View Full Version : The Christmas spirit is alive and well!

12-22-2006, 08:58 PM
I did some shopping at costco tonight. The person working there said the man in front of you is paying for your things. I was speechless, he looked at me and said don't argue, this is my way of saying Merry Christmas to someone. I said that is so sweet, may I in turn donate this amount to the SPCA I am volunteering for and he said do something with kids, do you have kids? I said yes I have 2 children and he said just do something for them.

Well I gave about 150 dollars worth of toys and food to a poor school our school sponsored and my kids have more than enough so I think I am going to donate this to one of the dogs at the shelter that has stolen my heart and is fighting mange.

What a nice man...I had $120.00 worth of stuff. I think I was dressed better than him, I don't mean that in a mean way I just mean I don't think I looked poor and he didn't look rich.

12-22-2006, 09:07 PM
That's amazing, what a special experience. It brings back the faith that there are still kind and caring people out there. I know when I was at the humane society and adopting Raven and the lady told me the total of her adoption fee, I wrote out a check for double that and said the rest was a donation. The shock on her face told me not many people do that, and it made me feel really good :). I couldn't bring two home with me, but I could give a bit to help another.

I think you should go with your heart on where you choose to turn the generosity on to another. Thanks for sharing that experience :)

12-22-2006, 09:10 PM
Yes it is refreshing, after working at the humane society I was seriously losing faith in the human race.

So many people question the small adoption fee and I wonder if they realize how much care the spca has put into those animals and how much the animal will cost to be properly cared for in the future.

Laura's Babies
12-22-2006, 09:23 PM
There was a man in a small town store near where I lived that did the exact same thing some years ago... Maybe it is REALLY Santa and he gets around year after year!

12-22-2006, 09:36 PM
That's like that movie, Pay It Forward.

What a nice Christmas story.

12-22-2006, 09:59 PM
That is sweet! God bless you both! :)

12-23-2006, 06:45 AM
Wow, how wonderful. I have often thought I'd do that for someone once I got my finances under control, because I know how it would make me feel (both if I had received a gift from a stranger like that and it would make me feel AWESOME to be able to make someone else's day like that)

12-23-2006, 06:40 PM
When I was a kid still and was short some money to buy something the person behind me paid the difference so I could still get it.

12-23-2006, 07:22 PM
It really makes my heart feel good hearing stories like this. With all of the recent ones about theft and such, it really, really lifts my spirits. It's about time we hear some good news! :)

12-23-2006, 08:14 PM
That's beautiful! My daughter, Amy Beth, witnessed something similar yesterday. A young handicapped mother was buying cookies for her 3 small children. As she got her change back from the salesperson, she dropped it all over the floor. Amy Beth and her MIL helped her pick it all up, and someone in line behind her bought slushy drinks for all of her kids!!! :D
It's not much, but I did give to 2 different homeless men on the street corners here. They were both so very appreciative and wished ME a Merry Christmas. No matter how bad we have it some times, there is always someone out there hurting even worse than you are!