View Full Version : Kiara's reading with Nancy results..PG. 2 UPDATED 12/29

12-22-2006, 04:27 AM
Post #35 has the most recent reading...

I e-mailed Nancy last night and she sent me a reply asking for my number, a picture, and any questions I may have. She said sometime next week she'll be able to do a reading.

I don't want to be too specific because I want her to give me the answers.

Here's what I thought of, what do you think I should change/add?

-Does she remember anything before we met?
-Why did she choose us?
-Why is she so skiddish around some things? Can we help her be more secure?
-Does she remember what happened to her September 11th - September 16th?
-Why does she always bark at people near a certain room in the house, especially?
-Why, no matter how much my brother comes over, she ALWAYS barks at him and sometimes nips at his legs?
-Why does she like that fruit tree so much?

I am heading off to work right now so I will be brainstorming all day and adding to my list - if you guys can think of anything I should ask, please post.

I am doing this as a Christmas present to myself in the hopes of making Kiara more secure of herself. She used to be such a brave dog, now she's back like she was when we first adopted her. She needs to know that if she sticks by our sides we will never let anyone harm her.

When I get more money available I will be doing one on Mufasa in hopes to find out where the heck he came from.

12-22-2006, 06:29 AM
i will have a think Kay and see if i come up with any Qs ;). I would like to do something like this with Tinny.. one day maybe.

12-22-2006, 11:30 AM
HOw do I find someone to read Runner? I want to know if she really has been abused and why she acts so afraid at certain things. She seems to be a really good dog and I have no idea why anyone would beat her.

12-22-2006, 02:30 PM
How cool is that? Great questions. You'll have to post the results once you get the readings. This is very interesting. I've watched pet psychics on Animal Planet, but never was very sure of them, but if she does good with you, then I'll definitely know they are for real. Good luck.

12-22-2006, 04:25 PM
How exciting. I talked to Nancy about Smokey a year ago.I really did
appreciate her insights. Sounds like you already have some good questions
ready.I hope she can give you some answers to think about.

12-22-2006, 05:01 PM
Does she have to do it via phone, or does she do it through e-mail too??

12-22-2006, 05:28 PM
I believe it's a phone session and e-mail session.

It's only $30 and she doesn't mind being paid after the reading.

12-22-2006, 07:13 PM
No suggestions but I'm interested in hearing what she has to say.

12-22-2006, 09:38 PM
Kay those are great questions. Can't wait to read the replies!

12-22-2006, 09:41 PM
Sounds like a good list Kay, will look forward to hearing what she has to say. I especially like the question asking why did Kiara pick you out. I love your story of how you guys adopted her. :D

12-22-2006, 09:45 PM
I'll be interested in hearing what she has to say.

12-22-2006, 09:46 PM
I'm really interested in hearing what she has to say, be sure to post the results.

p.s. did you get my pm?

12-25-2006, 05:30 PM
Nancy started reading her last night. She sent me this e-mail..

started working on your girl. poor thing. she is a spooked little thing. we will discuss more later. i only touched in with her so i would like another session with her before i call you.

I did not mention anything about Kiara being skiddish/spooked easily to Nancy. I am so curious to see what she finds out.

12-25-2006, 06:48 PM
i can't wait to see what she says.

12-25-2006, 09:40 PM
Still watching with interest Kay.
I've been thinking of having one of these readings done on my rescue girl.

12-26-2006, 09:48 AM
Can't wait to discover what Nancy finds out. *hugs*

12-26-2006, 06:47 PM
Can't wait to read about the reading results. :)

12-27-2006, 10:01 AM
Just got thru with talking to Nancy on the phone.

Here are some of the notes I took.

VERY Dependent of me.
Glued to my leg
Feels safe when with me
Very sweet, sweet, sweet dog
While she feels dependent of me, feels I am over compensating. I need to push her but protect her at the same time.
Treat her like the others instead of babying (That is SO hard not to do considering our past)
Doesn't trust herself
Brother is not genuine, not trusting, annoyed by her
doesn't know what's around the corner

In reply to her running off, she feels as if I left her. She's not blaming me but all she sees is that we were seperated and she was not safe.
there was more than one tramatic happening in her life

She says while off lead is exciting and adventerous, she feels safer on lead because we are connected.
nice male in home - likes dad a lot - very safe - red cheeked man

We're going to talk more later on and she wants me to come up with some more questions.

Ginger's Mom
12-27-2006, 11:03 AM
Very interesting, Kay. I guess I can see from a dog's point of view about the Sept. incident (I am scared but my person isn't here to protect me, why isn't she here with me?). And her response to your Dad made me smile.

Are you going to pursue any further what her experiences may have been before she came to live with you? Are you going to ask any questions about what she thinks of Mufasa? Does she feel threatened by his relationship with you in any way? Also, I wasn't sure who you were saying felt you were over-protective (does Nancy feel that way or does Kiara feel that way?). I actually think you do a good job of being protective and pushing at the same time (trips to the beach and dog parks are a perfect example). Would Kiara like to become involved in more organized activities? Agility classes and trials for example (or flyball?). I am sorry, I am really getting carried away. But I find this fascinating. I may have to contact this Nancy to do a reading for me. :)

12-27-2006, 11:59 AM
Very insightful Kay. I loved the description of your dad too. :)

I'm looking forward to my session with Chipper. :)

12-27-2006, 12:16 PM
Wow. What fascinating comments. I found the comment about how she needs to be pushed and protected very interesting. Also, the part about when she ran off. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

12-27-2006, 12:25 PM
Sounds like Nancy knows her stuff. It would be interesting to do one with Grant since we rescued him. Can Nancy tell you if Ki knows you talked to her (Nancy)? Does Ki know you talked to Nancy about her? I'd be interested to know that answer.

12-27-2006, 11:38 PM
Nancy is terrific, isn't she? I think she's so insightful. I know how you feel. It's almost impossible not to hug and comfort them when they're scared or upset. They have dog psychologists but it's expensive. But even with her problems, I think Ki is the most adorable little girl. It's impossible NOT to love her.

12-29-2006, 05:37 PM
Nancy called again tonight,

I will summerize the notes I took from her and post them in a bit. :)

12-29-2006, 05:39 PM
Wow, this is really cool. Can't wait to hear more results.

12-29-2006, 05:43 PM
Wow, some interesting things she found out from Kiara :eek: I'm a little confuzed,(this may be obvious :o) but how does she do the readings across the phone? That'd be cool if I could get Rusty one,because he was adopted and he is scared of alot of objects.

12-29-2006, 05:45 PM
Good. I can't wait to find out more.:)

12-29-2006, 05:47 PM
In reply to what she things about the new dog - (I did not mention him being a male puppy.)
Young and Immature. Learning the dog rules. Doesn't match the other two. Bothersome at times.

In reply to plane rides, Nancy had to describe to her what a plane was and what the cargo-hold looked like - Very dark, scary and loud. She did not like it at all. Bouncy. She said she went on the plane ride before the September incident.

As to where she fits into the pack - Male Shepherd mix is Alpha. She is very submissive to him and female dog. She does not feel below Mufasa nor does she feel above him. She feels as if they are equal. She doesn't care much to challenge other dogs.
She feels as if I favor her. Not that she is bragging or saying I love her more than the others, but that she is my favorite. (In a way this is true - she is everything I've always wanted in a dog, but they all have something as equally special.)

I asked what her favorite activity was. She said she enjoys beach running, as she described it. She loves the beach. She said she loves being active and physical, it's very rewarding to her. Nancy feels she's very agile.

12-30-2006, 08:19 AM
This is great Kay. Is there anyway Nancy can get Kiara to know that you aren't going to leave her and that she is safe with you?

12-30-2006, 10:26 AM
Kay, Nancy is so good. I had her do a reading just on Emma to find out why she was so scared all of the time and very submissive to Rascal and Annie.

She gave me a great reading and ever since then I have seen a huge improvement in Emma. It is almost as though she knows that I now understand her and she made a leap in self confidence.

I thought all of this stuff was bogus - but the change in Emma really made me rethink my opinion.

She also told me that Rascal, Annie and Emma are so connected that it was hard for her to separate the three. They all started talking to her at once.

You may find that too - having four pups.

finn's mom
12-30-2006, 12:46 PM
Does Emma actually meet with the dogs? I'm very interested in this, and, was curious about that. Does she sit with you and Kiara? Or just Kiara? I've read the posts you've left as you've left them, and, I'm sorry if you've answered these questions and I've missed the answers...

12-30-2006, 01:26 PM
Does Emma actually meet with the dogs? I'm very interested in this, and, was curious about that. Does she sit with you and Kiara? Or just Kiara? I've read the posts you've left as you've left them, and, I'm sorry if you've answered these questions and I've missed the answers...

Hi, I will answer this for Kay.

Her name is Nancy - Emma is my cat:D

No, she doesn't meet with you in person, you email her a picture of your pet and your questions. That is why I was so sceptical - but she is really good.

Ginger's Mom
12-30-2006, 02:00 PM
Another very interesting reading. Do you get to ask for another follow-up? Just a few of the things I found really interesting is that she refers to Nala and Simba as the other male and female (is Nancy unaware of your other dogs names or is that the way dogs think-no names?). I also thought it was interesting that Kiara believes you favor her because you invite her to do more with you than the other dogs. (I think you are just reacting to the fact that Kiara is more willing and anxious to do those things with you-more willing to please you). Do the other dogs see it that way? Even if they did, I don't think it would matter because you all relate to each other in different ways and on different levels (they don't need as much from you as Kiara does).

Yeah, I think Ginger and I may want to talk to her, too; just for fun. :)

01-08-2007, 05:56 PM
sorry to bump this up when itīs been a while now but I kept wondering did she tell anything about the lemon obsession....;)

another thing how much does she charge, I been skeptical too but she does seem to give very good answers........:)

06-24-2007, 12:07 AM
I asked Nancy a few more questions about Kiara recently. She touched in with Kiara a bit today.

My questions will be in bold, followed by Nancy's reply.

-How does she feel about Mufasa now? Has she gotten used to him?

"mufusa does not "annoy" her as much now but it seems that mufusa is getting more attention now....it is not that she is jealous but she feels a bit left out. she does not have the confidence to realize that people can love other animals and still love her just as much."

I guess Kiara made a decision for me tomorrow. I was debating on who to bring to the beach with me - both Kiara and Mufasa or just one of them. So, tomorrow will be Kiki and my day.

Sometimes she acts afraid of someone she previously mentioned as being a good person - why is that? (I was referring to my dad, but did not tell Nancy that. He called Kiara today, in a normal voice as he always talks to her, and she would not come to him.)

"the question about the "good" person....i keep getting a man who is older. not senior but probably 40-50. this is not your brother and it feels like a man. it feels to me that her confidence level has shifted. i am being shown a straight line...she moved forward on it and now has moved back a bit. think of it like two steps forward and one step back. for some reason she feels as though she has displeased this person. i do not think she has but this is her thought."

So weird because I cannot think of anything that would make Kiara feel this way. My dad has been very stressed out lately about his father and such. He is not home as often, either. Maybe that's why?

And this is just a random thing Kiara told Nancy. So weird. We call her Kiki or Ki A LOT.

"kiara is her "formal" name she says. her "real" name(i could not quite get it) but it starts with a "k". she prefers the "real" name as it is more fun. a more relaxed name. she would like to be more relaxed like that name.(does that make sense to you?)"

It makes a lot of sense though - she always gets more excited when I say "Kiki" or "Ki." I suppose I must refer to her as Kiki, formally known as Kiara? ;)

She's going to be talking to her some more, so I'll let you all know what I hear. :)

06-24-2007, 12:28 AM
Wow it's so neat reading what she says. I'd love for her to do my animals but I don't have the money.

06-24-2007, 12:31 AM
I know - I wish I had the money to do my other three. Luckily, for the $30 she charges you are allowed to ask as many questions - even months later - on the same animal.

06-24-2007, 12:35 AM
interesting update!

06-24-2007, 07:05 AM
The more I hear of her the more I want to have a talk with her about my dogs. Very interesting update Kay.

06-24-2007, 07:22 AM
The more I hear of her the more I want to have a talk with her about my dogs. Very interesting update Kay.

I keep thinking the same thing.

I had our three done here at the Mutt Show a few years ago, and the guy didn't tell us anything. He also didn't charge us, cause he couldn't tell us anything. Of course, that wasn't what he said...he said that our three were just all so happy, it was such a pleassure for him that he didn't want to charge. I didn't ask any specific questions though and said we just wanted a general idea how they were.

Nancy seems more in tune with the animals then this guy did. I think it would be interesting to see what she had to say. I just don't know which of the three I would try first!

06-24-2007, 08:08 AM
I had our three done here at the Mutt Show a few years ago, and the guy didn't tell us anything. He also didn't charge us, cause he couldn't tell us anything. Of course, that wasn't what he said...he said that our three were just all so happy, it was such a pleassure for him that he didn't want to charge. I didn't ask any specific questions though and said we just wanted a general idea how they were.

Nancy seems more in tune with the animals then this guy did. I think it would be interesting to see what she had to say. I just don't know which of the three I would try first!
Actually Amy, you just stated the reason why Nancy prefers photos over live visits. She says she can get into their heads easier to get answers from them. If she has a live dog in front of her, they are so happy and "living in the moment" that it's harder to read them. :)

Interesting update Kay!

06-24-2007, 11:00 AM
I know - I wish I had the money to do my other three. Luckily, for the $30 she charges you are allowed to ask as many questions - even months later - on the same animal.:eek: Wow that's a good deal! Dose she get back to you fast?

06-24-2007, 04:07 PM
I've had Nancy do readings on all 6 of my cats. She only did general readings and was a little more into Storm since I've been having problems with him lately. She usually charges $30 per animal but only decided to charge me $60 total. She's really helped me to understand my cats a lot better now and she's such a nice lady.:)

If when you e-mail her you also attach photos and give her your home phone number then this will help her get back to you more quickly. She even gave me her home phone number and told me that I can call or e-mail her any time.:) I'd recommend her to any one who wants to know more about their animals.:)

06-24-2007, 04:28 PM
wow that is so cool. I should try that. I have so many questions about my two.....

does anyone know if she will or can do readings about deceased pets? Just curious because I would really like to ask some questions about Teddy too :(

06-24-2007, 08:18 PM
Yes, she does readings on RB kids too. I believe K9Karen got her Cody read and Dukedogsmom got her Duke read.

She really is quite amazing. :)

06-24-2007, 10:24 PM
wow that a cool reading. I wish I could get one done on Rusty, but my parents would probably thinks its crazy. :p

06-25-2007, 12:18 AM
That is fantastic. I can't wait for more reading info she gives you .... :D

06-25-2007, 12:23 AM
Very interesting update on Kiara, Kay. I think I'm going to have her read Nebo again, and Keva too.

06-28-2007, 12:01 AM
Kay, what an interesting update.

I really do feel that Nancy was right on about all three of my cats. As a result of her reading, I understand Emma and Annie much better. Emma has come out of her shell and will even hang around people which is really a giant leap forward for her.

Annie is Annie - but now I know she is an instigator and has an attitude.
Because of this she has a tendency to cozy up to me now - which she didn't used to do. It makes me laugh.

But Annie and Emma have stopped fighting and hissing. Rascal has remained exactly the same - very grounded - very confident and a real soul kitty.

Nancy made me so much more "aware"........and I think that is what I loved best about her readings.

06-30-2007, 10:42 AM
Thats so cool. I did something like that before but it wasnt for my dogs... I would love to know what my dogs would have to say.