View Full Version : Covered Litterboxes...

06-18-2002, 11:47 AM
Do you use a covered litterbox and if so how does your kitty like it? Also what brand would you recommend?

I am thinking about getting one for our kitties who are used to an uncovered litterbox. But with us moving into a new house there isn't really a place to put a regular litterbox for privacy matters.

06-18-2002, 12:11 PM
Mmm, this is a good question!! I also use an uncovered litter-box and I live now in a small flat - so no balcony to put that matter away ;) ;) We, my cats and I, enjoy a patio, but it is common to all neighbours, and I think it is not very suitable to leave the litter box there! :D :D Now the bathroom is bathroom for all the family. I scoop the litter box twice a day (or even more!) so I avoid odour problems thus - at least persistent odour problems!! I tell you, I can know almost instantly if Neelix has used the box!! :o :D

My questions about covered litter boxes are:
Do big cats have problems with them?? (Neelix is huge!!)
How do you manage to scoop it daily? Even if it's covered I still would need to do it on that basis - Sirocco refuses to do "those things" if the box is slightly dirty!!

Err, I know the second question seems stupid... what I mean is if it is difficult, or a nuisance to take the cover to look inside the box!

Thank you,

Former User
06-18-2002, 12:18 PM
We use covered litterbox yes, don't know the make though, sorry. I guess since Casper and Kitty have been using it ever since they came to live with us, they don't know any other kind litterboxes. I have to say though they love their litterbox, if that's any good advice for you, LOL. Sorry I wasn't much of a help :rolleyes:

Nita, Casper is also huge, a long cat, but he doesn't have problems using the litterbox. Sometimes he looks so funny when his head is sticking out of the litterbox.
And to clean it, well, ours look like it is a transportation box, so I can take the top off and it's very easy to scoop!
Let's see if I can find a pic of it....
From that you can see the light beige part comes off, and it's easy to clean. It came with a door but it's broken already :rolleyes:

06-18-2002, 12:23 PM
Budgie and Simon each have a covered litterbox that we keep in a spare bathrooom. It's worked out very well in our house. The kind I have has a cover that latches on and is very easy to remove. I change the litter regularly. The biggest adjustment for Budgie was perching on the front of the box rather than the side. I definitely recommend it.

06-18-2002, 12:38 PM
Fister uses an uncovered litterbox and he's happy with it. It is 46 cm/18 inches long. It's in our 10 m corridor - no problem! We put clumbing litter in which are more expensive, but Fister prefers that and it's so much easier to clean. We usually empty it twice a day. A good (and economic) way of doing it, is to tip the box; all the clean litter will go to one end and you can just scoop up the rest with a small showel! :D

06-18-2002, 12:51 PM
I have two litterboxes for my girls, both of them covered. I would never go back to uncovered because those filters on the "roof" make a BIG difference! I don't know what the brands are, but one of them is huge and the other is average size. Bassett is a big cat and she manages to use both of them just fine :D

06-18-2002, 05:21 PM
Since I have 6 cats, I have 6 covered litterboxes. They are "large" because of my 18 pound cat Casey. The reason I have covered litterboxes is because of Mollie Rose who likes to dig to China when covering her business. It does cut way down on the amount of litter that's thrown outside the box. There is one brand called Booda which is large.

The name of the boxes I use are Van Ness and they come in large and huge, and can be found in pet stores or online at www.petco.com They are reasonably priced too. The Booda box runs about $35.00.

I will NEVER go back to uncovered litterboxes again.

06-18-2002, 06:11 PM
I use a covered litter box for both of my cats. I think the brand is Van Ness and if I remember they cost less than $20. They are very easy to clean, you just have to unlatch it. I find that they are helpful with my larger cat because he has a little too much of his body sticking out of the regular litter boxes that would cause an occasional spill. It also helps keep the litter in the box and not on my floor. I also think that enjoy their privacy having a covered litter box.

maxx's mom
06-18-2002, 06:17 PM
Maxx uses a covered litter box. The brand name is "Booda-Loo" and I just got it at a regular pet store. It doesn't latch so it is easy to take the lid off to clean. I definitely prefer it to stepping in litter!

06-18-2002, 11:15 PM
I started with a covered litter box and switched to uncovered. Cassy would sit on top of the box and terrorize his brother, Sassy, into staying inside (or outside) of it. He was getting very afraid of going in the box. Now, Livvy probably wouldn't put up with this behavior of Cassy's, but I'd gotten rid of the covered box by the time she entered our lives.

I think your cats must be more civilized than mine. :o :rolleyes:

06-18-2002, 11:40 PM
We have 2 litter boxes in our Cat Room. Both are covered, and the cats don't seem to be having a problem with them.

We are going on a trip this weekend, so we will be adding 2 more boxes, both uncovered. I hope our cats will be fine with the 2 lidded boxes after we get back. :confused:

06-19-2002, 12:14 AM
I have two covered litter boxes. All three of my cats are very big and they have no problems using them. I have a large one which I think is a Van Ness and an extra large which I think is a Booda. I would never use an uncovered litter box because my cats love to dig and they'd get litter every where.http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/Gif/felix1.gif

06-19-2002, 03:01 AM
We have two covered litterboxes . ONe is standing in the kitchen ; for daily "matters" .....

The second one is standing in the room where Sydney sleeps .

This boxes are really very good !! No more odours !! there are two coal-filters on the top of the box ; which I replace every two weeks !

Sydney is a huge cat , so sometimes his tails sticks outside or even some of his bum ; but with a little push from me , he gets inside !!

06-19-2002, 06:49 AM
Thanks for the info guys you've talked me into getting a covered litter box:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-27-2002, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by yumyum6970
Thanks for the info guys you've talked me into getting a covered litter box:)

And me too. :) Right now I've got 3 litterboxes for my 2 snots. Everything is fine with that, and there are no problems with them using the litterboxes....except...... Tubby is getting old, and I think he might have a touch of arthritis now and then in his back legs. Therefore, sometimes when he has to go peepee, he doesn't squat down as far as he should, and he pretty much completely misses the box. The litterboxes are in the basement and I have rugs under them, so it's really not a problem....except... Now that it's warm and humid, the basement is damper than normal and the rugs were starting to smell. I took them to a laundromat and they turned out fine, and 99.9% of the smell is gone, but I would rather not have to do that if at all possible. I was resigned to having to do it until I came across this thread. Tubby and Peanut have never had a covered litterbox so I don't know how it will go over, but I'm going to try it anyway and see what happens. Worst case is Tubby doesn't use it and I have to continue cleaning the rugs. Best case is he likes it a lot and I end up buying 1 or two more.

Thanks for a great idea everyone! :)

06-30-2002, 03:42 PM
2 litterboxes for 3 cats. My sister has another covered (all mine are covered) one she doesnt use. One is huge, one is small and all 3 use both boxes :)

Aspen and Misty
06-30-2002, 08:44 PM
We have covered cat boxes in our house (6 I believe for our 5 cats). We use covered because our one dog Teddy loves to put his little nose in there and dig with it. Chewy also eats the poo out of it so the covered one was our choice!