View Full Version : Injured fawn

12-22-2006, 02:26 PM
The last few days, one of the sets of fawns, we noticed the little button buck was limping badly. Using binoculars, neither of us could see any blood or anything to indicate being shot. We looked all over the leg. Last night, he was hobbling, and I just saw him, and although walking stiffly, he is obviously better.
Sometimes people think that they need to intervene with wildlife. We debatted on and off the first night, but the fact is- even with a wildlife center, we were scared they would put him down. The previous year we had the same thing with a black bear. After calling the bear wildlife center we have the number too, they said its common for young bears, that think they can still climb a smaller tree to fall and injure their legs. They also said snake bite ( not so this time of year..)
I was glad to see him walking better. We have no idea what happened, but is obviously better than he was. He is still able to "hang out" with a group of fawns run off by their mother for them to breed. I hate to see an animal suffer, but considering he is wild, and old enough to know the difference, the options were to let them come get them, but then he would spend the rest of his life in a sanctuary. Now he has his "life" back and healing..
Do you think sanctuaries really save the animal or look at the cost to do so?? If he were a injured raccoon, they would return them to the wild = as a deer- they do not..

critter crazy
12-22-2006, 02:37 PM
That is fantastic news for the Young deer!! Yes I agree sometimes it is best to just leave well enough alone. After my ordeal of trying to get the wild Duck i found taken care of, I realixe that no one realy cares as much anymore, and had someone taken him, he would have been put down.

12-22-2006, 07:16 PM
It was hard the first night to watch him. We kept debatting it but worried what they would do.. And they would run off if someone pulled in the driveway. Again- we see the same thing- left in their own environment, they seem to mend.