View Full Version : Winter Solstace!

Suki Wingy
12-21-2006, 01:12 PM
Is today! Is anyone doing anything?
edit: this site is really interesting

12-22-2006, 03:46 PM
My grandmother died on winter solstice past so usualy take time to remember her. I've always liked the day though.

12-22-2006, 08:19 PM
My husband and I are not in the position to be able to celebrate Yule/Winter Solstice like we would like. So the answer would be no. :(

12-22-2006, 08:41 PM
I wrote this - please credit it to Columbine if you post it elsewhere.

When the heartbeat of the Mother hides beneath the ice and snow
When your soul despairs of sunlight, ask the beasts, they always know

One winter day the trees remember
Animals wake before the dawn
Feeling a change as old as seasons
Welcoming back the growing sun


Deep in the cave the bear rolls over
Feeling the sunlight through the stone
Shakes out her fur and stumbles out
To welcome the friendly brightness home


Mice clean their fur and crows sit silent
Honoring dawn and darkness' end
Humans who think they're lost to nature
Sing songs of hope and share with friends


Animals' eyes know light from darkness
Everyone feels the wind and tide
Welcome the Solstice with the light
That's already glowing deep inside

Email me at redcolumbine hat g mail dawt comb (I'm sure you can figure that out) if you want the tune, and I'll either dig out the sheet music or try to make a midi for you. Just please don't plagiarize it - please do credit me.

Love, Columbine