View Full Version : Sweet Cassie

12-22-2006, 12:12 AM
Have Mercy! I guarantee you darling girl, you'll have a LOT of PT people going nuts over you! I absolutely LOVE BC's! Not only are you a beautiful girl, Cassie, but I adore your herding instincts and bedtime watch! Just doin' your job, right? Have a happy, fun day, Cassie and I hope Santa brings you lots of well deserved treats! *Nestles my face in your neck and gives you tons off kisses and hugs*

Daisy and Delilah
12-22-2006, 06:29 AM
Yes indeed!! Border Collie lovers unite!! We sure have tons of them here, sweetie!! It seems that you are as beautiful as you are smart, pretty girl. What a great job you're doing with keeping the family's herding needs taken care of. After all, what else is a cute BC supposed to do but keep the family in check? We think that your skin sis doesn't mind it one bit and probably looks forward to her nightly escort. We know we sure would ;) Delilah is in charge of the snooze alarm here in our house too. As far as she's concerned, you might as well remove the button from the clock. There won't be any more sleeping after that clock goes off. We send big congratulations on this very special day, Cassie!! We hope your day is filled with everything you love and you get spoiled rotten!! Please have the family give you some kisses from us and we wish you all happiness always!! :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny(too warm for us at Christmas :confused: ) Florida :cool: :cool:

12-22-2006, 08:03 AM
Aren't you a pretty border collie? We have a "herding dog" too who also has an alarm clock that is set permanently @ 5:30 am [and we are retired]:eek:

:) :) We smiled when reading about your love affair with balls.......
Ditto with our pooch!
:cool: :) :rolleyes: And the "herding" of four legged and TWO....oh yes....we tell anyone coming into our humble abode to wear ankle high boots....just kidding!

congrat's on being the DOTD.....kudo's to your people for adopting you 1.5 years ago!! Have a grrrreat life!!

Please spay/neuter your pets! Give a dog from a rescue or shelter a home!!!

12-22-2006, 09:15 AM
You are a beautiful young lady!!! :) I like your job as an alarm clock. If you were around, my days of performing jelly rolls in bed to avoid getting up, would be over!!! :D Have an extra special day today as our beloved DOTD!!! :cool:

12-22-2006, 11:46 AM
Sweet Cassie! I have a Cassie at my house - I'm sorry to tell you she's a cat. You sound like just the kind of alarm clock I need! And you're beautiful, too. I really enjoyed reading your story and seeing your photo today! I hope you have a very happy day today as Dog of the Day! Please ask your people to give you a hug for me. Long life and happiness to you, cutie!

12-22-2006, 02:23 PM
Sweet Cassie...What a beautiful baby you are. You sound like a wonderful member of the family. Congratulations on DOTD. You are so pretty.
I would love to play ball with you. Cassie, have a wonderful life and a
Very Merry Christmas. I hope Santa brings you a lot of balls and doggie toys.
A Dog Lover. :p :p :p

12-22-2006, 03:10 PM
Hi, Cassie! You are so pretty! You look like such a happy and sweet girl. I hope you are enjoying your special day and are playing lots of games and getting many hugs and kisses, too! Congrats on DOTD! :D

12-22-2006, 04:18 PM
Hi Cassie,

You are no doubt a pretty girl, but also an intelligent & loving friend
to your lucky family.Many happy congrats to you today sweetie on being
our honored DOG OF THE DAY, :) Hugs & kisses going out to you.

blue girl
12-22-2006, 05:38 PM
Sweet Cassie, your name fits you so perfectly! You have such a pretty face and an endearing personality. It made me smile to imagine you 'herding' your human sibling into bed each night, and I'm sure it must be great fun playing catch with you, over and over and over and over......What a neat life you have and you are so lucky to be with such a loving family. Congratulations on being Dog of the Day!

12-22-2006, 07:28 PM
Yes indeedy, another Pet Talker going nuts over you, sweet Cassie! What a precious face and oh, what a smile you've brought to mine!:) You are one gorgeous girl sweetheart, inside and out!:) So, I hear you're an early riser, a pup on the go who loves to work...a doggie after my own heart! :D How heartmelting it must be to watch you "herding" your little skin sister into bed before snuggling up with Mom on the couch for some TV time! You and your young charge, your wonderful family, will be making many cherished memories over the years, no doubt:):):) How lucky are they are to have a furkid as loving and devoted as you! Congratulations to you sweet Cassie, our extra special and most deserving DOG OF THE DAY! Hope you and your proud people enjoyed a very happy, fun and love filled "top dog" day! Please have your Mom give you bunches of hugs and kisses for me! WE LOVE CASSIE!:)