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View Full Version : The Firebrigade came yesterday evening

12-23-2006, 12:21 PM
Some young teenagers were running around in the street throwing firecrackers/small bombs yesterday evening, and I must admit, I was rather irritated from the noise - not to mention Fister! :mad:I had planned an early evening. :rolleyes:

Then, just as I was about to sit down and relax in front of the TV, Fister came in yelling at me, he had been sitting in the window before. I got up and I saw smoke coming from the workmens sheds across the road. :eek: Two grown ups were already there, and I heard them say the Firebrigade was on their way. Well, I was curious, so I went down to see if anyone knew what started it, but it seemed I had had the best view from my window. Just as the Firebrigade arrived flames started to come out, and they pulled out their hoses real quick! It's amazing how fast they can work considering the heavy stuff they have to drag around. :cool:

Anyway, they soon got it under control, so the fire didn't spread any further. :) Had it been in front of my windows, I would have been terrified, and Fister too, of course. How long would it take before the windows break from the heat? :eek: It was really close to people flats on the other side.

I have been inside the sheds, they're actually bigger than they look - with a corridor in the middle and several rooms on each side.

This is a picture of the wooden sheds, taken before the roof was finished.


12-23-2006, 12:32 PM
Thank goodness for the 'early warning'..

That is really scary... :eek:

12-23-2006, 12:40 PM
Good boy Fister!!! Keeping an eye out for danger.

I'm so glad they got there and got the fire out fast!!!
I hope you have a Merry and Peaceful Christmas. Oh, please give Fister a smooch on his head from me, ok? :D

Cinder & Smoke
12-23-2006, 01:03 PM

Fister ~ the Furry, Orange, Smoke & Fire Alarm - NO Batteries Needed!

GOOD Boy, Fister! Keep Mom Safe! ;)

Edwina's Secretary
12-23-2006, 01:04 PM
What a good watch kitty you have in Fister! Glad you are safe....I am so fearful of fire...I hate firecrackers for that reason...