2006, 02:28 PM
You should try her with a calming diet, you can buy all sorts of feeds now that have a temperament calming effect on horses. I think though that the most likely cause is simply that she's a filly! Young horses are always pretty spritely.

You mentioned about putting a saddle on her, check that it definitely fits properly as horses are quite sensitive in their back area. She may associate the saddle with something bad that happened in the past, so you will need to take time to work with her and teach her to accept the saddle.

Good luck with her.

12-24-2006, 02:38 PM
She really likes being out side and i think thats y she so jumpy!
Me and my dad r trying to get her saddle broken and every time we try to strap it she throughs it off and its a good size saddle for her! :)

12-24-2006, 02:40 PM
Also she was born in our farm too! :)

12-26-2006, 08:53 AM
Isn't Sonyador from Dreamer? lol

You need to desensitize her to the saddle-take it one step at a time. Don't just throw it on there and strap it up. Hold it above the horse, take it away...hold it above and place on its back, then take it away, and so on progressively.

I would take a look at your feed and make sure you're not giving her too much protein...a lot of behavior problems stem from an excess of energy-they're too hot. If she's getting 2 scoops, 4 flakes of hay, and turnout most of the day-that's too much!

12-26-2006, 12:56 PM
Maybe the trea isn't the right size. Try putting the saddle blanket on her first and walk her around instead of the saddle right away.

I think you should stop on the sugar cubes, they could be making her go crazy. I also agree with maybe changing her feed. All she needs is hay, she dosent need grains or treats.

12-26-2006, 08:15 PM
Well, we only give her 3 scoops of oat and she only gets treats when she dose a good job in training.
The saddle is the right size and she is fine wit the saddle till we try to strap it.
She is young so she dose have alot of energy too! :)